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Great Art & Culture site San Juan Capistrano CA USA From the Land of Make Believe This Christmas Give a Gift that Will Last a Life Time “The Beginning of Life” From the Modern Art Series By Art Guevara 36”X 48 Oil on Canvas A/S Collectors Invest on Guevara’s Art Coleccionistas Inviertan en el Arte de Guevara ORIGINAL ART, Limited edition Giclees, Black & White and Color Photography “The Beginning of Life” Using the term "conception". Because the term “conception” has been variously (re)defined in the current scientific, medical, and bioethics literature, Religions may become confused over creedal, doctrinal, biblical, liturgical, traditional, and cultural language of, “Life begins at/with conception.” “Conception” has been defined in all the following ways: the moment of fertilization (union or fusion of sperm and egg), syngamy (the last crossing-over of the maternal and paternal chromosomes at the end of fertilization), and full embryonic gene expression between the fourth and eighth cellular division, implantation, and development of the primitive streak. Scientifically and Biblically, conception is most appropriately defined as fertilization. The activation of an egg by the penetration of a sperm triggers the transition to active organismal existence. Some scientists and theologians note that it is only at the end of the process of fertilization (syngamy) that a substantive change has taken place resulting in a new, unique, living, individual human person. The Art of Guevara has helped more than 50 Non-Profit Organizations for the last 30 years. Two of Guevara’s Art Series are created to bring Awareness to: (BREAST CERVICAL CANCER AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE) Coleccionistas Inviertan en el Arte de Guevara Collectors Invest on Guevara’s Art ORIGINAL ART, Limited edition Giclees, Black & White and Color Photography Art Guevara Artist Realtor & International Exhibits Organizer 949 636 2750 Facebook