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Hundreds of Dunsborough residents rally again against 24-hour Puma fuel station

Hundreds of Dunsborough residents have hit the streets again to protest against a petrol station to be built in the heart of the South West town.

In December, more than 700 locals rallied outside the site of the proposed Puma Energy petrol – the third on the main strip in the popular holiday destination.

Despite planning authorities twice knocking back developers DCSC and Puma Energy's bid for a 24-hour petrol station on Dunn Bay Road, the pair are heading back to the State Administrative Tribunal on February 1, to seek approval for a "convenience store" even though it will have a six petrol bowsers.

Puma2Go representative Trish Flower said locals rallied again to remind the developers the petrol station wasn't welcome.

"We want the judge at SAT to know the community of Dunsborough are really opposed to this, we hope he or she will consider the amenity of the town, the visual impact, the safety, traffic and that we're wanting to create a pedestrian friendly community," she said in a statement.

"Now we are just trying to put our best efforts in to make our voices heard. We want people who have holiday homes in Dunsborough, who come down on holidays, who have homes in Dunsborough to know about it too and to know it will impact them".


Actor and Dunsborough resident Myles Pollard, who is best known for his role as Doctor James Edmunds in the TV soap Home and Away, said the rally was a "huge success".

"I think the numbers were well up on the last rally - someone counted over 1000 people.  The community has backed it up – the interest has escalated," he said.  

"I'm getting that feeling on social media too from friends who live in Perth who have been coming down here as tourists for the past 30 years. There are people I've seen from Perth who are here today. They share this community with us socially and economically too," he said.

Last month, when the Southern Joint Development Assessment Panel knocked back Puma Energy's bid for a petrol station, a spokesperson for the company flagged it would appeal the decision to SAT.

"Our proposal was consistent with the requirements of the town planning scheme, so we are surprised by the decision handed down and the reasons behind it," a company spokesman said.

"We are currently reviewing the options available to us, including our option to apply to the State Administrative Tribunal for a review of the decision."

Originally published on watoday.com.au as 'Hundreds of Dunsborough residents rally again against 24-hour Puma fuel station'.