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Ignore the cliche: mindfulness isn't about sitting cross-legged

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Don't be put off by market-driven mantras, because mindfulness is for everyone, writes ​Jamie Watson.

Mindfulness is proven to do remarkable things for mental health. Unfortunately it has a rather annoying image problem.

Whenever an article appears about mindfulness it is invariably accompanied by a picture of a beautiful woman peacefully meditating. Sometimes she is on a mountain. Sometimes she is beside a gently flowing stream. Sometimes there is a lovely rainbow in the background. Typically she has a slim yoga body, amazing posture and the apparent ability to sit cross-legged on a rock without her mind focusing solely on the painful "pins and needles" sensation which surely must be spreading through her buttocks.

This recurring visual cliche does a terrible disservice to mindfulness. Most men see such images and instantly group mindfulness with scented candles, wind chimes and a whole bunch of other horrible hippy, girly crap which is most definitely not for them.

Women view such images and see yet another impossible ideal to live up to. Not only is there ongoing pressure to be skinny and look good in yoga gear, they now must also find the time to escape the city and sit serenely in a forest.

There are many ways of practising mindfulness. Most do not require special clothing, a great deal of time or any degree of hip flexibility. At its core mindfulness is an acute attention skill. It can be used when you are stuck in traffic, frustrated with the office printer or trying to calmly kick a goal in order to win the World Cup.


Given its many benefits, mindfulness should be adopted by the mainstream. However, it is in danger of being seen simply as a lifestyle fad, a corporate trend or something which is just for perfect-looking people with loads of spare time and the ability to sit cross-legged.

To get into mindfulness you don't have to buy a colouring book, construct a Zen garden or find flights to Tibet. You don't have to listen to anything which involves the supposedly calming sounds of pan pipes. You also don't have to look anything like the women in those pictures.

You can be fat. You can be male. You can wear incredibly daggy clothes. You can do it in a place without lush green meadows, idyllic flowing streams or rainbows.

Of course, I could keep ranting, but if mindfulness has taught me anything, it's that it's probably far better that I just make room for this thought and let it go.

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Originally published on as 'Ignore the cliche: mindfulness isn't about sitting cross-legged'.