Love trumps hate video

Hundreds of people marched in Wellington on Saturday to protest the inauguration of United States President Donald Trump.

US ex-pats show their colours as hundreds protest Trump's inauguration in Wellington.

Greens take lead with candidates

Auckland-based human rights laywer Golriz Ghahraman has announced she wants to enter Parliament with the Greens.

OPINION: It's early days in the battle to pick candidates for this year's election, but the Greens are stealing a march.

No need to go overboard

David Slack: I see people blanketed up against the cold and sleeping on the hard footpath. I don't see a hustling ...

OPINION: Going off the rails is not usually a conscious choice.

'Rubbing their hands together' video

Lotto could soon offer "scratchies" online, but problem gambling services are worried.

Heavy criticism for Lotto's plans to sell scratchies online.

What did Donald say to Melania?

US President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump attend the Freedom Ball in honour of his inauguration in Washington.

A satirical look at the Trumps' waltzing whisperings.

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More top stories

Much offence taken, little engagement on actual issues

Sir Bob Jones was deliberately provocative and succeeded in getting people wound up.

OPINION: Too much of what passes for "news" these days involves people saying things they ought not.

Plans to extend paua ban in Kaikoura

The Kaikoura quake stranded paua and other shellfish above the high-tide line, causing still-unknown amounts of damage ...

The MPI is seeking public feedback on a plan to extend a ban on shellfish harvesting on the Kaikoura coastline.

Eagle confirms Rongotai run

Deputy Wellington Mayor Paul Eagle is going to run on the Labour ticket in Rongotai for the general election.

Wellington's recently appoint deputy mayor is now having a tilt at Parliament.

Nelson facing costly by-election

Matt Lawrey has been selected as the Green Party's Nelson candidate.

Nelson could be facing an $80,000 byelection if two councillors buzz off to the Beehive.

Boyack chosen as Labour candidate

FIRST Union organiser and Labour candidate Rachel Boyack.

Rachel Boyack has been selected as Nelson's Labour Party candidate for the 2017 General Election.

Diesel move in NZ's best interests

A KiwiRail diesel locomotive.

Opinion: Environmental implications were top of mind for KiwiRail when considering whether to use more diesel locomotives on the North Island main trunk line.

Editorial: Welcome noises on trade

Prime Minister Bill English, right, meets with his British counterpart, Theresa May. May has pledged to work on a "bold" ...

OPINION: Out of an international environment of deepening nationalism and insularity, New Zealand might win greater links to some of its biggest trading partners.

Kaikoura open for business

Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett visited Kaikoura to meet with the council, community members and tourism operators ...

Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett makes her first trip to Kaikoura.

Bike helmets not priority: police

family on bikes with cycle helmets

Number of cyclists fined for not wearing a helmet has halved in two years, as police put focus elsewhere.

Pike River re-entry bill promise

Labour leader Andrew Little at Pike River protest

Labour leader Andrew Little to table bill for Pike River mine re-entry push.

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Greens take lead with candidates

Auckland-based human rights laywer Golriz Ghahraman has announced she wants to enter Parliament with the Greens.

OPINION: It's early days in the battle to pick candidates for this year's election, but the Greens are stealing a march.

What did Donald say to Melania?

A satirical look at the Trumps' waltzing whisperings.

Politics as usual on the home front

Much offence taken, little engagement on actual issues

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