The key to a longer life? video

Bring on the chilli peppers: A new study has linked spicy foods with good health and old age.

Here's hoping you like spicy foods - they just might help you live longer.

Can you really have a 'cheat day'?

Is a weekly cheat really okay if you're on a diet?

Are cheat days good for your body, and what effect might they have on your overall dieting efforts?

How to know if you have arthritis

Do you get recurring pain in your joints?

Arthritis affects more than over half a million of us and is the leading cause of disability in New Zealand.

Obesity, move over for 'overfat'

Overfat is not the same as 'skinny fat'.

Even if your BMI falls in the 'normal' range, you may still be at risk of being 'overfat'.

What emoji use says about you

Using emojis can be an effective way to communicate and gives insight into contemporary human behaviour, according to ...

Communicating via smiley face, sassy flamenco dancer or thumbs up may actually be more closely related to personality than age.

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