Federal Politics

Malcolm Turnbull says farewell to Obama as Culleton, Day face the High Court

PM's praise for Obama

Malcolm Turnbull has reflected on Barack Obama's achievements and promised to get behind Donald Trump while defending Australia's interests. Courtesy ABC News 24.

Okay, time for me to wind things up. What happened?

  • One Nation senator Rod Culleton appeared before the High Court;
  • his case will be heard by a full bench of the court in December;
  • the government's registered organisations legislation looks unlikely to be voted on tonight;
  • Immigration Minister Peter Dutton found himself in hot water over comments on migrants in question time; and
  • Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be back on home soil tomorrow.

My thanks to Alex Ellinghausen and Andrew Meares for their exemplary work today and, to you, for reading and commenting.

You can follow me on Facebook.

Alex, Andrew and I will be back in the morning. See you then.

He says it has been a "challenging" experience being part of One Nation.

It is also difficult finding a lawyer who is supportive of the party who could represent him.

Senator Culleton says he will vote with One Nation when it comes to the government's two pieces of industrial relations legislation.  

He will not say whether the party will vote as a group or which way it is leaning but "we'll be ready to go".

"I'm not sure how it all works," Senator Culleton says of his High Court experience.

"I'm going to feel my way. Today I felt comfortable."

Senator Culleton says it is all lot of fuss over "a little key".

"The key got lost. It wasn't intentional," he says.

"I don't go out of my way to be a criminal."

Senator Culleton is being interviewed by David Speers on Sky News (I just got a bikkie).

He is asked if he was convicted.

Senator Culleton says he wasn't there so there was an issue of procedural fairness (fyi Senator Culleton was found guilty).

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You can catch up on Mr Dutton's question time comments in this video.

Peter Dutton names Lebanese Muslims

The Immigration Minister reveals he was referring to Lebanese Muslims when he said last week that Malcolm Fraser had made immigration mistakes.

On more serious matters.

Refugees and asylum seekers held on Manus Island are battling some of the highest rates of depressive and anxiety disorders recorded and this is overwhelmingly the result of their detention experience, a study has found.

The disclosure is included in a submission by the United Nations refugee agency that also reveals refugees and asylum seekers continued to be held in prison-like conditions, well after Papua New Guinea's highest court ruled that the detention was unconstitutional.

The Age's political editor, Michael Gordon, has more.

Or, as one senator summed up the mood to my colleague a little earlier today:

Back in the Senate for a moment.

11 people have spoken on the registered organisations legislation so far. There are at least another five to go so it's unlikely to be voted on tonight.

There is quite a bit of business to get through and it includes Senator Leyonhjelm's disallowance motion on the Adler shotgun import ban.

The opposition points out that it is up to the government to ensure the motion is voted on today. If it does not, then the ban will automatically be disallowed.

Labor MP Anne Aly is rapidly becoming my most reliable source of question time reaction shots.

Labor MP Anne Aly.
Labor MP Anne Aly. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen
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You can catch up on Mr Dutton's comments in this story by Tom McIlroy.

You can bet Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be getting the same questions from Labor in question time tomorrow.

And, "after a delightfully entertaining day", Mr Joyce calls an end to question time.

Mr Shorten tries again.

Mr Dutton says he "won't shy away from the facts" and says 22 of the 33 people who have been charged with terrorism related offences are second or third generation Lebanese Muslims.

"I am not interested in his [Mr Shorten's] politically correct nonsense," Mr Dutton finishes with a flourish.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time on Monday.
Immigration Minister Peter Dutton and Opposition Leader Bill Shorten during question time on Monday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Mr Shorten asks Immigration Minister Peter Dutton which communities he was referring to when he said last week Malcolm Fraser made "mistakes over migrants".

Mr Dutton is unhappy.

He says Mr Shorten is bullying him but that he will stand up for himself: "I won't be bullied by this great fraud of Australian politics.....Where I see extremism I will call it out."

Labor MP Anne Aly furiously gesticulates towards George Christensen.

Labor MP Anne Aly reacts to an answer by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton during question time on Monday.
Labor MP Anne Aly reacts to an answer by Immigration Minister Peter Dutton during question time on Monday. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop is having a fine time with Labor's thoughts in the area. 

She accuses the opposition of pandering to anti American sentiment so it can take voters away from the Greens.

Ms Bishop then moves on to Opposition Leader Bill Shorten who, she says, is "a threat to Australia's national security".

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Sometimes one's hopes for question time are not borne out.

Acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during question time on Monday.
Acting Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce during question time on Monday. Photo: Andrew Meares

Now Labor turns to comments made by Mr Joyce's NSW colleague Adrian Piccolo who, as education minister, has a different take on education funding to his federal counterparts.

Who doesn't it love it when politicians tweet?

It is also playing that old game of name-your-surplus-date.

The government is adopting the traditional defence of being unable to say anything until the release of the mid year economic outlook (or MYEFO as it's known around the traps).

Labor is spending a Joyce-led question time trying to show how little across the detail of various government policies the Acting Prime Minister is.

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