Denying feud, Trump vows support to CIA

Mr Trump visited the CIA just after his inauguration.
Mr Trump visited the CIA just after his inauguration. J. Scott Applewhite

US President Donald Trump has tried to ease tensions with the CIA, telling officers he had their back after he had levelled unprecedented criticism against spy agencies for their investigation into Russian hacking during the election.

In his first official visit to a government agency as president, Mr Trump – who had said US intelligence tactics were reminiscent of Nazi Germany – sought to leave no doubt with officers that he supported their work.

Mr Trump made no mention of Russia during his remarks, which included praise for his nominee to head the Central Intelligence Agency, Mike Pompeo, a pledge to fight Islamic State and a rant against the media, which he said invented his feud with intelligence agencies.

"Very, very few people could do the job you people do and I want you to know I am so behind you," Mr Trump said, to cheers and loud applause from about 400 officers who packed the building's atrium to hear him speak.

Ahead of his inauguration, Mr Trump had harshly criticised intelligence officials after they concluded that Russian President Vladimir Putin directed hackers to breach Democratic emails to try to boost Mr Trump's presidential election campaign. He has since accepted those conclusions.

Then, after leaks about an unsubstantiated dossier compiled by a private security firm suggesting Moscow had compromising information about him, Mr Trump blamed intelligence agencies for using Nazi-like tactics – drawing a rebuke from outgoing CIA Director John Brennan.

Mr Trump has said he wants to try to work with Moscow to fight Islamic State militants and reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons.

He said reporters made up the tension between him and the CIA. "I have a running war with the media. They are among the most dishonest people on earth," Mr Trump said. "They made it sound like I had a feud with the intelligence people."

While Mr Trump has some support in the US intelligence community, his criticism over the Russia issue eroded much of it. Within the 17-agency intelligence community, there are widely shared concerns about the qualifications and judgement of Mr Trump, a businessman who never before held public office.

"Many people are asking whether we can serve under a president and national security adviser who've expressed such contempt for the intelligence community, and one photo opportunity drive-by on a Saturday is not going to change that," said a veteran officer now working at CIA headquarters after multiple assignments overseas, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
