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  1. With technological change, "we don't so much get our predictions wrong as make predictions about the wrong things"

  2. "There is only country that benefits from all of these moves: Vladimir Putin’s Russia."

  3. We've already seen Trump promise health insurance for everybody and then release a plan that does the opposite:

  4. Going to confess that I'm fanboy-level thrilled to see Shigeru Miyamoto in a Vox video:

  5. There's a lot on John Lewis's history — and white America's reactions to it — to reflect on, today of all days:

  6. The Poor People's Campaign: the little-known protest MLK was planning when he died

  7. In this podcast, gives the clearest explanation of global warming science I've ever heard:

  8. People saying this stuff doesn't hurt Trump are wrong. This is why his approval rating is 37%:

  9. I'm looking for a sharp producer to work on a web video series with me. Listing here:

  10. Wondering why legislators walked out of today's private briefing with FBI's Comey pissed off? Here's why:

  11. Y Combinator's Sam Altman argues that without Obamacare, "being a founder would make sense for less people"

  12. "Attention is a muscle. It must be exercised. Though, attention is duplicitous — it doesn’t feel like a muscle."

  13. For all the craziness in politics right now, this is the week's scariest story:

  14. The worst, most dangerous part of Trump's economic agenda will also be the most popular:

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