A Brief Biography of John Scalzi

John Scalzi, covered in frosting, August 2012. Photo by Kyle Cassidy (http://www.kylecassidy.com)

Hi, there. I’m John Scalzi. I used to have a longer biography entry up, but I find as I go along I’m less inclined to string things along for the purposes of self-aggrandizement. So here’s the shorter, bullet-pointed version. Everything’s current and accurate as of 1/7/2016.

Born: May 10, 1969

Lived in: LA’s Eastern San Gabriel Valley; Chicago; Fresno, CA; Sterling, VA; Bradford, OH

Education: The Webb Schools of California; The University of Chicago (AB, Philosophy with Allied Fields)

Employment: Film Critic/Columnist; Writer/Editor; Freelance writer; Novelist

Personal: Married. One child. Several pets.

Bibliography: It’s here. New York Times best seller in fiction. Awards won include the Hugo, the Locus, the Seiun and Kurd Lasswitz. Recipient of the 2016 Governors Award for the Arts in Ohio. Works translated into 20+ languages.

Other: Creative Consultant for the Stargate: Universe television series. Writer for the video game Midnight Star, by Industrial Toys. Former president (7/10 – 6/13) of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America. Executive Producer and Consultant for Ghost Brigades, currently in development for television.

Disclosure statement: A list of past and current business associations is here.

And that’s where things stand at the moment. For more detailed information, visit the Wikipedia entry on me. It’s generally accurate.

447 thoughts on “A Brief Biography of John Scalzi

  1. John, I just read ‘The Android’s Dream’ in one day and LOVED it. Dude, you had me laughing hard at times. I have to say I seriously enjoyed the entire story from the first bit about fart machine to last bit about flowers and just have to say, “Wow, what a ride!” Thank you for a great story. I hope that we get to read more of Robin, Harry, Brian, and the Church of the Evolved Lamb soon.

  2. John, I read your interview in Locus magazine where you said you initially put “Old Man’s War” on your website as a serial. I’ve written a fantasy novel that I’ve not had any luck with selling and since I think it’s too good to just lose in a drawer somewhere, I’m looking to follow your lead and post it on a blog. My question is, how did you chop up “Old Man’s War” for your blog? I’m assuming chapter-wise is too long for the regular blog-reader. In addition, what did you do to protect it (copyright it?). Thanks for your time and I love your books!


  3. My Dear Sir,
    I am a 44 year old male. I began reading Sci – Fi a long time ago and know most of “the Ancients” really well. I have a hard time getting into authors that I am not familiar with.

    At the library today I saw your book “Old Man’s War” and something about it made me decide to look at it. I was intrigued by that look and ended up checking out.

    I have just finished it as I found it impossible to put it down once I had started it. It is a damn good story and the ideas behind it are put forth in a very refreshing way. Thank You.

    Gratefully Yours,
    Kevin G. Farrell

  4. Kayne, Kevin:



    I posted OMW a chapter at a time; people didn’t seem to have problems with the length. As for protecting it, I didn’t: Everything a person writes is automatically protected by copyright law anyway, and beyond that I wasn’t too concerned with people ripping me off.

  5. John,

    I just found your blog today thanks to boingboing.net, and I loved the photos and captions from your trip to the museum. This post is really just a shout-out from a current University of Chicago student to an alum. What did you study here?

  6. Philosophy is what I have my degree in. But I was mostly there to work on writing. I edited the Maroon and also freelanced for the Sun-Times.

  7. John,

    I started (and finished) “Old Man’s War” yesterday. I just had to drop by and say ‘thanks’. Most books I read have at least one chapter that “drags”. Yours did not. I remained interested in the story the entire time. Kudos to you my friend! I plan to buy the sequels (you’re welcome). Keep at it please, now that you have my attention…

  8. Just finished Android’s Dream (loved it!) & I wanted to say thank you for paying attention to the DC area details & not putting giant warehouses in Falls Church, etc. Did you visit the area to do research?

  9. I bought OLD MANS WAR on a whim while browsing the sci-fi section. ThenI quickly bought GHOST BRIGADES. Thanks for a great ride!!

    I just noticed that your from Fairfield, Ca. I’ve been working and living in Vacaville for the last 20 years.

    Please keep up the great work!


  10. I tried to post this in the comments section of the post on virtual book tours but I kept getting an error page…

    I do agree that there are some great services out there that will organize a virtual book tour (VBT) for an author. This is perfect for authors who just aren’t computer savvy or don’t have the time. But be prepared to pay.

    Personally, I made the time to organize a VBT, and I held it during August. I found it extremely rewarding and I value the relationships I’ve made with my hosts. I still see traffic from their blogs/sites.

    After studying this newer trend in marketing for a couple of years, and since I am always looking for exciting new ways to promote my novels, I decided to hold a 1-month VBT and I read everything I could find on the topic first. Since August, I’ve spoken about and written articles on the subject. Some of my articles have been featured on book marketing sites and in newsletters by book marketing experts.

    I’d like to share the link to my article here. This is a step-by-step plan for holding your own VBT, detailing what to do, how to do it and when to do it. I invite you to check it out.


    Cheryl Kaye Tardif,
    bestselling author of Whale Song, The River and Divine Intervention

  11. Hello John,

    I’m one of those Guy’s who read your books in a language which you don’t speak, I would like to thank you – years ago I had hundreds of SF books and I loved the stuff from Harry Harrison, Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke … but since 15 years I didn’t found a real good “new” SF Story or Writer, but – two weeks ago I found one of your books in my language it is called “Krieg der Klone” and I loved it !! Great story and humour – a little like stainless steel rat … – so today I bought the second which is translated as Geisterbrigaden – I hope the it will be such a great fun as the first one – sorry about my english, but its been a couple of years ago since I learned it :-) – you don’t really need foreign language as sysadmin in the public sector – ok – reading white papers and manuals – but thats it .. I wish I could tell you in eloquent words how much fun it was reading the story of the old guy getting an new fine styled body and using it ..

    Thanks and Greets from Calden, Germany .. – and thanks to you for beeing an “interactive author” – I love this guestbook stuff ..

  12. Thanks, Lemmy! I’m very happy you enjoyed Krieg der Klone! I didn’t know Geisterbrigaden was out yet, but I hope you enjoy that one as well!

  13. Hi John–

    I just finished The Android’s Dream as well–it was a lot of fun. I too would love to hear more about Harry, Robin, et al. I’ve also really enjoyed Old Man’s War and its sequels. I’ll look forward to the new book.

  14. Hello John-
    Came to your blog to see what you have been up to lately. My husband and I love your work. We also love the fact that you are a local (well, now a local) writer since we live in Arcanum, Ohio. So glad to have you in the area! And thanks for writing such wonderful science fiction!

  15. Hi John,
    Our four-year-old science fiction bookclub (12 members) selected -Old Man’s War-. We meet monthly in the Cincinnati region. Everyone is very excited about reading your book and we would like to invite you to participate in our discussion group. We have openings for April through September. Everyone would be thrilled if you are interested. Thank you. Brenda

  16. G’day John,
    Having recently arrived at 50 years of age “Old Man’s War” was a particular pleasure to read. As a long term consumer of all sorts of SF I congradulate you on a very fine piece of work written with great skill and insight.
    Thanks, Paul, Melbourne, Australia

  17. John,
    Just finished OMW and loved it. And I’ll second Jennifer in that I’m glad your a local, we’re down in Kettering. On my way out to the book store now to build my collection.
    Thanks, Tim

  18. Re: Old Man’s War
    How did you acquire such great insight to being old? You’re just a youngster! And military experience? Don’t see any in your bio.

  19. hey John,

    can I tell you a little story? its short and its a can did type of thing so here it goes, one day me and my brother are walking through the mall trying to spend the Christmas money burning in our pockets, but I’m no fool when it comes to wasting money on foolish things. The book store is never a foolish thing to pass up. while in the store I pass my your book “The Android’s Dream.” picking it up from the hilarious cover art, I judge it by page numbers. looks a bit long i think, while reading the back.
    hoping I’m not as lazy as I think I am, i buy the book and begin to read it at home. sadly I didn’t read it in a day, but thats ok, I don’t think i could do it in a day anyway. I just finished it today about a week later, and I have to say I really enjoyed the book. great charecter development and I could really begin to relate to almost all the characters, and what a TWIST at the end!! woo!! haha! i was not expecting that at all!

    -your friend, Joshua C.

    ps. keep up the great work!

  20. Dear John:

    I also worked on The Maroon and majored in philosophy at the U of C, at the same time you were there. Stumbled on your blog via the “being poor” entry, which even going back 3 years later and looking at it still brings back horribly sad memories. I’m not poor anymore — but I don’t think I’ll ever get over having started that way. The world never lets you forget, does it?

    Anyway, great blog!

  21. Hi John, just dropped by to say loved ‘Old Man’s War’.
    I read it because Joe Mallozzi one of the writers of Star Gate Atlantis enthused about it so much on his blog that I went out and brought it. It’s such an easy book to read that I found it really hard to put down.


  22. Hey John,
    My buddy and I are becoming sci-fi fiends lately. For Christmas, he gave me Old Man’s War and said that he just stumbled across it in the book store, read it, and said it gave Ender’s Game a run for its money as his favorite sci-fi book. I blew through Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades. I was finally able to get my hands on The Last Colony and am in the midst of enjoying it right now. You’re a phenomenal writer. Android’s Dream is next!

  23. Hey John, I just got Old Man’s War as a free ebook in an email from Tor. I have an Amazon Kindle, so popped in your book and started reading this morning.

    Excellent book so far. I love your style of writing and you’ve inspired me to get off of my lazy butt and start writing as well. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, so not sure what about your story and/or this book that made me decide to start. But it’s been decided. Maybe it’s because we’re the same age and you’ve actually done something with your life, while I spend my life admiring others. Hmmmm…

    When I fail miserably, I will totally blame you. Thanks for writing this awesome book anyway. :)

  24. John,
    I got OMW from the Tor thingie, I immediately bought every book of yours that Amazon had. Been reading SF, ummm, longer than you’ve been alive. Wow, you are good. I didn’t think I would ever find another author to be enthusiastic about.
    Now, for the interesting part. I’m from the southern San Joaquin Valley, now live in Central Ohio, and we seen to share many of the same views. Niven’s law notwithstanding. I say that we share a medium amount of commonality of experience. More than any other SF author I’ve ever encountered. And I found out all of this commonality AFTER falling deeply into OMW. Finishing it, in fact.
    Just interesting.
    Oh ya, love the cats. I have too many.

