
1922: Guayaquil General Strike

Workers in the southern Ecuadorian city of Guayaquil struck due to increased economic pressures. The strike brought the city to a halt and gained several concessions but the violence from the police and military would set a precedent for other labour struggles.

Beyond the IWA: An Interview with the CNT’s International Secretary

Discretely, almost silently, something is happening which will have serious consequences for the future of the international Anarchist movement: the reorganization of anarcho-syndicalism on a global scope, at the initiative of the CNT. Following the agreements of its XI Congress in 2015, the CNT – together with the German FAU and the Italian USI – has organized an international conference of anarcho-syndicalist and revolutionary unions (November 26-27, Bilbao). To understand the goals of this conference, we have interviewed people from the working group of the CNT’s International Secretary, in a conversation which aims to go to the root of the question, without dogmatism or mythology.

Left-Market Rambling: A reply to Kevin Carson

A reply to Kevin Carson from RAC

The CNT and the IWA, part 2: The crisis in the IWA as seen from the CNT

The CNT and the IWA, part 1: The CNT since Franco

The decision that the CNT took at its eleventh congress (December 2015) to re-found the IWA is the latest act in the process of updating anarcho-syndicalism which began with the resurrection of the CNT in 1977, and which still isn’t finished.

Bloomsbury companion to anarchism

A comprehensive reference work to support research in anarchism. The book considers the different approaches to anarchism and explains the development of anarchist studies from the early 20th century to the present. It is unique in that it highlights the relationship between theory and practice, pays special attention to methodology, presents non-English works, key terms and concepts, and discusses new directions for the field. Focusing on the contemporary movement, the work outlines significant shifts in the study of anarchist ideas and explores recent debates.

New Perspectives on Anarchism, Labour and Syndicalism: The Individual, the National and the Transnational - ed. David Berry and Constance Bantman

This collection presents new research on the history of anarchist movements and their relation to organised labour, notably revolutionary syndicalism. Bringing together specialists in their field, it ranges across Europe and from the late nineteenth century to the beginnings of the Cold War. National histories are revisited through transnational perspectives—on Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Poland or Europe as a whole—evidencing a great wealth of cross-border interactions and reciprocal influences between regions and countries.

"Black Flag of Anarchism" (Summer 1974)

Occasional newsletter by two New Jersey anarchists

آنارکوسندیکالیسم نوشتۀ رودولف راکر با پیشگفتار نوآم چامسکی ترجمۀ محمودرضا عبداللهی

Anarchosynicalism Farsi

چاپ آنارکوسندیکالیسم اثر رودولف راکر، پس از سالیان دراز، برای آنان که دل مشغول مسائلی چون آزادی و عدالت اند، روی دادی بسیار مهم محسوب می شود

The Federation: A Libertarian Socialist Discussion Bulletin - # 1 (1975)

In 1974 a small group of anarcho-syndicalists, libertarian socialists and anarchist-communists from the US eastern seaboard develop relations, communication and collaboration, forming
"The Federation" in 1975.

On the following pages you will find the one and only bulletin, plus some reports, literature list and a leaflet in support of the then reemerging Spanish CNT.