

First racially integrated bar association in the US. National Office in NYC & members in every state. Human rights over property interests. RT ≠ endorsement.

Inscrit en avril 2011

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  1. [PRESS RELEASE] The NLG has voted to adopt a resolution supporting prison ! “Calling for the abolition...

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  2. "The verdict of the International Tribunal of Conscience is based on testimony and documentation regarding the...

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  3. Two protesters arrested for interfering with police during a Ferguson protest in 2014 have filed suit, claiming a...

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  4. ! PACK THE COURT for this FRIDAY, DEC. 18! Our Co-Jailhouse Lawyer VP is scheduled to...

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  5. brutally arrested five activists last night at Rockefeller Center: "It was like a scene...

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  6. ATTN: LAW STUDENTS! The application deadline for NLG Haywood Burns Fellowships is January 11, 2016! These...

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  7. a retweeté

    Scalia and his ilk really can't be exited off the historical stage fast enough

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    . report on Haiti election fraud/violence cited in editorial .

  9. NationalLawyersGuild s'est abonné , , et 7 autres
  10. Former NLG Mass Defense Coordinator Abi Hassen writes about how law enforcement's mass surveillance tactics...

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  11. Now's a great time to download our booklet in Arabic! The 16-page primer advises people,...

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  12. a retweeté

    Hey folks, has a Know-Your-Rights guide in Arabic: Get the word out!

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  13. The NLG signed onto a letter to U.S. House of Represesntatives leadership along with 28 other human rights,...

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  14. NLG Mass Defense Coordinator and author of Crashing the Party: Legacies and Lessons from the RNC 2000 draws...

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  15. National Lawyers Guild Detroit & Michigan Chapter remembers beloved NLG Chapter Board Member and activist, Ron...

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  16. a retweeté

    CPD arrested 2 black females. & us trying 2 get help and jail support

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  17. a retweeté

    It's been 150 years since the primary industry of American Slavery switched from Plantations to Prisons.

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  18. a retweeté

    March entirely shutdown the both traffics at North Michigan

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  19. a retweeté

    Finished observing poll centers closing, now waiting for official results on elections from CNE.

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