ACT News

The Merrymaker Sisters release new cookbook, Get Merry

Canberra's Merrymaker Sisters Carla and Emma Papas have released a new cookbook, Get Merry.

The bright, colourful cookbook has 95 recipes across breakfasts, smoothies, dinners and sweets, and oozes with positivity and cheeky captions.

"Get Merry will help you live a healthier, happier life. We're not fans of spending hours and hours cooking in the kitchen. We know how time poor everyone is and we don't like it when there's a bazillion ingredients in recipes," said Carla.

"The book makes living a healthy lifestyle realistic for everyone but more importantly makes it bloody fun and yum."

The recipes are all simple and healthy, and include lots of classic dishes with healthy twists - think fish and chips, pad thai, pizza, burgers and even chicken parmies.

There's even a pizza omelette recipe by Merrymaker Dad, aka Peter Papas, which he makes for Merrymaker Mum, Wendy Papas, after her yoga class every Tuesday night.

The sisters who grew up in Fadden moved to the Gold Coast last year.

"The beach and lifestyle has us under a spell. But of course we miss Canberra. Canberra will always be home. We miss the lovely people the most," said Emma.