  25. Found your Old Man War through Audible – are you going to have all your novels done on audio? (please,please,please) There are so few new Sci Fi guys, with a sense of humor to choose from.

  26. Michelle Nimac:

    The Ghost Brigades will be out on audio soon, and I expect others will be along as well.

  27. Stumbled across The Androids Dream. Amazing. Found The Last Colony. Started it last night, just finished. So much political and military savvy, so much wit, humor and sarcasm mixed with genuine insight into the human character. All served up with the perfect delivery of a master storyteller. May actually go out right now and find OMW and TGB.

  28. Well, it said you pay homage to Ender’s Game so I thought I better read it before OMW and TGB. Just finished. It’s not THAT bad but I found it a bit tediously didactic; too heavy handed with pointing a moral while telling a tale. Probably wonderful if you enjoy a left wing morality play. Next up comes OMW and TGB.

  29. John,

    I too read your book Old Man’s War after receiving it from TOR. Like a new drug addict having gotten his first shot for free, I am willing, yes eager, to pay for subsequent books in this universe.
    However, I found reading the book on my mobile (using the MOBI format) really comfortable. Are your books sold in that format? Or any other electronic format that is convertible to MOBI?


  30. How I Came To Know John Scalzi’s Work (since that seems to be a common theme on this comment thread):

    My wife complains all the time that she never knows what to buy me for holiday and birthday presents. “When you see something, you always buy it for yourself. You see a book you like, you buy it. You hear a song you like, you buy the album. You need to tell me what you like, and then don’t buy it.”

    But I’m old fashioned when it comes to gifts. I mean, it’s both of our money, so if I tell her what I want, and then she goes and buys it (and then I write the check to AmEx when the bill comes in) — well, the only difference from me buying it myself is the pretty paper. And that’s nice, but it’s not all that special.

    So I said, “You know I like science fiction, and you know that any authors I’ve read and like I’ve probably got everything in print, so go through the Science Fiction section at B&N, and find something by an author that you haven’t seen me reading that you think I’d like.

    For Christmas, I opened up OMW. I think it took me two days to finish it, but that was because, well, the kids wanted to play with their games, and we were visiting family and all. Scalzi is now on my “buy anything you see” list. (Though I don’t think I’d spend $100/year on his work. I’m cheap. Paperbacks I buy; hardcovers get taken out of the library.)

    My wife is a much more insightful woman than she gives herself credit for.

  31. Just finished OMW. A couple of spots jarred my sense of immersion and engagement in the novel.

    Unless it is Saint Patrick’s Day in hell (happy St Paddy’s day BTW) if everybody is dead and there is green slime all over, everbody knows it’s the slime stupid; get out now. Thomas’ death hammered the point home but jarred me loose from the novel because nobody would be allowed such exposure to an obvious biological hazard.

    The inch tall people hammered home the point of loosing your humanity but carried the novel over the cliff of absurdity in the process; nobody believes in inch tall people unless it’s St Patrick’s day and they are overbevaraged on green beer.

    I was afraid the novel had stumbled, could not recover and was ruined. However, it caught it’s stride, gained momentum and rushed to a rousing and glorious ending (it is especially important not to have a ruined ending). I give it highest marks and relish the prospect of TGB coming up next.

    Ender’s Game suffered a ruined ending, IMO. There are only a few pages left and the children are still “practicing”. I am obviously expected to suspend my disbelief to the point of lowering my IQ to 50 so I won’t see the obvious: it’s not a game, the kids are really fighting the battle. What happened was it really made me angry that the writer is expecting me not to notice something really obvious.

    IMO the bad news with OMW is it got fewer awards than it deserves. The good news is I think it will still be read 50 years from now.

  32. Jon Zink:

    The inch-high people get a lot of folks, actually. My response to them is that they’re thinking of the aliens as tiny little humans instead of aliens. Inch-high humans are not possible, to be sure (they’d freeze to death), but I think it’s possible to logically model inch high aliens who don’t violate physics and who are also pretty darn smart. It’s all in how you design them.

    Be that as it may, I’m glad the book bounced back for you. Hope you enjoy the rest of them as well!

  33. Well, “they” say, that kind of like the Ur-Hamlet, that Starship Troopers and The Forever War are the Ur-Ghost Brigades. So I am reading those as a primer before reading The Ghost Brigades. Delayed gratificatiion. Unlike Ender’s Game TGB is said to end with “a brilliant narrative bait-and-switch” that no one can see coming.

  34. Just read Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades in less than a week. There are very few books I read easily, letalone finding not one, but two, I could barely put down. Unfortunately The Last Colony doesn’t come out until July in the UK, so I’m chomping at the bit to read it. Funnily enough Ender’s Game is an old favourite of mine, but your books were better. If you can recommend any novels or authors of a similar vein, let me know. I have lots of books I started but never finished because they didn’t pull me in. Thanks for the change.

  35. Hi John,

    A question regarding the University of Chicago and writing (if you have a moment): did you ever take the Little Red Schoolhouse writing course? I potentially have the option to take either that or intermediate fiction writing, and I’m unsure of which to pick. By the way, I’m also enrolled in a philosophy class called Faith and Reason.

  36. Ayn:

    Never took Little Red Schoolhouse; didn’t think I needed it (others might have begged to differ). Given the choice between the two courses, I would pick LRS — internalizing the languages structure is a good thing, and you can always pick up the fiction writing course later. I took a fiction writing course at the U of C, and in retrospect it wasn’t particularly useful.

  37. Hi John,

    I’ve been reading your site for a couple of days now, since I saw Wil Wheaton talk about your Hugo nomination. I went to the Border’s here in Milwaukee and picked up Old Man’s War (I took the larger autographed copy over the standard pocket-book size I usually get, so I hope you see something of that extra $5 I spent ;-). I enjoyed the book quite a bit, and will be picking up the other two books in the series soon enough.

    I see you worked for the Bee for a few years. I’m originally from Fresno, so I was probably reading your reviews during middle school and into high school (though I don’t remember knowing the movie reviewer’s name until I kept disagreeing with Donald Munro). Glad to see you were able to move on to bigger and better things.

  38. Hi John,

    Your novels open immediately and vividly into a compelling and fascinating world; on page one Scottie has beamed you up, you are there and empathizing with a character you seem to have known forever or else are seemingly part of serious and rapid developments.

    I finished Starship Troopers which comes pretty darn close. Started “The Forever War” but it seemed to be taxiing on the runway for too long before taking off, so I just now went out and bought The Ghost Brigades. Read the first 19 pages in 5 minutes. Then the red light I was sitting at in my car changed to green. I had to seriously weigh the options of continuing to read and ignore the cars honking behind me or snap the book shut and dash home.

  39. Eeek!

    I almost went to the webb school. I visited it but decided it wasn’t the right place for me when the students didn’t get my puns.

    *makes eerie creepy b-movie sci fi noises*

  40. I ended up going to “The Buckley School” in sherman oaks instead. If I had gone to Webb I would have lived on campus as commuting from the San Fernando valley would have been a bit much. I also looked at Flintridge and Polytech.

  41. John, I love Old Man’s War is it very suspenseful and very realistic. Besides the part about him getting a new fit body, that was pretty cool!!!!!!!!

  42. Jon Bailey:

    Yes, I write books full-time these days. I have three novels scheduled between now and the end of 2009.

  43. Well, that’s it, I have read them all.

    I read TGB last and I appreciate how well made the novel is. There is a quite entertaining medly of plot twists and denouements at the end of the novel, along with a liberal sowing of the seeds of future novels. Bravo. Nicely done.

  44. I’m reading the Old Man’s War and Ghost Brigades for the second time. In the first book your Sgt. Ruiz and John Perry’s verbal exchange around Willie Wheelie had me crying, I was laughing so hard. It was worse the second time around. God that hurt so good. That has to be a classic.
    I’ve been reading science fiction since high school (back in the early 60’s). Heinlein, Asimov, etc.. Then I became interested in future combat. I thought I had read just about every science fiction combat novel there was. And then…Yep, Battletech came out. So, I’m always cruising the book stores on the look out for fresh science fiction combat. And I came across your books. Believe it or not I even play HALO, and I’m pretty decent (for an old man). I hope to see more of your work in the future.
    Born in Fairfield, huh? I was born in Vallejo.

    Take care, and thank you for your books.

  45. I host a once-monthly sci fi book discussion group in Fort Wayne, IN. We are discussing your book, Old Man’s War, on 5/4/08. Do you have any suggestions about where to find discussion questions? I have many of my own since there so many themes in the book, but sometimes publishers will create some questions, too.

    Do you have any suggested questions that would spark good discussion?


  46. I was “googling” – surviving poverty, which led me here. That particular wonderful (yet painful) thread has long been closed, yet I sat here for over 2 hours reading it in its entirety. “Hope” may be a 4 letter word, but it keeps you going. Thanks…

  47. Hi John
    I’m another one who have read your book on the foreign language for you: russian.
    The Old Mans War (or “Doomed to victory” in russian ver.) was impressed me much stronger than such epic story like “Dune” by F.Herbert.
    It realistic and easy to understand. I think sci-fi story must be definitly like this one.
    p.s. I’ve noticed that you have a birthday today. Happy birthday! And thanks for that great story:-)

  48. john,
    like many others here I was captivated by old mans war. I was just wondering if you have ever been propositioned to turn it into a tv series?

  49. I get a lot of offer for TV/film rights. I’ve turned them down so far because I’m not happy with what’s been offered to this point.

  50. I really enjoyed Old Man’s War so much. I loved the humour, the exciting space adventures, cool futuristic weapon, action packed scenes, and the close relationship experienced by characters. I’d love for you to write another book with the same formula that made me love old man’s war so much.

