What Others See About You
Take control over who sees what you share on Facebook.
How do I choose who can see photos and other things I post on Facebook?
Deleting Posts
How do I delete something I post on Facebook?
How can I see what my profile looks like to someone else?
Friend List
Can other people see my list of friends when they visit my profile?
What do people who aren’t my friends see when they search for me?
Likes and Comments
Who can see my likes and comments on other peoples’ posts?
Who can see a photo I post on Facebook when someone else is tagged in it?
Account Deactivation and Deletion
How do I deactivate or delete my Facebook account?
Get to Know Facebook
Learn about Facebook apps and services.
How Others Interact With You
Manage how others affect you and your content.
What You See
Customize what you see from friends and advertisers.
How to Keep Your Account Secure
Learn about features to help protect your account and things you should avoid.
Facebook and Advertising
Learn how Facebook advertising works.