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The Dragonbone Chair (Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn #1)

3.94  ·  Rating Details ·  45,214 Ratings  ·  1,032 Reviews
With The Dragonbone Chair, Tad Williams introduced readers to the incredible fantasy world of Osten Ard. His beloved, internationally bestselling series Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn inspired a generation of modern fantasy writers, including George R.R. Martin, Patrick Rothfuss, and Christopher Paolini, and defined Tad Williams as one of the most important fantasy writers of o ...more
Paperback, 672 pages
Published March 1st 2005 by DAW (first published 1988)
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Hallie Any GR librarian can edit the details. If you can find me the blurb from the hardcover online somewhere I'd be happy to do it - Amazon has the same as…moreAny GR librarian can edit the details. If you can find me the blurb from the hardcover online somewhere I'd be happy to do it - Amazon has the same as here. Unless the one on - minus the bit about its being available on audio - is good? (Not sure if tags work in answers or I'd link for you.)(less)
Katie This series is definitely suitable. I read this around the series around the age of 15. I'm currently doing a re-read.

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Dirk Grobbelaar
“He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder.”
- Qanuc Proverb

The Dragonbone Chair is chock and block full of wonder. If you have the patience to master this piece of work (it is incredibly dense and filled with first class world building and heaps of lore) you'll find it an extremely rewarding experience. It is a
Adam Oleksa
Jun 29, 2007 Adam Oleksa rated it it was amazing
Shelves: stuffiveread
The opening to what is easily the best fantasy series I've ever read. Williams' Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn remains, IMHO, one of the most underread and underappreciated series out there. I suspect that the length of the novels scares some people off; Dragonbone Chair is the shortest, and it's still around 700 pages. The series as a whole incorporates most classical fantasy elements: an epic quest, dark sorcery, an unlikely hero, etc., but what makes it unforgettable for me is one main thing.

Sep 27, 2011 Carol. rated it liked it
A classic in the fantasy field, this is best suited for readers looking for the traditional orphan-identity quest. While I enjoyed it overall, I was able to set the book down and walk away, coming and going from the story until Simon reached the woods. I consider it a bad sign when I'm able to set a book down--my favorites have me locked into reading position until I reach the end page. Eventually it picked up and reeled me in, but there was skimming involved.

A combination coming-of-age and cas
Aug 06, 2012 Lorena rated it did not like it
Shelves: fantasy
OK, here's the deal. I've met this author at a convention and he seemed a nice enough fellow; and plenty of other people have read this book and given it four or five stars. But I am an unusually picky reader.

I like high fantasy. I could read Tolkien over and over again, love Martin, and have put away my fair share of Eddings, Jordan, and Brooks. But I spent the first 100 or so pages of this thinking I would have liked this book a lot more if I were (a) still fifteen and (b) a boy.

I made it th
Anthony Ryan
Dec 03, 2014 Anthony Ryan rated it it was amazing
One of the seminal works of epic fantasy which, along with the works of Robert Jordan and David Eddings, made the genre what it is today. Williams makes a virtue of starting small as we follow orphaned kitchen boy Simeon through his childhood in the castle of King Prester John. However, the king's death heralds an age of discord and Simeon finds himself drawn into valiant Prince Josua's rebellion against his increasingly despotic and magically deranged brother. The scope of the story expands wit ...more
Kat  Hooper
Dec 11, 2016 Kat Hooper rated it really liked it
Re-read this in 2016 in audio format. Will review at
Apr 25, 2015 Dustin rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: all fantasy fans
Recommended to Dustin by: Cheryl Hall
“The Dragonbone Chair stood like a strange alter-untenanted, surrounded by bright, dancing motes of dust, flanked by statues of the Hayholt’s six High Kings..”

Last fall, my good friend and fellow A Song of Ice and Fire enthusiast, Cheryl Hall, invited me to join her in the reading of The Dragonbone Chair. I immediately said yes, for four reasons: Tad Williams was a new author for me, one I’d been curious about every since the 1998 publication of City of Golden Shadow, Book I in his Otherland ser
Apr 27, 2014 BookBandit rated it really liked it
I came into this book a little forewarned by the good readers here at Goodreads: "that this book is a SLOW buildup".

0-20%, slow. 20-30%, something could happen, are we leaving yet? 30-35%, is this it? No, false start. 35-45% OK, we left the castle, something has to happen right? 45%-end: Bam! Fires, dragons, magic swords, trolls, elves, demons, mountains, crossing the map, wolves (good and bad), bad dreams/good dreams, death, sieges, magical storms, ships.......

The slow build-up eventually drop

As far as fantasy goes I believe it is possible to be both derivative (at least in some sense) and still create a decent story. Take The Eye of the World, The Name of the Wind, Theft of Swords or even The Lord of the Rings. Yes The Lord of the Rings is itself derived from the classic Norse mythologies and even the other mythologies of, say, the Celtic people. Fantasy is in many ways a genre composed of derivation - it derives its ideas and imagined civilisations from reality. Yet The Dragonbone
Sep 19, 2016 Erica rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
Dear Tad Williams,

I cannot thank you enough for writing a book...well, set of books...that I can read as a full-on grown-up and still enjoy as much as I did when I was an angsty teenager.

