AskScience Panel of Scientists XV (self.askscience)
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PhysicsCan water be frozen in an airtight container? (self.askscience)
submitted by seanbeandeathscene
BiologyCan birth defects be detected in eggs or sperm? (self.askscience)
submitted by Mick0331
Planetary Sci.How can astronauts see Cherenkov radiation? (self.askscience)
submitted by dumpkwestion
Human BodyIs it possible that humans percieve colors differently? (self.askscience)
submitted by GR33NBEARD
PhysicsDoes light get faster when it is affected by a bigger gravity? (self.askscience)
submitted by Taebak88
NeuroscienceWhen someone recalls a sensation, what parts of the brain are involved? (self.askscience)
submitted by Jnicky69
PhysicsWhy is there such a thing as escape velocity? (self.askscience)
submitted by disintegrationist
Earth SciencesWas the ground more fertile when the giant dinosaurs and other animals were around? (self.askscience)
submitted by UppercaseVII
EngineeringHow can makers claim led lights life expectancy is 50000 hours? (self.askscience)
submitted by hpayer
PhysicsWhy does an antenna not look like a lightbulb? (self.askscience)
submitted by boomertrooper
Earth SciencesWhere does NASA get its old (e.g. 1884) climate data? (self.askscience)
submitted by bnovc
PhysicsHow much iron is required to stop the sun's fusion process? (self.askscience)
submitted by tertiacyrenaica