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  1. In 1927 Lindbergh flew from NY to Paris. 45 yrs later, in 1972 we last walked on the Moon. 45 yrs later, in 2017 we… we… we…

  2. To quote another fallen Moon-walker: “Look at that, you son of a bitch."

  3. The last person on the Moon: Apollo 17 Commander Eugene Cernan. Godspeed 1934-2017.

  4. Some good in the worst of us & some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we’re less prone to hate our enemies. -MLK

  5. On August 21, 2017, a Total Solar Eclipse will blanket ’Muurrica & no other Land on Earth. Details:

  6. This year, Darkness descends across the USA…Total Solar Eclipse: Aug 21, 2017. Moon’s shadow crosses from Oregon to SCarolina

  7. Turns out, there was never a Man in the Moon, only a Woman. And her name is Wilma Flintstone.

  8. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. Of the three, I would use the Gold and buy a dictionary to figure out what the other two are.

  9. January 4, 2017; Merry Perihelion to planet Earth. In our oval orbit, we are 3% closer to the Sun today than in July.

  10. Hmm. We did add a leap second at midnight GMT, to compensate for Earth’s slowing rotation. But, of course, that was yesterday

  11. To all on the Gregorian Calendar, Happy New Year! A day that's not astronomically significant...in any way…at all…whatsoever.

  12. Thanks, Twitterverse for all condolences. At age 89, there’s greater urge to celebrate than to mourn.

  13. Athlete, Educator, Civil Rights Activist, Public Servant, Dad. RIP Cyril DeGrasse Tyson b. Oct 19, 1927 — d. Dec 29, 2016.

  14. In Cosmos - Ep13 “Unafraid of the Dark” we explore her pioneering work on Dark Matter in galaxies. RIP Vera Rubin (1928-2016)

  15. Whenever an Artist dies, the world loses a bit of what makes us uniquely human. RIP George Michael (1963-2016)

  16. JUST POSTED: ’s Extended Classic "Cosmic Queries Holiday Edition” on &

  17. If interested, I'm asked 20 random questions having mostly nothing to do w/ astrophysics [video-3min]

  18. December Solstice: Shortest day above the equator. Longest day below. But on the equator, day equals night all year round.

  19. December 21, 2016: Happy Solstice to all residents of planet Earth. A cosmic celebration transcending all that divides us.

  20. JUST POSTED: ’s “The Lunar Legacy" with ” and . On &

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