    I think good friends going off into far off exotic space planets to fight a menacing foe trying to destroy the human race is such fun to read.

    I read your last books in the series but I have to say I much preferred the romping adventure to the political intrigue in the sequels to the series.

  51. Hi John . I just got your book the Last Colony in a book sale in Winchester, Mass at the ENKA fair. It looks like it could make a good sci fi tv series or a movie.

    I am a screenwriter and wondering if I could write the screenplay for the Last Colony and then we could split royalties, etc. and try to pitch it to a movie studio. Currently I am writing screenplays for James Huston and Mitchell Graham.

    Email me at
    jdearman77@gmail.com and we can talk.

    Jeff Dearman
    Winchester, MA

  52. Jeff:

    This is something that is generally better discussed in e-mail then in a comment area of a blog. I don’t generally handle this sort of business in public, nor do I know of many people who do.

    That said, the answer is no. My work is already under representation and being shopped for film and TV, and generally the producers who would make offers on the work would have their own screenwriters or would have me take a run at a draft.

    Thanks for your interest, however.

  53. Claremont?! I graduated from Pitzer College in 1982. Did you know that? Maybe I already told you. A friend of mine went to Webb. I’ve been to Fresno and Clovis. The Bee is a fine newspaper. I’ve lived in Riverside since 1989. Did you ever live here? Maybe I’ll see you at LosCon. Go, go, go.

  54. John, I was researching online about why poor people think all tax cuts are for the rich. To be honest, I was trying to find some smart ass retort as to why I should pay more taxes than those less fortunate. I accidently came across the “Whatever” Being Poor strand. Let’s just say that it was very sobering. I am going to volunteer somewhere. Thanks, I never really looked at it from that perspective. Regards.

  55. Hi John, as a huge fan from Germany I must say that I have never read anything more fascinating and diverting than your books.
    Thanks a lot for writing them and please keep going! Most important, push the German publisher to bringing out your books faster ;-)

  56. Dennis:

    My German publisher so far as rights to every book but Zoe’s Tale, so more books are indeed coming!


    Glad to be useful to you.


    Cool! See you at LosCon!

  57. Mr Scalzi, just started your first novel “Oldmans War” I am surprised by your relative youth, compared to myself, in as much as you have nailed being an older man like I imagine myself.Your empathy and or insight into what it is like to be older than you are is remarkable. I amenjoying this story very much! Thankyou.

  58. Dear Mr Scalzi,

    I just finished your book Old Mans war which kept me up all night to finish. I have to thank you. It has been a long time since i have been able to pick up a writer who was not Orson Scott Card and have a tremendous love for the book. I read Agent to the Stars from my local library and liked your style that I decided to pick up the first book in your series and I loved it, I have plans to go out and find the rest of the series now. Also have plans for Androids Dream. I have to thank you again for bringing me back into the folds of sci-fi reading.

  59. John… It’s your cousin. Your sister just posted something (not here) and I read it and started researching you….WOW you’re a popular guy! Dad (Gale) always talks about you and the books he’s read from you. I would like to be in contact with you on a personal basis…but I can’t seem to find an email. I’ll see if dad has your email, but if not, plaese contact me.
    I hope to talk to you soon….

  60. John – stumbled upon your blog, after hearing Bill Maher talk about the Creation Museum. All I can say is, “Shit!”
    “Horseshit” is such a useful word, isn’t it? Much better than “bullshit.”

    Keep up the good work!

  61. Do you ever make it over to Columbus? Have you considered doing a signing appearance?

    Well, I’d be there….

  62. Mr. Scalzi-

    I recently read Android’s Dream, and just dropped by to say:

    You magnificent bastard! You put that f’ing Gerard Depardieu /Green Card/ “parcels” riff in there, and I f’ing got it, OK? I probably missed a bunch of other stuff, but I got that one!

    Oh, and uh, the rest of the book was pretty good, too.

    That is all.


  63. Hi John,

    I really have enjoyed your books. I just finished Android’s Dream and I’ll be sure to tell others how much fun it was. BTW, I think there were only three bullets left in the 45.

    Keep on writing!!!


  64. Are you sure that’s who you are? That guy lives a few blocks down the road from me, and he doesn’t look anything like you.

  65. Hi John, just read Old Man’s War (as eBook) and loved it. Went to Fictionwise where I was sure to have seen Ghost Brigades as eBook as well, but apparently not. I can’t find any other book of you as eBook anywhere… You think they’ll become available one day?

  66. You actually enjoyed living in that methane pit of Dubya-lovin’ monster-truck scumfuckery known as Fresno?

    I wish I had this information for the “Hate John Scalzi” contest.

  67. Yes, I did like it, actually. There were (and are) worse places to live in California.

  68. I lived there for almost two years and hated it. Mostly for the unbearable over-100-degree heat, the stench of cow dung, the lack of anything worthwhile to do, and rampant conservatism. I’m grateful to be back in LA.

    To each their own.

  69. Dear John,

    I have read your Letzte Kolonie and I would like to tell you that it is a great book. Your style of writing is so funny and fascinating. There are not so many author who write books like that. I am looking forward for your next book which will be published in Jan. 2009 in Germany I think. Sorry for my English!

    Annette, Waiblingen – Germany

  70. John,

    You were my editor when I was writing humor columns for Howdy on Yahoo sometime last century.

    Over the weekend I was trying to remember your name (memory is a memory once you hit 50). Then just now I drifted onto your blog. Weird.

    Glad to see you’re doing well.

  71. John-
    Just finished The Last Colony, and you did it again! OMW jumped immediately into my top 3 (w/ Dune and Starship Troopers), and you’ve kept the standard high. My wife is currently cackling her way through Android’s Dream- and she’ll be diving back into John and Jane’s universe next.

    Keep up the great work!
    Paul G

  72. My son* gave me OMW and “The Ghost Brigades” in paperback for Father’s Day. I inhaled them both and waited with anticipation for “The Last Colony” to be issued in pb (I prefer pb to hard cover – takes less room on my bookshelves).

    I bought “The Last Colony” on July 30th and finished it today. I’m now ready for “Zoe’s Tale.” When will it be out in pb?

    Your new fan,

    * My older son serves as “dealer” to this S/F “junkie.” He addicted me to Piers Anthony’s first three books of his Xanth “trilogy” (now completely out of hand, with me waiting impatiently for “Air Apparent” [# 31] to come out in pb in OctOgre). He also addicted me to the works of Harry Turtledove.

  73. Terry:

    It hasn’t even come out in hardcover yet, so it’ll be at least a year until it’s in paperback.

  74. I read Old Man’s War and loved it and then Android’s Dream and loved it, but didn’t realize that it was the same author until I went to get more books by the same “two” authors. Your attention to detail is amazing.

    Thanks for the great time!

  75. I’m right in the middle of Old Man’s War and spellbound. Probably the best written sci fi book I’ve read since the Rama series. I about pee’d my pants when John Perry named his Brain Pal “asshole”. I was eating a sandwich in my truck, parked in a parking lot on my lunch hour and blew sandwich chunks all over the windshield. Thanks John. Can’t wait to read the next one.

  76. Just finished Lost Colony about half an hour ago. WOW. Just plain WOW. Not often I get tears in eyes after reading. I’m a 53 year old Geologist from eastern Ind., now in Colo. Started reading it on plane yesterday to Denver then had to get chores settled so I could give the rest of book total attention today. Love the humor, love the love. Keep them coming! I started reading SF when paperbacks were 40 cents and I think you are pretty dang fine when compared to a lot of great folks. Thanks

  77. I got a free copy of “Old Man’s War” from TOR (in .PDF format) and really enjoyed it. Thank you! I’ve since purchased two of your other books (also very good). I’m finding that these promotional e-books are an effective way to market (to me, at least) because I’ve purchased several books from authors in TOR’s promotional program.

  78. Hello John,

    I’m an italian reader. I’ve just finished OMW and already ordered through the Internet hardcover copies of The Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony. I just can’t wait to go on.
    SF has been my first love and I’ve been reading tons of it for a very long time. Lately my love for SF wasn’t anymore the same as in the past then I wish to thank you and your brilliant work for giving me back the old enthusiasm.

    I’m pretty sure that many italian SF readers would be pleased to discover your novels. Do you already have an italian publisher? If yes, have you any anticipation about italian editions schedule? Thanks.

    Mauro (Gort), Milano – Italy

  79. I recently picked up Android’s Dream and absolutely loved it. I then followed suit and decided to look at your other books from the Old Man’s war…

    I have read the three of them but haven’t gotten around to reading Zoe’s Tale or the Sagan Diaries mostly because they aren’t available here.. I may pick them up from amazon.

    I’d just like to say that you are an amazing writer. I’ve been addicted to science fiction books since I first became a fan of science fiction because of Douglas Adams and I must say your style of adding humor with great dept of science is great.

    I anxiously awaiting whatever you come up with next.

  80. When I first met my husband, I provided him with a non-optional reading list of Heinlein’s masterworks as a prerequisite to our continuing relationship. To return the favor two years later, he today bought me a copy of OMW. For someone who still cries at the end of Starship Troopers (both for its lovely poignancy, and for the loss of its author), reading OMW was like catching the scent of a dead lover’s perfume on a new lover’s skin: oddly familiar, but unique and exciting in the new context. It took my breath away. Outstanding.

  81. i’m already told it to my friends, and i’ll tell you again: justta real thing!!!

  82. I started reading sci fi in the 50’s and 60’s, somewhere along the way I became disillusioned and turned off.
    I saw a review of your “The Old Man’s War” and picked up a copy.
    Read the whole series and loved it. Especially the way you married the traditional sci fi with new ideas.
    Thanks for several enjoyable hours of reading.

  83. As an aspiring Fantasy and SciFi author I read not only for the pure enjoyment but also to see what works and what entertains when it comes to style. I just finished The Ghost Brigade and I loved it; the concept was amazing (I wish it’d been more clear it was a sequel – it didn’t read like a sequel but I’m going to go find The Old Man’s War now) and the style really had me flipping pages. I absolutely love this book; it ranks up there on my SciFi favorites list beside the Ender series and Kevin J Anderson’s Saga of Seven Suns.

