Victoria Brownworth


Award-winning journo.Politics writer Fighting cancer. Saving the world one woman/girl at a time!

Philly, natch




  1. 固定されたツイート

    is a value. We should all adopt it. Why? Bc being gets stuff done. Being brave inspires others to get stuff done.

  2. Yes. Prior to running for prez in 2008 Sen.Clinton approval rating was in 70% range. Prior to running 2015, Sect Clinton approval near 80%.

  3. No one in American history has won as many voted in either primaries or general elections than Hillary Clinton except Obama.

  4. このツイートはありません
  5. 返信先: さん

    In 2008, HRC conceded 3days after she lost & the vote was close. Sanders spit in PBO's & VP's faces & sulked.

  6. 返信先: さん

    Sanders' insistence on a contested convention&refusal to concede for 2mos after he lost caused irreparable damage.

  7. Does that include "the Confederate states"you claimed were "meaningless"during the primary? Asking for 66M friends.

  8. I've read a dozen pieces blaming Obama for . Not one lauding him for saving the economy.

  9. 52M people could lose health insurance w/ My latest: GOP Congress Votes Against American Lives

  10. What no one can explain is how the DNC rigged the relatively unimportant primary yet was unable to rig the all-important general election.

  11. Getting ready for President Trumpov...

  12. Please point out where I have "lied" about the repeal. I've been reporting on ACA since 2009. So share your expertise with me, please.

  13. supported HRC for her unflinching support for black mothers of victims of police shootings. Was also in Charleston.

  14. Trump supporter responds to my tweets with this.

  15. is an eye surgeon who does surgeries in foreign countries pro-bono. Which makes his vote to repeal utterly inexplicable.

  16. This story got buried in the other news. It's horrifying. Ex-wife of Labor nominee leveled abuse claims on 'Oprah'

  17. In case you're not angry enough, read this.

  18. When you vote against contraception, you vote for more abortion.



