Fight over Trump cabinet picks heats up during inaugural parade

Trump walks to the White House

by Steven T. Dennis

The US Senate has confirmed James Mattis and John Kelly to head the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security respectively, as Democrats balked at demands to confirm Mike Pompeo as CIA director on President Donald Trump's first day in office.

The Senate voted 98-1 for Mattis and 88-11 for Kelly while Trump's inaugural parade was proceeding from the Capitol to the White House. Republicans backed off threats to work through the weekend to break the logjam over the nomination of Mike Pompeo to run the CIA, scheduling a vote for Monday.

Trump issued a statement saying he was pleased Mattis and Kelly were approved and called on the Senate to "swiftly confirm the remainder of my highly qualified Cabinet nominees."

Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer said Trump's Cabinet of millionaires and conservative choices required additional scrutiny and debate. And while he said Democrats were willing to begin debate on Pompeo's nomination, a trio of Democrats announced they wanted an extended debate.

President Donald Trump waves as he walks with first lady Melania Trump during the inauguration parade.
President Donald Trump waves as he walks with first lady Melania Trump during the inauguration parade. AP

"It makes no sense to leave the post open – not for another week, not for another day, not for another hour," Senate Majority Leader and Republican Mitch McConnell said. "America's enemies will not pause in plotting, planning and training because the Democrats refuse to vote."

Republican Senator John Cornyn said Democrats were acting like a "sore loser" by threatening to delay confirmations.

"I think we ought to be prepared to push back and push back hard to confirm more nominees," he said. "And in the end, it's really just a question of fair play. We confirmed seven Obama nominees on Jan. 20, 2009, and this just strikes me as having all the attributes of a sore loser."

Long Hours

Cornyn told reporters before the inauguration he'd like to see the entire national security team, including Secretary of State nominee Rex Tillerson and attorney general nominee Senator Jeff Sessions, confirmed Friday.

Donald Trumps choice for defence secretary, James "Mad Dog" Mattis has been confirmed by the US Senate.
Donald Trumps choice for defence secretary, James "Mad Dog" Mattis has been confirmed by the US Senate. Bloomberg

But Democrats dismissed the idea outright – neither man has received a vote in committee yet.

"Absolutely not going to happen," said Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut. Tillerson, who recently stepped down as CEO of Exxon Mobil, hasn't won the backing of Republican Marco Rubio of Florida, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee, who said he's still reviewing Tillerson's answers to written questions he received Thursday. The committee is scheduled to vote Monday on his nomination.

Cornyn also said Democrats should allow confirmations of nominees who he says aren't controversial – Elaine Chao at Transportation, Nikki Haley at the United Nations, and Ben Carson at Housing and Urban Development. And he wants his fellow Texan, former Governor Rick Perry, confirmed as Energy secretary.

Republican senators had earlier said they were willing to stay late in an all-out effort to confirm nominees during the inaugural festivities. But they ended up backing off those threats, agreeing to reconvene on Monday to debate Pompeo's nomination.

Mike Pompeo has been nominated for CIA director under Trump, but is yet to be confirmed by the US Senate.
Mike Pompeo has been nominated for CIA director under Trump, but is yet to be confirmed by the US Senate. AP

Thorough Vetting

Three Democrats – Ron Wyden of Oregon, Patrick Leahy of Vermont and Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut – issued a joint statement saying they wanted a full debate on Pompeo's nomination. They said their constituents didn't want them to be a "rubber stamp" for nominees.

"No CIA director in history has ever been confirmed on Inauguration Day," they wrote. "The importance of the position of CIA director, especially in these dangerous times, demands that the nomination be thoroughly vetted, questioned and debated."