    You have an amazing talent to make the science interesting but not overwhelming, the combat detailed but not excessive, and the characters so real I wish I could meet them face to face. So thank you, for writing and for sharing your brilliance. Writers like you inspire aspiring authors like me.

  84. Dear John,

    I have a question. Why have you choose science fiction as your medium? Why not love stories or crime like Elisabeth George for example. What was you first contact with science fiction stories? I like your style, it is like David Brin or Isak Asimov ( I hope I have written his name right). You are always so positiv in your writing. How the people from our planet will get in to the space. It is not so dark like “Aliens” it is always funny and positive and I like that because here on earth there are so many trouble and wars but I believe will make it in to the space. I am always happy when I something hear about the spacemission to the mars or the the moon and the when the sending of moduls by the NASA to our Raumfahrtmission which includes a lot of countries all ofter the world like USA, Japan, Germany, Russia and so on. I hope this bring us forward in getting in to the space like your book shows us or how the people get solutions about the polution or other things like hurricans in the book of David Brin. I hope we will have a world some day like you show this us in your books. There a conflicts but they will get a solution and deal with other specities (perhaps there are some there).

    I have read on your other website that you are making music. What kind of music is this? Where could I listen to it or can buy it or get in from the internet?

    I would be happy to hear from you!

    Yours Annette
    I life in Waiblingen near Stuttgart (Germany)

  85. Annette:

    I write science fiction mostly because it’s what I’ve enjoyed reading.

    As for the music: Click on the “Scalzi Creative Sampler” link in the sidebar, and then click on the “Music for Headphones” link you find there.

  86. John,
    I am 41 pages from the end of Old Man’s War and I am already planning my excursion to Borders to get everything else. I picked your book up almost a month ago and couldn’t start it because I was plodding through something else. How quickly things change. While I couldn’t face reading that other book for more than a few minutes at a time, I have had to force myself to put yours down. My work and personal hygiene are suffering (not true really, as I am a quick reader…). But I want to tell you that are on my short list of favorite new writers. Kudos.

  87. My partner went to Barnes & Noble, saw the signage promos for your latest, no books or book. Asked a clerk about it, clerk said that they only received one box of books and they were all sold in less than an hour. The only other authors I know of that fit into this category were Richard Sapir & Warren Murphy with their Destroyer Series. Walden books told me that they usually could not put any of those on the rack until the third box was delivered, the Call List was that long for those books that they just took them out of the box for customers to take away. Congratulations on hitting the big time! BTW, I got their last copy of Zoe’s Tale. Usually I can wait for hardcovers to go into remainder before I buy them, you have just overridden that obstacle.

  88. Don’t know if anyone passed this along to you-one of the artists on the Trekbbs created it for a class assignment.

  89. John,
    On my way back from a tour in Iraq a few weeks ago I picked up “The Last Colony” on a whim for the plane ride–WOW! I immediately bought “Old Man’s War” and “The Ghost Brigades” and read them in a little over a day. I wanted to simply say Thank You very much (!) and you’ve definitely earned another fan. Keep up the good work and best of luck to you.

    Gray, Washington, DC

    P.S. Perhaps this is due to a lack of extensive Google searching, but are there any pictures of what the alien races look or is that just wishful thinking? Thanks.

  90. How did you end up in Bradford, OH?…seems pretty far off from California. I’m from Minster, OH—about 1/2 hour north of you, so I’m just curious to what drew you to Bradford?

  91. Dude.

    I’m in love with Old Man’s War
    and pretty much all your books!
    Its probably the best book I have ever gotten the chance to read and i just wanted to thank you.

  92. John,

    I enjoyed Old Man’s War quite a bit. I had to toss it rather than keep it around however due to the language so the kids wouldn’t get into it.

    The Androids Dream story was wild and unexpected. I enjoyed that perhaps even more than the Old Man’s War.

    Keep up the great ideas.


  93. I read your books, they were terrific.
    By the way, how do you think of these, lets say, ‘unique’ ideas???

  94. Hi John,

    I was wondering if you have read, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick, im sure you must know it was the novel that Bladerunner was based on. Bladerunner is my most fav sci-fi movie and i still enjoy viewing it and speculating about all its fine details. I just set up a blog with wordpress and saw that you are now with wordpress too. I would like to read one of your books, what might be a recommendation…with thanks, erika, salonunidad

  95. ya librarian in honolulu over here. just finished zoe’s tale, loved it, and plan to push it something fierce to the teens (wondering if it will be harder to get girls to read sf or boys to read a book with a teenage girl as the protagonist. my guess is the latter).

    btw, totally chuffed that you call claremont, ca your hometown. me too! (CHS tho.)

  96. I have owned three of your books for several years now, starting with the Old Man’s War, but just discovered this website link in the back of my copy of The Ghost Brigades, which I just reread. I have been a SciFi reader since the age of 7 or 8 (now 57) and have found your style to my liking. I wll soon also reread The Last Colony.

    I just want to say thank you. Your are very good at this writing craft, rare in fact, and you have explored some interesting future paths of technology. We are on the brink.

    GO JOHN!!

  97. Just want to say I disagree with any complaints about the 1 inch tall aliens in OMW. I thought it was a great image. I kind of made me wish i could hold one in my hand (even though he or she would shoot at me).
    All of the imagery was so real to me, that i had some very strange dreams. Just got The Ghost Brigades today. thanks.

  98. John,
    I stumbled upon a Science Fiction bookstore in Toronto, to my delight (I live three blocks from it..delight-squared), and asked the nice man there to recommend a book. I told him three SciFi authors I like and he turned on a dime and literally marched to the a random bookshelf in the middle of many other bookshelves in the store, and then proceeded to grab a book off a shelf that was higher in height than him by hopping off the ground and swiping it in one rather graceful movement. It was so odd, and I didn’t ask questions, but I bought the book. It was OMW, and to my elation, it is a signed copy, because apparently, you just recently made an appearance in there. Long story short….I am reading it now and it is wonderful so far. Not sure how my friend from the bookstore arrived at OMW because the authors’ names I gave him all have a different flare for the genre, but he hit the nail on the head…or perhaps hopped on it.
    I hope this made you smile.

  99. I just finished reading ur “old man’s war” and “ghost brigades”, of course in Chinese version, they r gr8t,keep going & good luck!

  100. Mr. Scalzi,

    wow!! thanks man real good, started with last colony, then figured out it was the end “SO FAR” of a trilogy.

    hey there is a lot of dead space at the end of chapters and between books ie.. “Part two”, pages where u can leave us the reader a note like “hey if you like this so far maybe you should read the other 2 first!! or check out my web site. don’t wait til the end get them while you got them and a litle more interaction during the read with the author
    that’s you!! would be great. just small things like

    “next chapter is really good so you better hit the head now”

    well you know what i mean, your a lil different so be different people today want a lil more interaction not just at the end.

    great writing along the lines of Charles Sheffield you are deffinitly not restricted to sci-fi but wow that was good.
    like I said thanks and keep your head up, there will be down days, but savor the great ones dont get complacent shake it up sometimes


  101. I have just this minute finished reading ‘The Last Colony’ and would like to congratulate you on a fine piece of story telling, filled with wonderful ‘down to Earth’ characters and credible politics.
    I have been riveted from beginning to end. In the field of SF your work should be considered a rare gem, keep up the good work and thank you.

  102. Hi

    I was curious if you had any input into the choice of the audio book cover background image of the city skyline for the anthology-Metatropolis?

  103. I bought “Old Man’s War” in the airport and read it on my honeymoon a year ago. I couldn’t stop. Didn’t make my wife happy.
    Got home, went to the library and got “The Android’s Dream.” Went to the bookstore and bought “Ghost Brigades.” Reserved “The Last Colony and finally, two months ago, got it from the Library (although I will be buying it.)
    Read “The Last Colony,” stayed up late to finish it, closed the book, turned out my bedside lamp, and had my first panic attack. The first of many. Seriously, I’m sick.
    I’m not saying I blame you, John. It’s probably unrelated. I read “Zoe’s Tale” a few weeks ago and didn’t have a nervous breakdown, so I think we’re OK.
    But I did finish your series and go crazy.
    If I’d known that you were going to write “Zoe’s Tale,” maybe none of this would have ever happened. I’m just saying…
    Thanks, and keep up the good work.

  104. What a delight and a relief! I just finished reading Old Man’s War and am ecstatic that I have other books in the series to look forward to.

    I am a huge fan of space opera and love talking strategy and tactics, so it should follow that I’d also be a huge fan of military sci fi. Unfortunately, about 5 books into the genre, I became so irate with the genre’s tendency to use sexual violence to dimensionalize its female characters (instead of actual character development), that I painted up a soap box and started using it as a bludgeoning device whenever someone would recommend a military sci fi book to me. It became the mission of several of my sci fi reading friends to find a military sci fi book that broke the pattern.

    Many people thought David Weber would be a good bet, but sexual abuse lurks in Honor’s past, and one of the books in the series reveals the repeated sexual violence done to women prisoners of war being rescued.

    Well, surely a woman wouldn’t do it, try Elizabeth Moon. Nope, she does it too.

    Catherine Asaro? I picked up Primary Inversion. While it was a great book, I also peevishly took notes on all of the foreshadowing of sexual violence done to one of the characters; p.11, p. 37 …

    Finally, a girlfriend of mine who shares my love of sci fi and who also introduced me to the awesomeness that is Scott Westerfeld, recommended Old Man’s War.

    THANK YOU for breaking the pattern! I loved reading this book. It made me laugh out loud, it brought tears to my eyes, and above all, it was a great, colorful, immersive military sci fi adventure.

  105. Recently read the complete “Old Man’s War” series, and just now finished “The Android’s Dream.” I’ve been reading sci-fi since Robert Heinlein wrote “Rocketship Galileo,” and you certainly have some of the more interesting plots I’ve encountered. “The Android’s Dream” hints at some of what Ray Kurzweil talks about in “The Singularity Is Near.” Maybe it’s not so far away!

