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$101 plunge trainer "didn't have a cent on"

Tim Cook (white shirt) with Heavenly Dream and connections Image: RJC Facebook

The trainer behind a successful $101 into $3.80 plunge has revealed he didn’t “have a cent on” but it wasn’t because he didn’t want to.

Rockhampton trainer Tim Cook loves a bet as much as anybody but told he “got the sh**ts” when he missed the monstrous opening odds for resuming mare Heavenly Dream in an 1100m maiden on Thursday.

Bet365 opened the four-year-old - who hadn’t been seen on raceday since an 8.1L sixth on debut last June - at $101 while Luxbet put up $61 and Sportsbet and Ladbrokes $41.

“I got the sh**ts to be honest. When I missed the $41 I spat the dummy and didn’t have a bet,” Cook said.

"I got the sh**ts to be honest. When I missed the $41 I spat the dummy and didn't have a bet."
tim cook, January 20

“I’m telling you the honest truth when I say I didn’t have a cent on. I reckon I told two of my mates and I think they got on and maybe a couple of others got a bit out of her."

"I guess the only way to make a buck in this game is to keep your mouth shut."

Interestingly, Cook said the bagmen could've avoided the sting altogether if they'd done a little more homework. 

Heavenly Dream, with the raceday gear change of blinkers applied, comfortably won a jump-out by three lengths last month and the results and vision were readily available on the Rockhampton Jockey Club website.

"When she won someone said to me 'you've pulled a sneaky one there'. But it wasn't real sneaky if the jump-out was up on the website," Cook said.

"One of the bookmakers up here, Rob Crow, he watches all the jump-outs and I think he opened her about $5."

Heavenly Dream comfortably won a jump-out on December 13. Video: Rockhampton Jockey Club. 

While Cook didn't get a punting return out of a horse he's "had wraps on since day dot", he said the victory was an emotional and meaningful one.

Cook was the partner of Carly-Mae Pye, a Rockhampton jockey who tragically died following a trackwork fall in 2014.

The pair, along with one of Cook's mates, bought Heavenly Dream together and Pye was responsible for the daughter of Husson during the breaking-in process.

"When we got her Carly said to me 'she's mine.' I said 'you can't claim them all.' But she I said 'I don't want them all, I want her.'"

"She was a pest of a horse to break in. I've had wraps on her since day dot but she's had four preps and it's been a lot of work to get to his stage.

"This means a lot, one hundred per cent. Getting the win was the main thing."

Plunge lands! Image: Racing Qld.

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Yeaaa wooooo
Isaac Ling
The magic of Might And Power's Cup captured our Queensland pundit and he has been hooked ever since. Likes Black Caviar, Alan Thomas and Beaudesert plunges 💰
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