Paula Bennett: Let's make diversity a priority

Last updated 16:06 20/01/2017
women in business

The business case for more women on boards and in leadership is strong — it brings more diverse skills and experiences to the decisionmaking table.

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I was very encouraged by the recent editorial by Sir Neville Jordan, Victoria University Chancellor, on the representation of women in leadership in New Zealand.

I’ve been Minister of State Services for a couple of years and together with the Commissioner, our vision is that the talents and skills of women are integrated fully into our society.

One of the reasons I wanted to be Minister for Women was because I want to see more women moving from low-income work into high paid industries.

I know that women can aim high from wherever they are in life.

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I know of many women who have been in challenging circumstances, or on lower incomes, who with their skills, talent, and drive have got to the top, inspired others along the way, and achieved their potential.

Sir Neville Jordan makes some great points. The business case for more women on boards and in leadership is strong — it brings more diverse skills and experiences to the decisionmaking table.

We know that companies with more women in leadership roles have improved performance, higher financial returns, and better governance, leadership, and decision-making.

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Paula Bennett is the Minister of State Services and Minister for Women, as well as the Deputy Prime Minister.

As Minister for State Services, I’m delighted that women’s representation on state sector boards is now more than 43 per cent, and 13 out of the 29 Public Service Chief Executive roles are currently held by women, the highest proportion there has ever been. Around 45 per cent of all Public Service senior leadership roles are now held by women, predicted to rise to 50 per cent by 2021.

New Zealand’s private sector is seriously lagging with women representing just 17 per cent of board roles of NZX-listed companies and 20 per cent of senior management roles.

A shared priority for the State Services Commission and the Ministry for Women is to see things like job sharing, flexible work and return to work arrangements implemented widely.

Our paid parental leave scheme helps, but I want to see those women who return to work being valued and promoted, benefitting from flexible working arrangements because they have so much to offer.

It is my challenge to the public service, and to all employers, to break down the barriers that exist to women progressing and to make diversity a priority.

This government wants to encourage and support women to take the opportunities that will lead to their success and wellbeing of their families. I encourage you to follow Victoria University’s lead and do what you can for the talented women in your business, community, and whanau.

Paula Bennett is the Minister of State Services & Minister for Women

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