It has hurtful to find so many of my favorite when-I-was-young reads (looking at you, Shannara and DragonLance) aren't actually good at all and that I must adore them from afar with only sentimentality stoking the fires of young love.

Thank you for not adding to that hurt. I appreciate the effort you put into thi
Oct 30, 2007 Mary rated it really liked it
Recommends it for: fantasy & adventure fans
Shelves: fantasy
I have to be honest, I love Tad Williams. A lot of my friends aren't fans of his because he really does take ages and ages to get to the point. He's very big on character development, which is basically all I read books for. I not only forgive three hundred pages of character introduction and exposition and plot set-up, I gleefully embrace it.

This book isn't any different from others of his that I've read in that respect, and in all others, it's a classic fantasy adventure. Orphan boy tapped for
Scott (GrilledCheeseSamurai)
I was 14 years old when I first read this book. I remember feeling like a boss when I turned that last page. I had done it. I had finished this monster of a book all on my own and all without anyone telling me I had to. Not only that but I really, really loved doing it too.

I wasn't a complete newb to SF/F - I had the Narnia books read to me, as well as The Hobbit, Lord Of The Rings, and A Wrinkle in Time. And while I loved those books - I had to share them with my family. I had to discover thos
Jul 09, 2008 Lori rated it it was amazing
I love this series. I hadn't thought of it in a little while, but speaking about books today with a friend brought it to mind and I thought, "I haven't read that this year...I should." The four LARGE volumes are quite an investment, both in money and in time, (get it from the library, or let me know and you can borrow mine when I'm done) but it's worth it in the end. I know that sci-fi/fantasy are seriously formulaic, and these are not that different...young boy, thrown into circumstances beyond ...more
Twerking To Beethoven
Here's what went down, in case you're interested. I read "The Old Scale Game", a short story by Tad Williams off Unfettered, and I was like "Oi! I like this shit!". I enjoyed it so much, I ran to the local used book-store and got myself a copy of "The Dragonbone Chair". And loved the muthafucken' poo out of it, hey!

Mind you, there's nothing original about this novel, it's a pretty cliched story, but I guess it was just what I needed to read: old-fashioned high fantasy, that is, Young-scullion-s
This is the second series I have started by Tad Willaims and this is a purely fantasy-based one rather than the blend which was Otherland. I went into this not long after having finished Otherland becuase I really enjoyed that series and I was hoping to enjoy this one just as much. Once again, I feel as though this is a series with potential, but as yet it's not reached that potential and so I will certainly continue onto book 2, but as of right now Otherland intrigued me more by this point.

Jul 14, 2011 Throop rated it it was amazing
This is one of my all-time favorite series and I reread it almost every year. That being said, I can understand why many people have given it negative reviews. There are two things that are cited most often 1) the slow start and 2)that there is nothing new (no new magic system, cultures are copies of Earth cultures, main character follows scullion to hero story, etc.), and I want to briefly address both those concerns before giving my final recommendation.

Whenever I recommend this series to som
What a fantastic story. Some people can't stand special snowflake Simon, but I love it all.

The Dragonbone Chair is takes a long time to build, and therefore it's hard to give a spoiler free premise. Our main character is Simon, a young orphan boy living in the Hayholt castle. He is a dreamer, someone unfit for the dreary castle life. When he becomes the apprentice of the fascinating Morgenes, he feels like he might finally become part of the adventures and grand life he has always fantasized abo
Nov 06, 2009 Shivesh rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Recommends it for: castle scullions, trolls, brutal warriors
Shelves: fantastical
About 15 years ago, when I was a wan, neurotic preteen wandering in the suburban wasteland of Southern California, my daily afterschool routine would lead me to the local library: a smallish building tucked under the overhanging boughs of a massive oak, it had a more visible neighbor in the even tinier city hall. In my later life, I would grow to realize that the entire complex, from library to city hall to the grocery store and mom-and-pop joints, were one of the last remnants of the "old towne ...more
Dec 17, 2010 Crperry13 rated it did not like it
Recommends it for: Patient people who don't care about dialog.
My introduction to Tad Williams was the Otherland quartet, which rank among the very best books I ever read. Otherland had strong characters, an engaging plot, and a fast-paced movielike quality about it. I expected the same from other Williams works, so I picked up The Dragonbone Chair for some summer vacation reading.

And I was incredibly disappointed. The utter lack of engaging dialog and prevalence of weak, forgettable characters ruins this book. I found myself flipping past 2-3 pages at a ti
Mark Halse
Aug 23, 2016 Mark Halse rated it did not like it
Shelves: high-priority
O what a ponderous tome! I've been wanting to read this book for a long time and was sorely disappointed. Tropes aside this book is so long winded and dull I could barely get through it!

I almost gave up on it a few times. The only thing that saved me is that every hundred pages or so something truly interesting would happen and then right back to boring ol' Simon and his boring bullshit!

