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The war on drugs has claimed the lives of two Australian men. It needs to stop today.
Tim Richardson's profile photoMac Davis's profile photoDonna Morgan's profile photoPaul Thompson's profile photo
Indonesia a 3rd world shit hole full of stinken raghead Muslims we should stop all aid
How many more lives will be claimed before the war on drug stops? Drug smugglers are getting more and more clever with how they are packaging drugs to different parts of the world.
Yes, I agree that it's terrible that these young men, who appear to have reformed, were cold-bloodedly killed by Indonesia. Don't let us forget, though, that the kilos of heroin they were trying to import and sell might well have cost or ruined many more lives, had they succeeded. The war on drugs has many victims.
lets boycott everything indonesia and no aid stuff em they can look after themselves now its a shit hole anyway
Although unfortunately the day it needed to stop was yesterday not today.
Yes, these two fantastic souls deserved to be spared. I wish their families and loved ones luck during this terrible hard and difficult time. Rest in Peace, M.S and A.C
I think what they did was wrong but after ten years they have changed and for the better this was a senseless killing only to gain power in a politically corrupt country 
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