(615) 712-9766
आज 07:00 पूर्वाह्न - 08:00 अपराह्न
लोगों का क्या कहना है

I went to look online for the history of Bongo Java & Fido.... & frankly its scant as hell! Ryan Finney was the one who first discovered the "Nun Bun" & actually thought it looked like either Jimmy Durante or Mother Teresa....I have actual video tape somewhere of Ryan talking about it. Since Mother Teresa wrote a letter, in her own hand, saying she did not want her name attached to any products with her likness, they were selling t-shirts at the time with her name on it., Bob ( the owner) then framed the letter & changed the name to "the Nun Bun". The letter was stolen years later. I saw The Nun Bun in a colorful article about Bongo Java. Nashville in a magazine on an airplane once & noticed Ryans name wasn't mentioned at all. So many creative people that worked there for years , such colorful stories, does anyone have any to share? One story I remember is that I won a contest up in the Bongo Java theatre circa 2004 ( that my son, Art Webb, entered me into without my prior knowledge) :) It came down to myself & one other guy ( very talented but cant remember his name) we knew whoever went last would win... they made us do Rock Paper Scissors to decide who went last & we tied 5x before I won the 6th round. I went last & played a tear jerker & won studio time at Sun Recording Studio ( the first contest I had ever won where I then recorded my first album) But the part I remember most was the card they gave me for a year of free coffee. So each month the card loaded $60. & I could get whatever I wanted for the whole year! So I bought alot of breakfast burritos & Cafe Ole with a shot of almond. What beautiful mornings I spent healing my soul on the sunny porch under the trees with other artists. I was in my element. I loved the workers & the porch , the way it was.... I would love to bring the past alive with some more stories. Feel free to post some real history!

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