

High time exploitation and underpayment of workers stamped out

The exploitation of young and foreign workers in Australia has become endemic. In  investigative reports over the past 18 months, Fairfax Media has exposed the underpayment and exploitation of workers at some of the country's largest and best-known retail and hospitality companies:  Coles, Woolworths, McDonald's, 7-Eleven and Caltex.

This week, popular chain Bakers Delight joined the list after it was revealed the company was using an outdated EBA to justify paying its staff as little as $8 an hour. The behaviour was partly justified by claiming the "flexibility" the company afforded its workers went some way to excusing the low wages. The company said it believed the EBA was fair.

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Parent challenges Bakers Delight pay

Brad Marsh is taking Bakers Delight to the Fair Work Commission after discovering his daughter's pay rate.

Last week Paul Sadler's Swimland franchise network was also implicated in paying young workers less than they are entitled to under Australian law.

Swimland blames underpayment on "poor manual processes and human error" and claims to have paid most of the young workers back. But it has implemented some bizarre work practices, such as asking certain employees to sign a new contract every 10 weeks.

In rural Victoria, Fairfax has also exposed how the underpayment and exploitation of foreign workers underpins much of the fruit-picking industry. These are men and women who are particularly vulnerable given many work illegally and have little protection.

Some fruit pickers are effectively paid as little as $2.50 an hour, and have been forced to endure poor quality accommodation and working days of up to 14 hours.


A National Union of Workers official said in a sworn statuary declaration that one company, Lamattina, had been "systematically underpaying its entire workforce".

Supermarkets including Coles, Woolworths and Costco are selling fruit grown and picked by this exploited workforce. It is hard to be sure how much they know about the practices of their suppliers, but they are hardly a secret.  

Along with these companies, several other industries including entertainment, restaurants and cafes, cleaning and third-party fundraising are also under investigation for underpaying workers.

So there's no doubt Australia has a problem. There are reasons for this  – aside from the obvious one of companies trying to maximise profit. Some former 7-Eleven franchisees, for example, believe that without underpaying workers, running a profitable business  would be all but impossible.

If fruit pickers were paid the full wages they were entitled to under the law, would the fruit in supermarkets cost dramatically more — and would we be prepared to pay? Another explanation is the apparent lack of fines and other penalties for underpaying workers and the lack of power the regulator has to enforce the law.

This allows some companies to entertain the temptation to "game" the system.

Without the pressure exerted by the media, primarily in these cases Fairfax Media, there would be even less likelihood of many of these practices being exposed.

7-Eleven alone has so far repaid workers $59 million as a result of Fairfax's relentless exposure of its bad practices.

There is hope that this unsavoury and unsatisfactory system can be cleaned up. The issue is not a particularly complicated one. State and federal governments are aware of the problems. The Fair Work Ombudsman is running a national investigation.

A $20 million funding boost to Fair Work has been promised, as have new and improved powers for the regulator.

Potential fines have been increased and new laws are being considered to protect migrant workers. And the Fair Work Commission is expected to hand down its long-anticipated ruling on whether the weekend penalty rates system will be reformed.

It's high time the system was cleaned up, making it fair for workers and the companies that employ them.