  106. Wow… I’ve been visiting your site for about a year and a half now, and I only just visited this page. I currently live in Vallejo Ca, but I lived in Fairfield for 3 years… until I lost my house in this darn housing slump. Well anyway keep up the great work.

  107. I am half way through The Ghost Brigade and I cannot put these books down! Old Man’s War is one of the best books i have ever read and this whole series seems to be heading in the same direction. I am currently deployed to Baghdad, Iraq and found both books inside one of the morale free libraries and am so glad I picked them up. I just bought the third book and Sagan’s Diary and will probably read every book you have written before I finish my tour of duty. Please keep them coming!

  108. Found your blog by random action, only to discover we have the same day, but not year, of birth. I can only assume this means you are the perfect god I have been searching for all my life… I’ll build the temple tomorrow.

  109. Well. This is surprising. I wander around the internet, looking for places to publish a novella, happen to come here, and … err … I actually read Old Man’s War, and recommended it to several people, who then bought it. [I work at a bookstore. Woo, being poor.]
    … OK, that’s all I have to say. :P

  110. John,

    You are one of the best writers I have read in a long time. Since Jul 08, I have read ‘Old Man’s War’, ‘Ghost Brigades’, Zoe’s Tale’, ‘Sagan’s Diary’, and have just ordered ‘Android Dreams’ and ‘Agent to the Stars. I can’t wait to get them. Fairfield? Must be an Air Force Brat. I graduated High School in Fairfield. 198 too long ago 2. From Kuwait, Rob

  111. John,
    I want to thank you so much for doing what you do – I have been reading sci-fi for a very long time and I am absolutely delighted to have been “helped” into discovering another wonderful author to follow!

    I have been reading sci-fi since my early teens (which was well before the internet was even a thought bubble) and you have brought me right back to the incredible heady days of first discovering what it is like to journey through someone else’s mindscapes! Your books are making quite the scene down here in Australia – wish you would do a tour!

    With my heartfelt thanks and most sincere encouragement to keep on writing!

  112. I love your books on the Colonial Defense Forces! You are a Amazing author! I hope you can continue them with a 4th book!

  113. I was just browsing the bookstore and happened to pick up Agent to the Stars. I read it in little over a day and absolutely loved every minute of it. I laughed out loud more times than I can count. Thanks for such a great book! :)

  114. Well what can I say that has not been said in all the posts above. I reread “Old mans war” the other day and enjoyed it as much if not more than the first time. I am now half way through “The last Colony” its a pleasure to be able to say thankyou for damm good read.

    Bootneck, a British reader.

  115. I just read the “Zoe’s Tale” and i got to say, it was just amazing.. I love the way you write books, and how you get the people who read them so in tuned with the characters.

    You gotta email me sometime, i have so many questions!!!!!!!

  116. Just wanted to tell you that someone donated your book to the USO and it found itself The Last Colony in Kurdistan which is really Northern Iraq. I’m a combat medic for the Army and I’m reading it right now. It really has helped.

  117. My dear John note:

    As a teacher I have so little time to read for fun that I accrue books for the various breaks (including summer).

    I just finished OMW.

    I had so much fun reading Old Man’s War! God (or whomever or whatever you pray to) bless you!

    Happy New Year.

  118. I found out about you through Wil Wheaton’s blog – he mentions you every so often. But I wasn’t truly intrigued until I joined goodreads.com (to keep track of my ever-growing list of “want-to-reads”) and saw Old Man’s War had many positive reviews.

    I’ve since read OMW and am nearly done with Ghost Brigades. You, sir, are a fantastic author. I’ve heard you compared to Heinlein (and notice that you throw a few winks out to the reader acknowledging this), but, though I’m a huge Heinlein fan, I think the comparison is a disservice to you. Your characters and dialog are real, whereas Heinlein couldn’t write a realistic female character to save his life. And you haven’t yet resorted to the character whose sole purpose is to ask “huh?” as RAH frequently did.

    To sum it up: thanks for being awesome

  119. Hi Johm,

    I have to say thank you for such a wonderfull storyline with Old man’s War, it continues where The Forever War left of with the concept of Earth and space and how it might turn out for the Human space and also for how it effects those lives that spin within the web of truth and lies.



  120. I feel bad about it, but I just finished Zoe’s Tale, and… I didn’t love it.
    ¶ Don’t get me wrong, it was a good read – in fact, I stayed up all night to finish it. But the story never carried me away in the same manner that all the other books have. (Need proof? Normally I’m too caught up in the plot to notice continuity errors on a first read, especially a first read at 2am, but Magdy gave Zoe something for the first time on both pages 255 and 329.) I have no right to complain; five brilliant novels and the sixth is only very good? Hardly an offense worthy of being sent behind the woodshed. Send the snarky reader instead.
    ¶ I want to read as much from the universe of Old Man’s War as anyone, but it’s like chocolate: too much all at once (retelling the same time line) and it ceases to be special. Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game universe seriously jumped the shark with Ender’s Shadow, and I so don’t want that to happen here. Maybe I’m alone in my disinclination for recycled plot lines, but I’d rather reread a book that made me laugh and cry than have what can never be more than a simulacrum.

  121. Katy:

    I’m not sure why you think you need to feel bad about not liking one book as much as the others. No one’s going to like everything equally.

    In other words, don’t worry about it.

  122. Hey John,

    thanks for inventing this great universe! I liked The Old Man’s War the best. I hope this timeline never ends ;)

    Germany, Bavaria, Munich

  123. hello, was in the local library, found a book about zoe, checked it out, devoured it, went back the next day, n ordered everything they have from you, devoured again, lol!
    ah, what a feast!!!
    you have acquired a fan, and i will assuredly keep my eyes open for more delectable tidbits with your name on the cover (-; *

    in fact, you are now in the VERY few** i spend my hard earned money on, as i feel you, amonst the others, to be an investment in my older, greyer, lazier days to come, and most assuredly worth a re-read.

    thank you, thank your family, and all those involved in publishing for a true treasure chest of literary spendour (-;

    * this is a ” left handed smiley, as i am a very militant lefty, lol.

    ** the old masters, and recently, several of baens stable of writers, turtledove, stirling, mccaffrey, etc. .

  124. I found out about his site after seeing the info about Stargate:Universe – and I noted one of the earliest comment on this page talking about knowing ‘most of “the Ancients” really well’!


    …oh, and good luck on SG:U!

    (I just hope that it won’t end up like Atlantis broadcast-wise, in that it’ll actually be broadcast in Canada at the same time as in the US.)

  125. I just found your books earlier this year and I wanted to thank you for the pleasure I’ve gotten from reading them.
    That said, I just started on “Agent to the Stars” (ready for chapter 4) and I’ve already been laughing my a** off %~}
    Just keep’m coming …

    Thanks again,

    Dan B.

  126. Hey John! I love your books; you’ve quickly jumped into my list of must-read authors. I just started a little blog of my own about casting the books I’m reading into big budget movies. I don’t have alot of material yet, so I’m going back and casting some of my favorite books. I’ve just finished Old Man’s War and thought it would be fun to get your take on it.


    Oh, and feel free to offer any suggestions of your own and correct any mistakes I’ve made. Its been a few years since I’ve read OMW and I might have misremembered some characters. Keep up the good work and good luck with SGU!

  127. Is this some strange perversion of reality? I mean, growing up in beautiful California, only to settle in um er Ohio? I mean, Ohio. Really. Come on.

  128. John-I picked up Agent to the Stars on the recommendation of some guy sort of affiliated with my local fish wrapper. I loved it. I plan on enriching your bank account, so thank me, please. I have one question. Seeing as it was put out in 2005, how would you have known that Heath Ledger was going to do the big sleep? Can you really tell the future? I think you may have been anally probed. Why make the change to include Heath Ledgers tragic death? I understand to make it current, but in subsequent editions, will you be making further modifications for things like deaths and births, plastic surgeries etc?

  129. John,
    I have to say, your writing style and storylines are fantastic. I can’t say enough about your books.
    Anyways, I wanted you to know my wife picked out OMW for me and sent it to me while I was deployed last year to the Persian Gulf. It was a big deal for her because she never gets me books – she’s afraid I would have already read it. Well, I read the entire book in one sitting. Great stuff. I just got done reading the Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony, and can’t wait to get into the other things you’ve written.
    Thank you for your work, and for the comments you continue to make on your blog.

  130. John

    The first book of yours that I read was ‘Old Man’s War’, which I enjoyed a great deal. I have read all the others in the series (except ‘Zoe’s Tale’) plus ‘Androids Dream’.

    Yesterday I read ‘Agent to the Stars’ – and i could not believe that it was your first book. Really funny and compelling storyline, and I liked the ethical dilemna.

    Thanks for some great reading!


  131. Hey Scalzi – was just directed to your blog for the first time – specifically, the GOP-on-drugs post. You’re intellectually fly for a white guy from Fairfield! Must be that upwind of Berkeley-Oakland thang – it lingers. Keep those cards & letters coming! – sincerely, a New East Bay/The Hague Scalzi Acolyte

  132. I started reading Old Man’s War while sitting in the Dayton Airport about to begin my trip to South Africa. I found it amusing that John Perry and I were heading in similar directions. The Old Man’s War series were excellent. I have shared them with my friends and family. Each person I know who has read them has had nothing but great things to say. Please continue the stories about the CDF universe. I would love to read about the history of human kinds colonization efforts.

    Androids dream was also excellent. I enjoyed how different it was to the Old Man’s War series. Please continue producing great works.

  133. Just finished reading ‘Android’s Dream’.

    The only thing better than reading a good book on vacation is reading an incredibly good book on vacation and discovering a new author to add to my favorites list.

    Thanks for a thoroughly enjoyable read John. I’ll be buying every other John Scalzi book that I can get my hands on.

  134. I read Alan D. Foster, Orson S. Card, and David Zindell. The only reason I picked up Ghost Brigades, last week, was because the hard back was on sale for $4.95. Front to back in 2 days. While reading Old Mans War in the living room, I started laughing out loud in front of everyone.( Chap 6. the Old Farts telling each other their BrainPal names) I stopped and immediately put the book down. I have never laughed, cried, or had any outward emotional response to anything I have ever read. My Retirement Ceremony for 20 years active duty in the Marine Corp was this morning, and I was aghast when I read your bio. Didn’t say a single thing about you being in the Military. You are either a Military Brat or a research Genius. I salute you and your god given gift. I have the Last Colony. Keep em coming, or I’ll have to hit the Sale Rack again, and that has only worked out once in 42 years.