One of the biggest problems with this book was it's scope. The cast of characters was too long and Mr. Willia
Out of the older tradition of fantasy writing, this one takes its time and builds slowly, carefully, meticulously, until we have a world and conflict that feels real and surprising in the present with the depth that a long history provides. Really good stuff if you're patient enough to let it simmer.

I will admit to being bored at times, and frustrated with Simon's ignorance and naivete, especially in this first book. What I would consider to be the introduction takes about 200 pages. Then it's
Dennis Meier
Feb 28, 2011 Dennis Meier rated it did not like it
Struggling a bit in Chapter 5 as the protagonist (Simon) observes things and reveals little disconnected snippets of history that (I assume) play a role in the story I hope is about to begin. (I am becoming a little tired of the comings and goings of Simon.)

I am hoping for the best. Tolkien ruined most other fantasy stories for me decades ago.

* * * *

After seven chapters, I gave up hope that an actual story would break out and something interesting will happen--or at least something more intere
Mike (the Paladin)
Oct 06, 2014 Mike (the Paladin) rated it really liked it
Shelves: fantasy, epic-fantasy
A group of heroes...Elven "like" folk...magic...swords...magic swords....dungeons...lost castle...all the ingredients are here. I like it and liked it. Maybe I'm easy, but I'm a sucker for heroics.
I really enjoyed this book once I concentrated on it. Williams isn't really breaking any new ground in fantasy with it, but it's well-written and well-imagined.
Mar 14, 2016 Dan rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: fantasy, high-fantasy
This is my first work from Tad Williams, but it definitely won't be my last. This is a novel in the high fantasy tradition. It's a tale that spans a continent, with a quest of dire consequence, and rife with complex in-depth cultures and characters.

The Dragonbone Chair takes obvious influence from J.R.R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, most specifically in tone and scope. Though it is FAR from a rip-off in anyway. The story is completely original. I also believe Tolkien to be only one of many
Monica Davis
Jan 27, 2016 Monica Davis rated it it was amazing
Shelves: fantasy
4.5 stars, deservedly rounded up to 5 stars for the overall enjoyment of this first book in the "Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn" series. A slow start and one or two sections in which I was lulled into near boredom (hence the missing half star in the rating), but beyond that a great adventure filled with interesting, well developed characters; colorfully descriptive and imaginative places and things...and plenty of action and intrigue once the story gets going. The author's careful attention to painti ...more
Sep 18, 2015 Marina rated it it was amazing  ·  review of another edition
I enjoyed every word, I enjoyed nature of Osten Ard. It's so unlike Forgotten Realms, Dragonlance, Diskworld and Shadow of a Dark Queen, less colorful, but not less wonderful. All point-of-views were engaging and not-cringe-worthy. I found first half of book more interesting than some later parts, but loved part featuring Jiriki, Ice Dragon, Joshua's escape from Naglimund, Simon's dreams, I LOVED Simon's dreams and Miriamele.
Dec 06, 2016 Carmine rated it it was ok  ·  review of another edition
Il trono del sonno

Apriamo le danze in malo modo con Tad Williams, più precisamente con "il trono del drago", primo volume di una trilogia cult a cavallo tra gli anni '80 e '90.
Questo è il classico libro che, forte di una partenza stimolante e foriera di promesse, si sgonfia alla distanza per colpa dell'eccessivo autocompiacimento da parte dell'autore.
I personaggi - a partire dall'anonimo, nonchè stereotipato, protagonista - sono poco caratterizzati, spesso incapaci di acquisire quella profondi
Nov 26, 2015 Kiwi rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
Shelves: fantasy
I am a fan of dark fantasy so I has my doubts I would be able to finish this long book being traditional epic/high fantasy fare. The novel has a frustrating slow pace at times but there is enough adventure, within its 900+ pages, to fill a trilogy. I am surprised this book is not better known, I liked it A LOT.
Adrian G Hilder
Aug 23, 2016 Adrian G Hilder rated it really liked it  ·  review of another edition
They say it is the fantasy equivalent of War and Peace - War and Peace was never this long!

In opening The Dragon Bone Chair, you step onto the threshold of one of fantasies grandest tales - and yet, a 5 star read it is not... quite.
This is the first of four books George R R Martin credits with providing some of the inspiration for his A Song of Fire and Ice series beginning with A Game of Thrones - you know, that fantasy series even people who don't normally read fantasy read.

With Simon, Tad Wil
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Tad Williams has held more jobs than any sane person should admit to—singing in a band, selling shoes, managing a financial institution, throwing newspapers, and designing military manuals, to name just a few. He also hosted a syndicated radio show for ten years, worked in theater and television production, taught both grade-school and college classes, and worked in multimedia for a major computer ...more
More about Tad Williams...

Other Books in the Series

Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn (4 books)
  • Stone of Farewell (Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, #2)
  • To Green Angel Tower (Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn, #3)
  • The Heart of What Was Lost

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“He who is certain he knows the ending of things when he is only beginning them is either extremely wise or extremely foolish; no matter which is true, he is certainly an unhappy man, for he has put a knife in the heart of wonder.” 203 likes
“Has everyone gone mad?”

“Everyone was mad already, my lady,” Cadrach said with a strange, sorrowful smile. “It is merely that the times have brought it out in them.”
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