The best and worst thing about cycling the Great Victoria Rail Trail: Reader Meg Wilson

NAME Meg Wilson, Mona Vale, NSW

THE TRIP Four days cycling the Great Victorian Rail Trail from Tallarook to Mansfield.

THE ITINERARY Leaving Sydney with our bikes we drive south to the Victorian high country, where we have engaged Mark, a local, who will collect our luggage and deliver it to our accommodation each day. 

Day one, Mark drops us at Tallarook. It's a chilly 8 degrees with early morning fog lifting to a beautiful September day with blue skies and no wind.  Perfect cycling weather.  We set off for Yea, 40 kilometres away.  Being in our 60s, we set a leisurely pace  alongside the Goulburn River, finishing with a downhill coast to be welcomed at the Peppercorn Hotel. 

Leaving Yea the next morning, we pedal slowly up to the 210 metre long Cheviot Tunnel, then take the turnoff to Alexandra.  Above the town is the Eglinton Cutting where we admire the sweeping views to the Cathedral Range.

The overnight rain cleared leaving a fresh morning and an early start for the 55-kilometre ride to Bonnie Doon.  At Yarck, we take a break for an early lunch knowing we have a 20-kilometre climb to the Merton Gap.  At the top we are rewarded with a vista of green rolling hills, dotted with sheep as far as the eye can see. We coast into Bonnie Doon, crossing Lake Eildon while congratulating ourselves.

The final day is a gentle 20-kilometre run into Mansfield.

BEST BITS Riding through avenues of flowering wattle in beautiful Victoria.

WORST BITS Nesting, aggressive magpies who swoop the unwary from behind.

BEST TIPS See the website