  135. Dear Mr. Scalzi

    Hello, I’m a 21 years old university student from South Korea and I just finished reading your book, ‘Old Man’s War’ (translated in Korean) today. I bought it today but couldn’t put it down and read it all the way right away because it was so fantastic!

    There is something I would like to ask you though. Are there future plans about publishing your sequels to ‘Old Man’s War’ in Korean as well? I hope there are!

    Thank you for your wonderful book,

    J.K Yoon

  136. John,

    I am sort of new to the genre, and have enjoyed all the CDF books and just finished Androids Dream. Really like the style (although I would have picked an IBM S/390, rather than 360….!).

    I read them all on my Kindle, I hope that does not reduce your take!

    Thanks again.

  137. I’m a die-hard Philip K. Dick fan and when I saw “Android’s Dream” with the sheep on the front, I knew I had to take a peek… after reading the first line, and about falling over laughing, I bought it.

    LOVED IT!! I’m now going to be looking for Old Man’s War and whatever else I can find.

  138. You have proved the Kindle is evil. I downloaded Old Man’s War and started reading. It is now 48 hours later and I have read the entire series non-stop excepting for some short breaks for nutrition, sleep, the unavoidable personal hygiene chores and waiting for the next book to download.

    Really though, it was one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time, and last weekend was a lot of fun.

    There’s been a lot said about your humor on this blog, but IMHO what you do really well, other than humor, is switch to serious serious topics without a jarring change in tone. That’s not an easy task. Maggie’s death is a great example. Once you get past the fact that she’s a mutated green grandmother in a nano-suit floating in space it was really quite touching. There’s also a lot to that scene. It touches on the expendability of soldiers, spirituallity’s place in how people face death, duty or heroism or vengeance or maybe a bit of all three.

    OK, I’m reading too much into that scene. I’m relatively sure it was just an excuse for you to write a haiku, but it did stick with me. Not the haiku, the scene.

    I love SF and you are now near the top of my favorites list along with some of the authors you praise in your acknowledgements. That’s high praise indeed, because I almost never read the acknowledgements.

  139. I’ve read in order: Old Mans War, The Ghost Brigades, The Last Colony, and The Androids Dream. I didnt want to put either of these books down once i started them. You have a really good talent as an author and I’m really hoping for more books in the near future. Please i’m running out of good stuff to read.

  140. John,

    An english teacher named John Saggio introduced me to sci-fi and fantasy novels back in 1978 in a forward thinking english elective class named – “Sci-Fi and Fantasy” – catchy right!

    I was enchanted by the other worlds and reading, had my first dose of R. Buckminster Fuller “Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth” and the mathmatical and poetry world of Bucky’s “Synergetics”.

    1990 was the last time I read for pleasure until now. My job requires high volumes of reading technical manuals and I reading became “work”.

    Your book “Old Man’s War” was suggested by a friend of mine during a Stargate conversation. I bought it. Kept it on the bedside table for 6 weeks…cracked the cover…read it over the last 5 nights!!

    You did it John!! Thank you so much for bring back the joy of sci-fi reading. I am off to find “The Ghost Brigades” tonight.

    Dayworld is a trilogy of science fiction novels by Philip José Farmer – I can’t wait to re-read those after I finish your works!


    – “Live long and prosper”

  141. It seems I’m a little behind the rest of the world. Just found ‘Agent to the Stars’ and found it a wonderfully delightful read on all its different layers. Funny, poignant, and thought provoking. I’ll be picking up more of your books, John.

    Many thanks

  142. Love your stuff. Old Man’s War reminded me very much of Haldeman (a personal favorite) and Heinlein. Very touching how you worked out the relationship between your main characters. Thoroughly enjoyed Android’s Dream, made me laugh my ass off. Just finished Agent to the Stars last night, not as good as your other stuff, but still very enjoyable.

  143. Never read your stuff.. I can’t guess how your name came up when I googled “whatEVER” Your apparent jaded view of yourself has ended up where it was meant to be .. whatEVER.

  144. It came up because this site has been around for 11 years and garnered lots of links, which is what matters to Google. It’s not that difficult to figure out, really.

    The rest of your comment is kinda stupid, however.

  145. Bradford?

    When I first saw your pic through VP/via AW, I thought, I’ve seen this guy’s face before somewhere else.

    Bradford explains it.

    Ken from close by.

  146. John,
    A friend of mine who was stationed with me in Korea recommended one of your novels to me. I picked up “Old Man’s War” about two weeks ago and loved it. In fact, in the last two weeks I have read four of your five novels that I know of. Just wanted to send a compliment your way.
    By the way, I don’t know if you have ever read any Chuck Palahniuk novels, but while reading “The Androids Dream” I for some reason couldn’t help but think of the first time I read Palahniuk’s “Lullaby” even though they don’t have anything to do with each other excluding the title.

    Josh Stewart

  147. John,

    Since recently being laid-off from my day gig I’ve actually had some time to read. Picked up OMW and just couldn’t put it down. Finally, SF the way it’s supposed to be. The comparison to RAH is what actually drew me to it. I was skeptical but right from the start I realized that the critics blurbs in the liners were right. I haven’t been pulled into a story like this since Ender’s Game. Just promise me one thing? If Hollyweird puts OMW on the big screen you won’t let them “F” it up the way they did to Starship Troopers. I’m looking forward to reading more of your great writing.

    G. Donnelly

  148. John,

    Wow, your books suck and you’re pretty ugly. Your description of Yherajks, perfectly fit your picture. Actually, I love your books and think your great-o. Haven’t read any of your non-fiction though, as I can just take my eyes off the page of a book for all the non-fiction I can stand. Keep up the good work and remember: You disapointment me and some Misery-style shit is coming. Peace!!!!!!!

  149. Just discovered you – in the form of “Android’s Dream” – best sci-fi I’ve read for years – VERY funny (even though we get used to rolling our eyes at sheep jokes in NZ) and clever and INTERESTING geekwise (I work at IT for a living) – along with a ripping thriller of a plot. Great reading – caused my wife to feel neglected while I finished it….. Will now seek out some more of your work.

  150. I was browsing the bookstore on Monday and bought Old Man’s War…finished that and today (after a return to the bookstore) on Wednesday I am halfway through The Ghost Brigades….Thanks great reads.

  151. Hi John.

    I’m a very fascinated fan of your books. I had a hard time while I was in military prison, because I didn’t want to serve. (I live in Germany where every boy of the age of 18 to 25 has to serve in the army, no matter if he wants or not)
    They once allowed me to go free to buy some things for myself and I ended up in a book store. There I found two of your books (Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony). Your books really helped me to actually enjoy this time, what wasn’t that easy as you may can think. Even if it sounds sad they didn’t allow me to remain in prison to read both books, so I just finished the first of the mentioned ones. This is now one year ago and I found the time to finish the second one. I was curious if there’d be more books written by you and I found the Old Man’s War which I’m reading at the moment. Of course I also ordered Zoe’s Tale which has been delivered today to me. I know I read the first three books in the wrong order, but they didn’t have the Old Man’s War in the book store as I was there, so it happened that I read the first book as the third.

    I know authors like to thank the peoples who read their books, but in this case I have to thank you for really making a part of my life a better one where it seemed impossible to have a good life. You showed me a complete new way of writing and you seem to have the same humor that I have, so I could laugh my ass off on many parts of your books.

    Even that I haven’t finished the Old Man’s War yet, I read the first page of the prolog of Zoe’s Tale and have to wonder. Do you tell the story of The Last Colony from another person’s view here?

    Thank you for your answer, if there will be one and thank you writing such great novels. Keep up the good work :-)

    Silvio Walther

  152. I just finished reading “Agent to the Stars”. Terrific! I laughed, I cried, I farted.

  153. I have no attention span. I would read your novels if I could, but, as stated before . . . *wary*

  154. I was reading through L.E.Modesitt’s website and he had read several books that he found interesting and Ghost Brigades was one of them. I got Old Man’s War and Ghost Brigades and enjoyed both very much…I will be getting more:-)

  155. John,

    I see that you check and respond to some of the comments here quite often, so I am writing to you here, no reply needed.

    I discovered Old Man’s War only about 2 months ago, while in an english bookshop in my town (Bucharest, Romania). looking for a gift for a friend and some more books for myself to read. Two day later i started to read OMW and finished it the second day (work has a nasty habit of obstructing my reading time, but must make money to buy more books). After I finished it I did three things: the first was to check online for your other books and the second to bang my head on the wall (for discovering so late your books – OMW was already translated in romanian in October 2008 and I was none the wiser) and the third thing was ordering online from amazon the rest of your books.

    Yesterday I finished Agent To The Stars – in about 4 hours – (ironically the last book I read was your first book), and loved as much as all your books, which I am now reccomending to all of my friends – and I have quite a lot of SF loving friends.

    I love your books and your writing style, your humour is superb and I hope that you manage to influence the writes of Stargate Universe to incorporate that humour in the show.

    Thank you for sharing with us a part of your imagination and hope that you will do so again in the future, I can’t wait to read more of your books.

  156. After receiving Old Man’s War, Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony from my brother last Christmas (how cool is that) I made a point to try and find more of your work. For some reason I remembered this promise last week as I passed a book store (which doesn’t happen very often these days; I live in the boonies and there aren’t any good book stores anywhere) and sure enough they had a bunch of copies of Zoe’s Tale and even better, a single copy of The Android’s Dream. Which brings me to my two points: (1) kudos to you, sir; the comparisons to Mr. Heinlein are richly deserved and IMO that hack Steven King does not deserve to have his name even marginally associated with such great work; (2) whatever you do, in any negotiations for Movie versions, please, please, please endeavour to not ever let these fantastic stories be VerHoevened.

  157. Hmm… I’m fourteen, I’ve just finished all of Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s books… am I ready for yours?

