
Alec Baldwin returns to SNL to mock Donald Trump’s ‘pee pee’ moment

At this point, satirising incoming US president Donald Trump's ludicrous debut press conference seems redundant. How do you stoke more laughs from a real-life circus that included allusions to 'golden showers' and had America's leader yelling "You are fake news!" at White House reporters?

Saturday Night Live's answer? Bring back Alec Baldwin, and let the literal piss-take begin.

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SNL goes below the belt

The latest Donald Trump parody skit on Saturday Night Live definitely has a particular theme running through it.

Just days ahead of his inauguration, the show poked fun at Trump's "pee pee moment" – the meme-launching dossier that alleged Moscow had compromising details of the US president-elect paying Russian sex workers to urinate on a hotel bed once frequented by the Obamas.   

"I am not talking about the pee pee, because it didn't happen. Also, it wasn't as cool as it sounds," Baldwin as Trump told reporters.

From there, the floodgates opened.

"I am going to bring back a thick stream of jobs to this country. The biggest, strongest, steadiest stream you've ever seen. This country will be literally showered with jobs. Because I am a major wiz at jobs," he added.


"This is a golden opportunity for me as president to make a big splash. Now who's with me? I know you're in. How about you? You're in? You're in? Urine? Urine?"

The skit ended with SNL cast member Beck Bennett as a topless Vladimir Putin posing at the press conference as "American journalist Wolf Blitzer", questioning Trump's admission that Moscow interfered with November's election.

"Are you sure Russia was behind hacking?" he asks, clutching a blackmail-y video labelled "pee pee tape".

"It was China. Uh, I mean Canada. It was Meryl Streep! Ok, this press conference is over," Trump quickly replies.

Donald Trump Press Conference Cold Open

Donald Trump answers questions at his first press conference as president-elect.

Posted by Saturday Night Live on Sunday, January 15, 2017

Predictably, Trump - who's previously noted his disgust of SNL and Mr Baldwin's "not funny" impression - once again took to Twitter to share his feelings.

"NBC News is bad but Saturday Night Live is the worst of NBC. Not funny, cast is terrible, always a complete hit job. Really bad television!" he wrote.

Trump's incoming press secretary Sean Spicer also appeared on Fox News earlier today calling the bit "inappropriate" and "a left-wing hit piece".

The skit, SNL's first of 2017, also mocked Trump's inability to attract any big Hollywood names to this weeks' inauguration.

"Hold onto your tits and bits, because we have... 3 Doors Down," Baldwin's Trump said to loud laughs – a brutal reaction for the Y2K-era post-grunge rockers because it's not even a joke; on Saturday, the band announced they'd be playing Trump's 'Welcome Celebration' this week.  

"We also have some big A-list actors like Angelina Jolie, Ryan Gosling and Jennifer Lawrence," Baldwin continued. "They will all appear at my inauguration courtesy of Madame Tussaud's."