Uživatel @SenatorMRoberts je blokovaný.

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  1. What a win. Thank you . Just goes to show you what happens when you are prepared to listen and show leadership.

  2. Statistician: UN climate treaty to cost $100 trillion, have no impact, & postpone warming only 4 yrs by 2100

  3. The Paris agreement will cost a fortune, but do little to reduce global warming. Learn why in my video w/

  4. Palaszczuk’s renewable target 'bizarre, unachievable and mischievous'

  5. Pauline Hanson has declared she will ban the burqa in Queensland.

    #9News - 9 News Brisbane, nightly at 6.00pm.
  6. Bill Shorten won't support because Trump is against the deal but Bill agrees with the Paris Climate Agreement which Trump will desert!

    , , and 3 others
  7. Lomborg explains why Paris agreement is insane & pointless: $1.2T per year for a 0.023F postponement by 2100

  8. Will the LNP have the courage to push for new coal or be bullied by the vocal minority who want to destroy 🇦🇺

  9. It seems people don't realise the burqa is not a religious right it's an evil tool of OPPRESSION & an extreme national security risk

  10. The poor would have stayed destitute had we listened to leading environmentalists.

  11. Judith Sloan on Annastacia Palasz­czuk's off-the-grid insanity:

  12. BLOG: Big Things in Queensland Bucket List

  13. .: I don't expect the taxpayer to always foot my travel bills MORE:

    .@PaulineHansonOz: If I'm not prepared to pay out of my hip-pocket
  14. .: as a Trump supporter, it was difficult to turn down an invitation to his inauguration. MORE

    .@PaulineHansonOz says she was very tempted to go to @realDonaldTrump
  15. . says One Nation will ban the burqa in government buildings if elected in Qld. MORE

  16. Di Natale says his costs were due to the election. But is electioneering a legitimate work expense?

  17. Bill Shorten just came out against the . Do you think he's been reading One Nation policies again? Because it sure seems like it

  18. Pauline and I received an invitation but not the Prime Minister. OUCH

  19. will be paying for this the trip out of his own pocket of course ;)

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