  158. I have read science fiction all of my life, and I am pleased to be a colleague of Jim Gunn. I started with Heinlein and Asimov in the 1950s, purchasing each new volume as they appeared in print. Your recent books have given me more pleasure than 99% of the sci-fi written by authors other than these two grand masters, that I have read. Many thanks.

  159. I just finished Zoe’s Tale, and I enjoyed it a lot. As I have, all of your other novels… but I was frustrated by one thing; You did not provide a description of the Obin! Or any other of the aliens. Since the Obin were such an important part of the book, could you please tell us what they look like? What do they eat? How about the Consu? Thanks. I look forward to your next novel. -Patrick

  160. I just had to note that your birthdate, John,was only 5 days before the most stirring and terrifying day of my life — the police assault on People’s Park in Berkeley. A startling reminder to old hippies that time is passing and our old fights are indeed old — even if the principles we fought for are ageless.

  161. One more thing about People’s Park — On May 15th I called the Daily Californian, UC Berkeley’s campus newspaper, to ask if the 40th anniversary of the park battle had attracted any interest.


    Well, this is probably for the good. Universities –especially Berkeley — belong to their students. It’d be false to the school’s purpose for its people to continue fighting this Old Man’s War.

  162. John,
    I am a 63 year old physician (OB-GYN) with a secret life as a sci-fi fan (shame on me). My younger sister, who lives in Chicago, knows this and recommended your books to me–so insistent was she that she actually SENT me a copy of Old Man’s War. Being a good big sister, I felt obligated to read the book so I could tell her to leave me alone, I am able to choose my own reading matter. I could not put the damn thing down!!! I fell asleep at 2 AM with the book falling into my face, waking me up, and I had to finish it–and I had to get up for office hours!! I am now in pursuit of your other books, and I thank you for the wonderful characters and the exraordinary tale! (and I even read the acknowledgement section and was impressed that you thanked my personal favorite and hero-writer, Robert A. Heinlein for certain inspirations, since I sensed the undercurrent of Starship Troopers pretty early in the game!) Keep writing, please! It’s not easy to find good new (to me) authors!
    Linda Parenti, MD

  163. Just (10 minutes ago) finished “Zoe’s Tale” and I loved it. You did a thoroughly convincing job giving voice to an adolescent young woman, and you should consider that high praise considering my (nearly 20 year old) daughter is quite convinced that I am a 15 year old girl trapped in a 51 year old man’s body!

    I’m looking forward to whatever comes next!

    All the best…

    Richard Jasper
    East Amherst, NY

  164. Fairfield, huh? I am from Vacaville, which makes you my rival/nemesis. I think we can find some common ground in SciFi. Since I am currently reading and enjoying one of your books, we can call a truce…for now.

  165. Hi John
    Just wanted to say thanks for the hours of enjoyment – I’ve read and recommended OMW, GhBr, TLC, AndDr and the recently completed Zoe’s Tale. Your ideas are fresh and your characters compelling. I have been reading SF since 1960 (I have almost 25 years worth of F & SF mag) and have read most of the classics. You and Jack McDevitt have captured my imagination once again. Thanks and keep writing.

    Bob Raphael

  166. Love your books! I started with OMW and thought it was the best tale I’d come across in a very long time. A couple of months later I somehow ended up with a copy of Agent to the Stars. That was even better! Now I’ve all your books stacked in my to-read pile.
    As others have said I presummed you had to have been IN, the whole time I was reading OMW and am still shocked that you weren’t. ‘Cause it sure read like you had to have been in one branch or the other. The dialog, concepts, and attitudes were just like mine and everyone else I’ve known who served.
    I do have one observation or question though. From a weapons technology standpoint. (and, as I didn’t write the book I really should STFU and let your story(s) be. Especially considering you went to all of the trouble to write them and all.) Anyhow, the techno of the weapons and the tactics etc. seem a bit behind the times of the book’s setting to me. I spent the 1st gulf war designating targets by various means so that aircraft could wipe them out. The commo gear I carted around wasn’t a Brain Pal of course but it wasn’t bad. It also looks like something like a Brain Pal it is just over the technological horizon. The weapons I carried were largely the same as those you have your characters carry. I should know that the book was about the characters and not so much the techno, but I still have some heartburn with the tech/weapons and tactics side.
    Everyone’s a critic; I know.
    Thanks for the damn fine stories. Please keep writing them.

  167. Hi just wanted to say i have read your three books with john, jane and zoe and thought they were a great read. Iam now about to purchase your other works knowing i have some quality reading time ahead.The best compliment i can give you is i recommended your books to friends and family and now they are all hooked.

  168. John,
    I just started & finished Zoe’s Tale this past weekend–BRAVO! Thanks to you sir–it was better than expected, especially how you tied all 4 books together! You truly have a gift. Keep up the good work.
    Washington, DC

  169. Dear Mr. Scalzi:
    I will being this letter with, as I am sure, so many that you receive, with my thanks for your three part “Old Man’s War” Novels. They were a great read and very insightful. Insightful not only to what I truly believe our future will be like, but to a former Special Operations soldier, insightful to what it is to be a soldier and fight for your teammates as well. Just picked up “Zoe’s Tale” and looking forward to cracking it open and seeing the world of Roanoke through her eyes as I read it during the tiresome 14 hours of flight time heading back to the CZ…yes, that’s me…war junkie (according to friends)…this will make my 10th trip over. Though I wear a different uniform now than The ACU.
    Also had the opportunity to find Joe Haldeman’s “The Forever War” and read your Foreword…it really hit a nerve.
    I had found myself in a Perryesque situation. After 10 years in the US Army, most of it with the Ranger Regiment, I left the active service, but stayed in the Guard. In 2004 I was called back to be an advisor to the Afghan National Army…12 month tour…6 of it attached to a Special Forces A Team based out of Camp Tillman, Lwara, Afghanistan….2 kms from the Pak / Afghan border. It was everything I had ever wanted when I had signed up with the Army….a small outpost on the frontlines…a small band of highly trained fighters…trying to win the war on terror in our battle space. A great time…even with the loss of good friends.
    I tell you this, to tell you that I have read The Forever War and Starship Troopers as well as your novels…and you DID IT!! You not only captured the uncertainty and confusion and love and anger and compassion and fear and unbelievable hatred that soldiers feel, sometimes on a daily basis. I have killed with rifle, and artillery and bomb and missile and have never felt bad about it – although have yet to go knife – to – hand with a Consu! But your novels hit home…better in my opinion then both TFW and ST, with absolutely no slight to Mr. Heinlein or Mr. Haldeman. So I say thank you, from a Sci Fi fan and from a soldier. Thanks again. And as for the honks that blast you for ripping the masters…tell them to re-read your books, I mean really read them, and then sign on the dotted line and serve…F them and their lame opinions!
    Very Respectfully,
    Pat Ryan (pseudo)

    P.S. – any chance to find out about John Perry’s career after he made CPT, but before he was named to head up Roanoke?

  170. Dear Sir,

    I have just finished Zoe’s Tale. I have now read the entire saga of John Perry and family. I thank you sir. I found the very human element of this story the most fascinating. I wish that my father had lived to read these as that is what he would have liked as well. I would hope that all humanity would, if put into such extraordinary circumstances, would behave with as much ingenuity and caring as your characters.

    Thank You again. It is hard to believe that it has been a year and a half since I first found your stories as they have quickly become “old friends” that I enjoy returning to and sharing with friends.

    I am Sir very respectfully yours,
    Kevin G. Farrell

  171. Dear Mr. Scalzi,

    My son turned me on to your novels. I read Old Man’s War and Ghost Brigade. Loved them! I’m just starting The Last Colony and once I finish it I’ll be heading over to get anything else you’ve written.

    As a romance author, it thrills me to find a book that while I’m reading it I can turn off my internal editor and just enjoy the story. I grew up reading Heinlein, Asimov, Clarke, Bradbury as well as many others, but it’s been a long time since I’ve read any straight sci-fi or fantasy. Thanks for turning me on to the genre again.

    Any nibbles from the film industry? My hubby doesn’t read much, but I know he’d enjoy seeing your stories in film form, as would I.

    Keep Writing!
    Elysa Hendricks

    PS I’m a recent transplant to Ohio from the Chicago suburbs. Bit of a culture shock here. :-)

  172. Congratulations on being nominated for the Hugo! Mazel Tov! As a middle-aged science fiction addict, I have to admit there aren’t a whole lot of “universes” that I would like to live in, but your future is way high up on my list.
    So, did Jane have a boy or a girl?

    All the best to you and your family from a fellow Maroon.

    ED of the wonderful foundation that Miss Fitzgerald established….damn, I love my job!

  173. I’m currently reading Old Man’s War and really flipping every page with excitement and wonder. I love the Stargate series and nice to know that you are involve in the new series. I’ll be looking for titles from you in the bookstores, definitely, from now on. Go, go, go.

  174. Hi, John. I just finished Old Man’s War and Ghost Brigades arrived today from online buying. I picked up The Android’s Dream somewhere( Were you at the LA Times Festival of Books this year?) and read it first (at a retirement seminar in Napa on the weekend of July 11th). I really like your stuff, especially the biological concepts with gene splicing etc. I just looked at your bio and now know why your name is so familiar. I’ve lived in Fresno for over 30 years ( it’s called The Exile in my Sonoma county family) and I enjoyed your reviews whilst you were here. I actually have Fresno to thank for raising some unhurried children and having lots of time to read. I wish you continued success and I’m looking forward to the rest of the trilogy plus one.

  175. John,
    Just finished reading Ghost Brigades after reading Old Man’s War.
    I just have to say, fantastic.
    I have read just about everything I can get my hands on concerning SF/Military and I will probably continue to do so as long as I can still read….
    Do you have any intentions of continuing the line? I understand Last Colony is out, but I have not seen it yet and I imagine it continues on from these two.
    Anyhow, your books have been quite interesting in that it not only has the action, it does treat you, (me, the reader, that is), like we have an ounce of intelligence, which many of this genre of SF books do not.
    And yes, Thumper is my name. It got tagged on me back in the war, before you were born, as my call sign and it’s been with me ever since and is how most people know me anymore.
    Kudos on the books and keep them coming. Just don’t, please, turn them into a “puppy mill” type thing.

