Cisco WebEx

Success Story

Generating leads for a video conferencing service

The online meeting service used Facebook lead ads to attract more viable potential customers, increasing requests for its demo products and boosting its return on ad spend by 84% in under 3 weeks.
  • 84% increase in return on ad spend over other social platforms
  • 3X conversion rate
  • 75% lower cost per conversion than link ads

Their Story

Connecting the world

A global leader in mobility services, Cisco provides best-in-class online meeting, web conferencing and video conferencing capabilities with its WebEx collaboration suite. Each Cisco WebEx product is part of an ecosystem of solutions for working together remotely.

Their Goal

Delivering more product demos

Cisco WebEx wanted to make it easier for mobile users to sign up for WebEx product demos, so it could attract more qualified people and increase its conversion rates.
Facebook is our biggest lead generator within our social media program.
Maria Perez, Social Media Marketing Manager - WebEx Demand Generation, Cisco

Their Solution

Lead ads for the win

To encourage consumers to request a demo of its WebEx products, Cisco needed a new strategy to reach people on their mobile devices.

Optimizing lead generation

To avoid the overhead associated with creating mobile-optimized landing pages for its website, the WebEx team created a series of Facebook lead ads touting its products. Each ad included a ‘Learn More’ button that took people to a secure and editable lead form that was pre-filled with their information. Interested people simply clicked Submit to send their information to Cisco WebEx to schedule a demo at their convenience.

Reaching interested people

The team used Facebook targeting tools to reach people who already showed an interest in business and entrepreneurship on Facebook. The ads ran in mobile News Feed for the broadest possible reach.

Perfecting the formula

While the campaign ran, the Cisco WebEx team monitored ad response and conversion rates, testing and tweaking its approach to optimize results. The team discovered that reducing the number of fields on the lead form increased the number of conversions and decreased the cost per lead.

Their Success

Impressive efficiency

Cisco WebEx found Facebook lead ads to be the most effective and efficient way of generating leads and conversions across all platforms. Results from the campaign include:
  • 84% increase in return on ad spend over other social platforms (‘Request a demo’ lead ad campaign, October 13–30, 2015)
  • 3X conversion rate
  • 75% lower cost per conversion than link ads