The Advertiser

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News Life Media

The Advertiser

The Advertiser has a rich history of serving the people of South Australia and has a strong presence in South Australia’s media landscape. The Advertiser sets the daily news agenda that other media follow and has a loyal readership base that spans multiple generations of South Australians. It prides itself on being involved with and representing the interests of all South Australians, while being proactive in advancing the causes of readers. The Advertiser has an unsurpassed reputation for accuracy, integrity and excellence in journalism and reporting.

The Advertiser is recognised as the media brand that best represents the values of South Australians and lives this each day. Whether it is campaigning for critical environmental issues like the plight of the River Murray, highlighting local heroes or fighting for the local business community The Advertiser is there and acts as a catalyst for positive change.


The Advertiser Media Kit

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Sandra Ogden
SA Sales Manager - Metros
08 8206 2462

Brands marketo form

Key facts

Key facts: 

Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total June 2016. Print or digital L4W.


Total Audience



The Advertiser

Beyond the core news values of the product, The Advertiser has a rich history of producing quality sport, lifestyle and arts content across each of it’s Monday to Saturday editions. Whether you consider yourself a Supercoach, a domestic financial analyst or a kitchen wiz the diverse range of content covered through sections like SuperFooty, Your Money and taste offers something for everyone.

Above all, The Advertiser is one of a few iconic South Australian brands that fosters pride among residents for the events, places, and culture that we share.

Key Facts


Readership (M-F AVG)


Readership (SAT)


Circulation (M-F AVG)


Circulation (SAT)


Cover Price M-F


Cover Price Sat

Source: Readership - emmaTM conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, 12 months ending June 2016. Circulation - ABC Apr-Jun 2016.

Online optimized for all devices

Digital is South Australia’s favourite news site. 

The state’s most comprehensive and dynamic news site carries the same attributes and values established by its printed namesake, strengthened by local content from Messenger and the Sunday Mail. is on all the time, reaching South Australians whenever and wherever they are.

Optimised for desktop, mobile, or tablet devices, and continuously updated, the heaviest traffic is recorded during office hours, giving advertisers fantastic timing and targeting opportunities.

The digital offering is completed with the power of News+, giving subscribers access to premium content and expert analysis from throughout News Limited’s rich and diverse network, including lifestyle, entertainment, and exclusive access to Fox Sports.

It was awarded Best News Site (National/ Metropolitan) 2015 for the third year in a row by The Pacific Area Newspaper Publishers' Association. The judges comments were "The Advertiser continues to lead the way with its commitment to digital journalism and digital experiences for its readers. It has smart ideas and is leading most, if not all, its peers in Australia and New Zealand."

Key Facts


Page views


Unique Audience




Sessions per person


Time per person

Source: Nielsen Digital Ratings Monthly (Surfing) Total. March 2016