

Bourke Street tragedy: Melbourne is shocked and broken, but the city will be the same again

There will be those who will say Melbourne will never be the same after a man wanted over a near fatal stabbing allegedly drove his stolen sedan through the heart of the city to kill and injure as many people as possible.

And those who say we will change have short memories.

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Police hold grave fears for critically injured victims as they seek to interview and charge the alleged driver Saturday. Video courtesy ABC News 24.

As the Bourke Street Mall and surrounds turn from a crime scene to public space, people will come – at first to grieve, place flowers or simply stickybeak. And then the city workers will return for they will have no choice.

Many will require counselling, for the number of witnesses to the carnage (police have already taken hundreds of statements with many more lodging reports through Crime Stoppers) is unprecedented.

The latest reports have five people dead and about 15 (some critically) wounded, with fears the toll will rise.

What will bring normality to Melbourne is sheer necessity, just as it has done in Sydney after the 2014 Lindt Cafe siege.


Just a block away from where the Bourke Street offender was stopped, shot and arrested is the unremarkable Queen Street.

Thirty years ago (December 1987) the unhinged Frank Victovic​ marched into 191 Queen Street and shot dead eight people before falling to his death. Today it is just another building. A year earlier a group of armed robbers set off a massive car bomb outside the Russell Street police station. Now it is an apartment building with a coffee shop metres from where the bomb exploded.

But there will serious scrutiny. The coroner Sara Hinchey​ will hold an inquest and surely examine how 26-year-old Dimitrious "Jimmy" Gargasoulas​ was bailed at the weekend after being arrested for offences of violence.

She will ask why the police request to keep him in custody was ignored and whether his violent Facebook rants against the public and police were taken into account.

Judge Hinchley will also look at Victoria Police's pursuit policy to see if Gargasoulas, wanted for the alleged near fatal stabbing of his brother Angelo the same day, could have been stopped earlier.

Police chose to observe him from the police helicopter and intercept him when he left the CBD as a street pursuit through the city was considered too dangerous.

Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton confirmed, "The pursuit had to be terminated", adding police were looking "to find another opportunity to intercept".

When to back off and when to intercept has become such a grey area for police. The trouble is many offenders now speed off, believing the more recklessly they drive the less likely they are to be chased.

To speed through the city chasing a dangerous, erratic driver would increase the risk. No one, perhaps not even the driver, knew until the last second, he would turn into the mall determined, it seems, to kill.

In a remarkably similar case more than 10 years ago, the Special Operations Group, intercepted a drug-affected armed murder suspect in South Melbourne.

He was shot dead and subsequently the police involved were criticised by the coroner, with the details sent to the Director of Pubic Prosecutions to see if they should be charged with criminal offences.

The then head of the Special Operations Group, John Noonan, was outraged saying, "They [the four police who fired shots] should have been given medals, not criticism."

And then there is the issue of violent mental illnesses. One policeman said the decision to close asylums has left a gap where violent mental illness becomes a criminal justice issue. "We are left to pick up the pieces."

Certainly police figures show that every hour police are taking a mentally-ill offender to hospital to be assessed.

Decades ago police were criticised at an inquest for rushing in and confronting mentally ill offenders with fatal consequences. It resulted in police being retrained under Project Beacon to cordon and contain and to use safety first tactics. 

Social media is awash with comments from people wondering why police did not confront Gargasoulas outside the Flinders Street Station when he was doing burnouts at the busy intersection.

"It is one of Melbourne's busiest intersections. What would you have us do? Ram him when there are hundreds of people about 10 metres away. No one could reasonably expect him to have driven into the mall to kill pedestrians," a top ranking policeman said.

Police believe he did the repeated burnouts to lure police into a confrontation or to cause a high-speed pursuit. "There is a school of thought that he was baiting us," he said.

The 2012 murder of Jill Meagher in Brunswick by serial offender Adrian Bayley, who should have been in custody, resulted in a massive restructure of the parole system.

The attack on pedestrians by an allegedly known violent, charged offender with a history of drugs abuse and mental health problems will lead to calls for the bail structure to be scrutinised in the same way.

Hours after the attack Premier Daniel Andrews said, "We are stronger than this". 

He is right. In the days ahead there may be crowds at the crime scene as people come to stare and pay respects. And then they will return to their normal lives.

Eventually at the same place there will be a long queue of families waiting patiently. They will be there to look at the Christmas displays in the Myer windows.

Just like every other year.