Why in the flying F*CK did we send 4000 troops to POLAND?! We all know Red Scare 2.0 is B*LLSHIT It's like we're watching a slow-motion car crash/IraqWMD replay and just going "look...they're doing it again..." Where's your "done...I'm done" line? by JessieBates in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear 5 points6 points  (0 children)

Thanks for sharing. I'm sure many military men/women become invested too much in their patriotism/feelings for their fellow soldiers to be able to see what the USA has truly done over in Iraq. We destroyed the country, created chaos and funded/trained Iraqi torture/death squads modeled on our Phoenix Program from Vietnam. On top of that we installed a government which the country of Iraq did not want.

The USA at this point needs conflicts and wars to keep the taxpayers forking over Trillions into WAR, INC. (USA).

Absolute, 100% Proof that the Moon Landing was faked! by dic_pix in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Brigading: We are looking into it.

And we do try to be fair in terms of applying the same rules to all users. Some threads have gotten out of control and descended into rabid arguments--we are looking to prevent off-topic insults.

It is the content and the creativity which can change outlooks--not insults and ad hominim attacks.

CBS News Reporter Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate Story by Orangutan in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Removed, shouting (rule 6)

Additional violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

CBS News Reporter Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate Story by Orangutan in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Rule 1, removed.

Additonal violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

CBS News Reporter Ben Swann does a "Reality Check" on Pizzagate Story by Orangutan in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Rule 10, removed.

Additional violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

Weekly threat updates .....weekly FUCKING threat updates !!! by babaroga73 in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Please indicate when linking to another sub & use the NP link.

Your headline made it seem as if there is an imminent threat of some kind and was alarmist. It could also be considered "shouting" (rule 6)

Weekly threat updates .....weekly FUCKING threat updates !!! by babaroga73 in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] -1 points0 points  (0 children)

Removed: Rule 11

1st Warning: Additional violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

'Member when this sub talked about Conspiracy Theories and wasn't just /r/AltRightNews? by titomb345 in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Removed: Rule 1

1st Warning: Additional violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

Waco Seige Books/Info/Anything by TurkeyLeg911 in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear 1 point2 points  (0 children)

You might try doing a search on archive.org

Over at r/TSBD we have a few which cover FBI/terrorism patterns (but aren't quite what you are looking for).

Absolute, 100% Proof that the Moon Landing was faked! by dic_pix in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[M] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

Please present new arguments in your posts--several users have reported you are just re-posting the same info.

SPAM WARNING. additional violations may result in temp or permanent ban.

We are fighting a [CORRUPT MSM]--they will publish articles planted by CIA/FBI/NSA or DOD intended to affect our own elections, incite hatred, start wars, overthrow leaders, etc. Please help us to bring light to this issue by posting examples (archived or copy/paste text please) by smokinbluebear in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[S] 1 point2 points  (0 children)

A quote from last year:

We know the corporate news LIES to us.

We know they manipulate us.

We know they are CIA-DoD bootlickers and have LIED us into wars–costing the U.S. trillions of dollars (in addition to the loss of 1 million+ dead Iraqis, the 5,000+ U.S. soldiers who died, the destruction of countries/regions, the refugees which the wars create).

We know that even when the Corporate News tells us the truth–it often is not presented in a timely manner and most likely contains glaring omissions. Think about the 18 months the NYT held back the James Risen Patriot Act article which revealed the FISA court abuses (and helped GW Bush win a 2nd term).

Obviously there are others to choose from as well–Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, LA Times, cbs, nbc, abc, fox–but NYT and cnn both laid off workers in January 2015 and are low-hanging fruit.

We need to kneecap these LIARS and lower their traffic volume, which ultimately will lower their advertising revenue. Until we do — it will be business as usual — the LIES will keep coming, the disinfo will continue to manipulate our society.

The media conglomerates are planning on making $4.4 billion from the federal elections this year–maybe we can surprise 2 of them…

Please consider boycotting the New York Times and cnn…do NOT buy the NYT, do not watch cnn, do not visit the NYT or cnn websites, do not link to their articles…(find alternative sources for the articles…or post with the Wayback Machine…or just copy/paste the entire article).

Voting new leaders into office is only part of the equation–the media cabal must be hit hard, too.

CORRUPT MSM Fails To Publish Articles Investigating the Death of Michael Hastings...where are the follow ups? NYT? The Guardian? TYT? msnbc? newsweek? by smokinbluebear in conspiracy

[–]smokinbluebear[S] 0 points1 point  (0 children)

I think it's the definitive Michael Hastings Death article --really not much news since then.

Hastings often appeared on msnbc, TYT...think he may have been published in the guardian. Hastings definitely worked for Buzzfeed, Rolling Stone & Newsweek--where are their follow-ups?