Resources for journalists


Twitter accounts

Selected accounts for news and information about our company, products and people.

Photos and videos

A collection of photos and videos for editorial usage only.


Biographies and photos of our executive leadership team.


Our timeline of memorable moments.

Brand resources

Easily access our Brand Guidelines, logo assets, and a brand starter kit.

The fastest way to reach our media relations team is to write to

Have you used Twitter to tell a story, find something lost, make a new friend, kindle a romance, win a bet or (fill in the blank)? Tell us your story and it might be featured on our website (with your permission, of course) at



Recent highlights from our blogs

A selection of product news and announcements. 


Direct messages

If you’ve checked your Direct Messages, you may notice that something’s missing: the limitation of 140 characters.

Twitter for Windows

Windows users now have a Twitter experience optimized especially for Windows 10.

The new Twitter Safety Center

The Safety Center is a resource for anyone to learn about online safety, on Twitter and beyond.