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Ivanka Trump's brother-in-law Josh Kushner spotted at Women's March on Washington

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If the half-a-million regular men and women and the dozens of celebrities marching on Washington today don't have President Donald Trump's feathers ruffled, one marcher in attendance might be the last straw.

Josh Kushner, brother of Ivanka Trump's husband Jared Kushner (who also happens to have been named as one of Donald Trump's senior advisers), was spotted among the pink hats and placards by Washingtonian's Jessica Sidman.

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Sidman said another marcher spoke to Kushner, asking if he was indeed Jared Kushner's brother. 

"He (reluctantly) admitted yes, said he was 'observing'," Sidman tweeted. 

But judging by some of his Twitter activity – including retweeting Barack Obama on gun control last year – the Kushner brother seen at the march may just have been there because he supports the cause, not because he was getting intel. 


And following the election he also released a statement that gave measured praise to the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a Obamacare) from the health insurance company he co-founded. He noted that without the ACA, his company would never have got off the ground.  

"While the ACA has significant flaws, we believe the majority of this pain is a result of the pre-existing faults of our healthcare system," the statement said, and called for ongoing reform.

In August, both Kushner brothers featured in an Esquire article; and although Josh wouldn't comment on who he was voting for, a spokeman for him told the magazine he is a lifelong Democrat and would not be voting for Trump. 

"Through a spokesman, he said that he loved his brother and did not want to say anything that might embarrass him," the article said.

Being spotted at the feminist march against his brother's father-in-law and now boss?

One can only wish to be a fly on the wall at the next Kushner-Trump family gathering.Â