
Five uncomfortable forecasts about our energy future

We'll be driving more, using more electric cars, and using more renewable energy - as well as nuclear energy - over the next 25 years. But our addiction to coal will remain, even as our reliance on gas rises thanks in part to fracking.

In fact, by 2040, our reliance on oil, gas and coal in supplying most of our energy needs will show little fundamental change, despite the pressure to limit global carbon dioxide emissions.

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Greenhouse gases: not just a bunch of hot air

From tracing the exact source of CO2 in our atmosphere to measuring the earth's "carbon budget", the scientists studying climate change know a lot more about the greenhouse effect than you might think.

That at least is the forecast of global energy giant ExxonMobil in its Outlook for Energy out to 2040 as it eyes both demand and technological change as global living standards continue to rise, with demand in Asia - led by China and India - to lift energy consumption further.

In the process, it reckons carbon dioxide emissions from energy sources will begin to decline during the 2030s, even as the size of the global economy doubles by 2040.

This timeframe will see the emergence of gas as the largest single energy source, supplying around a quarter of energy demand by 2040, primarily in the electricity sector but also in some areas as a transportation fuel. In fact, but for rising energy efficiency, energy demand would have doubled but actual demand will rise only by a quarter, according to the study.graph

King coal's role to show little change

Coal will still form a core part of the energy equation, generating around 143 quadrillion British thermal units in 2040, down only slightly from 150 quadrillion BTUs in 2025 which will make up 20 per cent of energy usage at that time, down from 24 per cent in 2025.


The survey bets on carbon capture storage technology helping to sustain demand for coal.graph

In electricity generation, the big shift will be the rising reliance on nuclear energy which it sees rising to supply 18 per cent of global electricity supply by 2040, up from 13 per cent at present. Renewable energy sources such as wind and solar energy will provide an estimated 17 per cent by 2040 up from 13 per cent at present.

"Electricity supplies from coal plateau from around 2035 as natural gas, nuclear, wind and solar continue to grow," the forecast noted. "Wind and solar electricity supplies grow about 360 per cent, approaching 15 per cent of global electricity by 2040."

Global carbon dioxide emissions yet to peak

After rising 40 per cent in the 15 years to 2015 - despite declining in OECD countries - by 2040, emissions of carbon dioxide will be in decline but will still stand 10 per cent above the 2015 level, even as OECD emissions decline by 20 per cent, the forecast found.

Importantly even as China's emissions peak, emissions outside of North America, China and Europe will account for half of global emissions by 2040.

"China's GDP rose about 1000 per cent from 1990 to 2015 but energy efficiency gains kept a rise in CO2 emissions to about 300 per cent; efficiency gains and lower CO2 intensity will help emissions peak about 2030," the study noted.graph

Continued role for fracking

Oil will continue to dominate the supply of liquid fuels but with an increased portion sourced from sources such as shale oil, which will involve fracking and is opposed by some green groups. Even though the outlook predicts there is 150 years of oil supply left, there is the need for continued heavy investment to offset the natural decline in output from existing fields. In fact, it reckons less than one quarter of global oil resources have been produced.

The largest energy revolution will likely occur in gas, with the emergence of Russia and the Caspian Sea producers as the largest exporters, exceeding exports from the Middle East as well as from the Asia-Pacific region. Unconventional gas such as that produced from shale, will make up an estimated one third of total gas output by 2040.

Notably, the shale revolution will see North America emerge as the largest gas exporter, pressuring expensive gas exporters from other regions, which will be an ongoing feature of the gas market, the forecast found.

Electric vehicles make limited ground

One of the big shifts will be the rise in fuel efficiency in the auto sector which will more than offset the increased use of cars. Average fuel efficiency will reach 50 miles per gallon (about 5.6 litres/100 kilometres) by 2040 from 30 miles per gallon (about 9.5 litres per 100km) at present, for example.

The study estimates global transportation-related energy demand will rise around a quarter by 2040 with total distance travelled rising abut 60 per cent.

"Personal mobility demands continue to increase, but more efficient vehicles lead to a peak and eventual decline in light-duty vehicle energy demand," the study noted, with use of small cars likely to gain market share from 2020.

"Falling battery costs will enable small, shorter-range electric cars to exceed more than 10 per cent of new car sales in the US by 2040 as high cost differentials begin to narrow versus conventional cars."

Electricity use to surge as air conditioner use rises in Asia

Over the next 25 years, residential and commercial energy demand will rise by a quarter, primarily driven by non-OECD nations where the rise will be closer to 40 per cent, driven by Africa and China the study found, with each region to account for an estimated 30 per cent of the demand increase.

Rising living standards and urbanisation will result in a 70 per cent increase in electricity demand by 2040, with air conditioner use to surge in countries such as India, Indonesia and the Philippines.

"Five of the 15 warmest, most densely populated cities are in India," the study noted, with residential use of electricity to rise by 250 per cent in Africa and India but both will still lag consumption in China and Europe, for example.