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  1. 5 分鐘前

    Here is the text of President Donald Trump's speech, as prepared for delivery

  2. 14 分鐘前

    How to stay safe at the (via )

  3. 15 分鐘前

    The key moments from President Donald Trump's

  4. 30 分鐘前

    Women's March kicks off in Australia with thousands joining the protest in downtown Sydney

  5. 40 分鐘前

    The Talladega College marching band performs in Donald Trump's inaugural parade despite controversy

  6. 49 分鐘前

    A new museum has opened in Spain. It's 45 feet underwater.

  7. 1 小時前

    A photographer caught this touching moment of unity shared between Trump supporters and protesters

  8. 1 小時前

    Looking for poster boards? Several stores in Washington, DC are running out of supply ahead of women's march

  9. 1 小時前

    After 8,200 round-trip train rides, we joined former Vice President Joe Biden on his Amtrak ride home to Delaware

  10. 2 小時前

    Trump vows 25 million new jobs in the next decade, which would be the most jobs created under any US president ever

  11. 2 小時前

    A bus crash in Italy has left at least 16 people dead, according to the country's state-run news agency

  12. 2 小時前

    This may look like a time lapse, but these are soap bubbles freezing in real time

  13. 2 小時前

    Here's a look at some of the fashion that captured attention on Day

  14. 2 小時前

    This powerful photo shows former President Barack Obama's final White House goodbye

  15. 3 小時前

    Within hours of taking the oath of office, President Trump signed an executive order aimed at rolling back Obamacare

  16. 3 小時前

    Here's a (much) closer look at President Donald Trump's

  17. 3 小時前

    How Donald Trump's speech played on Capitol Hill

  18. 3 小時前

    President Donald Trump brings the bust of Winston Churchill back to the Oval Office

  19. 3 小時前

    Pope Francis sends his best wishes to President Trump

  20. 3 小時前

    An explosion in a Pakistan market has left at least 13 people dead


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