South Road delays: 'Game on' as pair turns arterial route into tennis court

Updated January 21, 2017 13:27:54

Adelaide's main arterial route, South Road, is set to remain closed for at least another day but in the meantime, one plucky pair have taken advantage of the situation by turning the strip into their own private tennis court.

A 1.6-kilometre section of the road, which is used by up to 45,000 people a day, has been closed since Wednesday morning after a pedestrian path on the tram overpass was found to have shifted off its bearings and debris fell onto the pavement below.

Its closure caused major traffic disruptions and lengthy delays for commuters and freight across Adelaide's south.

Crews worked through the night to try and secure a temporary concrete upright, or pier, to the tram overpass with the hope of re-opening South Road today.

The road's closure created thousands of frustrated drivers, but others were able to see the humour in the situation.

Two men filmed themselves playing tennis on the usually busy strip and pranksters also posted an advertisement on eBay to sell the damaged bridge.

In the video, the two men said the road closure provided "a lot of room for activities" and, in light of the Australian Open underway in Melbourne, it was "game on".

On Friday, South Australian Transport Minister Stephen Mullighan said workers were aiming to complete the temporary fix over the weekend but now said he was unable to give a "firm time as to when this work will be completed".

He said steel plates and pins brought in to attach it needed to be refabricated.

"When we've gone to install the steel fixings to pin this bridge pier to the rest of the bridge structure, it's been found that there needs to be some slight re-design to those steel fixings," Mr Mullighan said.

"That work in fabricating those steel plates has just taken a little bit longer than expected.

"We're working round the clock. We've worked throughout the night and we're continuing to work as quickly as possible to get this bridge in a safe condition," he said.

Topics: states-and-territories, government-and-politics, road-transport, community-and-society, adelaide-5000, sa, glandore-5037

First posted January 21, 2017 11:03:21