Trump's America-first energy policy looms as LNG threat

Increased US LNG exports could pose a risk for Australian producers.
Increased US LNG exports could pose a risk for Australian producers. Robert Shakespeare

The prospect of the most petroleum-friendly US policy settings for decades has revived worries about a potential flood of natural gas exports posing a competitive threat to Australian producers in Asia, the biggest market.

In the "America First Energy Plan" posted on the White House website shortly after Donald Trump's inauguration as US President, the new administration pledges to "embrace the shale oil and gas revolution" and take advantage of "the estimated $US50 trillion in untapped, shale, oil and natural gas reserves".

Together with the administration's commitment to "less expensive energy", the scene is set for a greater increase in US liquefied natural gas exports than had been anticipated, some experts say.

US LNG exports from the Lower 48 states got under way in February last year, with the first exports from Cheniere Energy's Sabine Pass terminal in Louisiana.

Close to $200 billion has been invested on a range of gas export projects in Queensland and northern Australia.
Close to $200 billion has been invested on a range of gas export projects in Queensland and northern Australia. Bloomberg

Consultancy Wood Mackenzie is already forecasting US LNG exports will almost treble this year to about 11 million tonnes, up from four million in tonnes in 2016, just as new LNG supply from Australia and Malaysia is hitting the market.

While US shipments are set to continue to increase this decade as the five export terminals being built begin operation, concerns about a wave of US gas hitting Asian markets had receded with the weakening in crude oil prices, which lowered Asian contract prices and made US exports less competitive.

Price pressure

But depending on the actual energy policies introduced under Mr Trump, prices of gas within the US could decline, with implications for LNG spot prices and for Australian exporters, said Saul Kavonic at Wood Mackenzie's Perth office.

"If Trump implements policies reducing taxes and regulation, reducing US gas prices, then US LNG cash costs will come down having a flow-on downward effect on Asian spot LNG prices," Mr Kavonic said.

Roller Coaster: US LNG exports to Asia could press export prices down again, hurting Ausralian exporters. Platts Japan ...
Roller Coaster: US LNG exports to Asia could press export prices down again, hurting Ausralian exporters. Platts Japan Korea Marker (JKM™) is the LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) benchmark price assessment for spot physical cargoes delivered ex-ship into Japan and South Korea Platts

"This would reduce profitability of Australia's LNG spot and short-term exports and place increasing pressure for downward price reviews on oil-linked contracts."

Mr Kavonic said the competition between Australia and the US for LNG exports is "real", for short-term "spot" sales as well as longer-term, and was being strained by increasingly "anti-gas" policies being implemented by state governments which contrast starkly with the Trump administration's pro-drilling platform.


But others cast doubt on the ability of the US to ship more gas as the economics don't work.

Japan is one of Australia's biggest LNG customers and a lilely target for increased US exports.
Japan is one of Australia's biggest LNG customers and a lilely target for increased US exports. TOMOHIRO OHSUMI

"There is no scenario of more US gas coming out as the global oversupply and massive losses from the US cannot be avoided," said Fereidun Fesharaki, chairman of consultancy FGE.

"All Trump can do is a minor tax break, but when you lose money, a tax break does not help you," Dr Fesharaki said.

About $200 billion of investment in new LNG plants in Australia has set the country on a path to double its share of the world's LNG market from 12 per cent in 2015 to 24 per cent in 2018, according to federal government estimates.

Aussie export boom

Export earnings from LNG are forecast to more than double in two years, to $37 billion in 2017-18, the industry department said earlier this month, while describing the effect of a Trump presidency on Australia's resources and energy export earnings as "highly uncertain".

President Trump's nominee for energy secretary, former Texas governor Rick Perry, has said he supports increasing the capacity for US LNG exports as long as other federal agencies do not constrain domestic supply, noted specialist energy information provider, S&P; Global Platts.

The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis, an Australian-based anti-fossil fuel analysis firm, has foreshadowed "dire implications" for Australia's high-cost LNG producers from the likelihood of increased US gas exports under Mr Trump.