  176. Creative Consultant for SG:U? That’s certainly interesting. In that case SG:U could well be the first Stargate TV series which doesn’t suck donkey nuts.

    And while I’m here I have to get this off my chest: Zoe’s Tale was bloody awful. Mr. Scalzi, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed all your other books but ZT was a waste of time, money and dead trees. I can certainly appreciate your wish to write a nice bedtime story for your daughter, but it should have stayed between the two of you.

    Looking forward to SG:U and your future books, regardless.

    .: petri

  177. Mr Scalzi,

    I just finished reading the Old Man’s War Trilogy. I understand there is Zoe’s Tale but I have yet to get to it. I have to say they were awesome. I have never laughed out loud so much reading a book as I did Old Man’s War. I have also never been so emotionally moved to tears as I did reading Old Man’s War and The Ghost Brigades. I am a military man. I am in a unit I cannot name but I must say you capture the reality of the military and of war almost without flaw. In your books I felt the nervousness, fear, anger, love, hoplessness and determination that is only found in combat. You sir have a gift and I humbly thank you for sharing it with the rest of us.


  178. Mr Scalzi:

    Five minutes ago I just finished reading Zoe’s Tale. I had spent a Scalzi summer last year reading Android’s Dream and the three Old Man’s War books and Agent to the Stars too. I haven’t been this voracious for a single author for a long time and typically don’t even read much science fiction unless you want to count Douglas Adams. The first one, Old Man’s War, is genuis. The Ghost Brigades is genuis for completely different reasons. But honestly I was a little dissatisfied with The Last Colony. I can’t quite say why now. It was a year ago. It might only be that I was so enthralled and impressed with the first two and also sad that the story was ending. All has been corrected. Zoe’s Tale was beautiful. Clever (but not in a showy way clever) and touching. Surprisingly touching. The climax was pitch perfect, more perfect, to qualify the unqualifiable, more perfect than I could have seen coming. And I was a lot more involved with the narrator, who I felt had a thoroughly authentic voice, than I felt with the Last Colony. Thoroughly satisfying. Thank you.

  179. Saw you mentioned on Pajamas Media today . . . I used to read you when you were the movie critic for the Fresno Bee. Glad to know you have enjoyed so much success since you left us!
    Wishing you much more,
    Heather Malotke

  180. Dear Mr. Scalzi,

    In June, my boyfriend David & I attended Confluence ’09 in Pittsburgh, PA on the single purpose that you were the GoH. Although I have been a big SF/F fan most of my life, sadly, I had never read any of your books & only knew you because David is a huge fan of your ‘Old Man’s War’ series. We attended the GoH speech and I wish it had been longer than an hour. Your speech was entertaining & thought provoking and I found myself peppering my boyfriend with a dozen questions about your books afterward.

    Last month, we found out an acquaintance of ours who runs a SF/F book club was planning to have ‘Zoe’s Tale’ as her book for September & so that I could have a better understanding of the book, David loaned me his copy of ‘The Ghost Brigades’ so I could understand ‘Zoe’s Tale’ better (I realize I’ve totally thrown off reading the series in order, but I’m hoping to remedy that in the next year!).

    ‘The Ghost Brigades’ is the first book in a long time that has made me laugh, cry & have to physically lay the book down after chapters in order to reflect on what happened in its pages. I tried military SciFi in the past & could never get through it. However, I found that I couldn’t put it down. It was THAT good. I’m currently in the middle of ‘Zoe’s Tale’ & am enjoying it just as much if not a little more…and I hope to read the rest of the series as soon as possible (and then ‘Agent To The Stars’ and whatever else of your books I can find along the way…)

    Thank you so much for your contributions to the world of SF/F literature, Mr. Scalzi. I look forward to reading more of your books & also your valuable and entertaining insights here on your blog. All the best to you through out the rest of 2009 & in the years to come!

    Racheal L. (aka Sw33t4Tea)

  181. Found Zoe’s Tale in our small town library. This is terrible… now I’m going to have to scrounge up the bucks for the rest of the series as the library probably won’t be able to get the rest…
    Thanks for writing SF… please keep on writing!

  182. Hello John,

    I’ve just finished reading “Old Man’s War” and I just wanted to thank you for a crackling good read! I can’t quite remember how I stumbled onto your works but I’m glad I did.

    As an aspiring sc-fi author, myself (how many times have you heard that!) I find I am very picky about the books I read, or more to the point, about the books that hold my interest long enough for me to finish them. Yours was exactly the tonic I needed to inspire me and remind me that there are still good stories out there.

    Some authors are so mired in the technical aspects of their novels that they forget to tell a good story. While others have a good story to tell but execute it in such a way as to induce a coma before you get through the first act.

    Yours, however, had a unique slant on an old theme; some really intriguing and believable science; and just enough humour to set itself apart from the pack.

    I am currently working my way through the rest of your library and look forward to any new additions you have coming down the pipe.

    Continued success, John!


    Warren A. Shepherd

  183. Hi john,

    I work for a certain well known cargo airline based just out side of London (UK) and have not alot of time for reading so have chosen the audiobook path to get my sci-fi/fantasy fix, I have listened to alot of books (tolken,pratchett, rowling, jose-farmer) but i have to say within 2 chapters of “old mans war” im gripped this is amazing!! its made me laugh, ponder and wonder at alot of issues that your book raises. From reading your blog and wiki info I can see why you have won your awards (CONGRATS).

    Corny as it may sound I cant believe the “old mans War” series has not been approached by a motion picture studio to have it made into several films (beacuse 1 would not be enough).

    Many regards


  184. Hi Johzn
    greetings from germany.
    I have read my first novel from you and i verry enthused.
    It was very good.
    It was Zoe`s Tale in the german version.
    Write more from zoe plase.
    It was fantastic!

    Many regards

    Dominik (Dom)

  185. Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed “Old Man’s War”. I finished last night at about 11pm and enjoyed every moment.

    I’ll be ordering the sequels today.

    Keep ’em coming.

  186. I just finished “The Last Colony.” What happened with the werewolves? They were so intriguing, then they just disappeared. You mentioned that your editor helpfully ripped entire chapters out of the book before sending it to print; I wonder if that was really such a good idea…

    That cavil aside, I did enjoy TLC very much, and will certainly read the earlier books.

  187. John,

    Greetings from the San Joaqiun Valley. I HAD to look you up and read your biography. It was enough that you used Fresno as a home city for one of your characters, but what gave me the real kick was naming a ship the “Modesto”. For someone who lives in an even smaller town thirty minutes south of there, I do a double-take every time I see it. Thanks a ton! Your book is amazing!


  188. John,
    I’ve been biting my tongue for months now, hoping the information will show up somewhere else (and I have all 5 novels, so I’ve paid my dues) but why was Jane Sagen never promoted beyond Lieutenant? Eight years, constant combat, outstanding potential — she should have made full colonel, at least. Considering that John made Major and he was in the regulars for fewer years… it’s a mystery.

  189. When you were being born, I was watching the B52 bombers ceaselessly crawling up and down the runway at Travis AFB when I worked as a medical intern there.
    Glad we both made it into the future. Love your books.

  190. Hi jonh,

    I just came by to write that OMW,GB,LC,ZT and the androids dream were simply epic. Though the last conlony was a bit confusing everything else was great. And for a 14 year old boy who read’s for lesiure not just for English or reading class is a formable comment. Also I have some ideas for a sequal for the the last conloly/zoe tale so fill free to email me if your intrested.

    OMW= old mans war
    GB= the ghost biragdes
    LC= the last conoly
    ZT= zoe tale


  191. Dear Mister Scalzi,

    I just finish your book “Old Mans War” in French and I look forward to reading your next book ! I hope that all your books will be translate :)

    A French fan!!!
    Julie :)

  192. Dear Mr. Scalzi, (I would say dear John, but it makes me feel a little weird). I’m an instant fan, I plowed through the first three books in about two weeks(i’m a slow reader, so that’s actually kind of impressive for me).

    keep up the good work man, I look forward to reading more of your work

  193. John,

    The last sci-fi I read was “Dune” when I was on the carrier Nimitz in 1986. A friend recently gave me your book “Old Man’s War”, and after letting it sit around for about a month, I decided to read it. It has totally renewed my interest in sci-fi, and I am currently on your second one in the series “Ghost Brigades”. You probably answered this somewhere, but any plans to turn these into a movie/series? Seems like it would work. Thanks for renewing my interest in this fun genre.


  194. Dear John

    So when will OMW be on the big screen?
    It played well in my mind as I read it and am
    waiting for the movie.

    I loved it!

    Marsha T.
    Covington Oh

  195. John,
    I’m reading ‘Agent’ right now, and its got me rolling on the floor! The premise is great and I love your sense of humor.

    I am so glad I found your books as my favorite authors are much less prolific now than they used to be. I prefer SF w/ stories from the Earth human point of view rather than all alien races. Stories of exploration and colonization of the stars/new worlds from authors like Ben Bova and imaginative action authors like Timothy Zahn. Anne McCafferty had a SF trilogy that was great, but I don’t read you fantasy stuff.
    There is so much SF pap out there about alien races conquering one another, nothing too original about them at all.

    You became one of my favorite authors when I first read OMW, and since have read TGB, TLC, and Zoe’s tale. Was a little dissatisfied with ZT cuz I was hoping for an entirely new story, but you pulled it off retelling from Zoe’s pov.
    You combine all the aspects of SF I love and mentioned above, and throw in that wonderful humor. Please keep it up.

    If you are ever in the San Antonio/Austin region of Texas, would love to be able to shake your hand.

  196. Dear Mr. Scalzi:

    I read my first science fiction 60 years ago when I was 12. Over the years I know that people have though it was odd for a girl and then a woman to like it. I have really enjoyed many S.F. books but especially the ones I read in the 1950’s and early ’60’s.

    I read Old man’s war several weeks ago and shortly after that Ghost Brigades. I’m now reading The Last Colony and have Zoe’s Tale up next. I just wanted to tell you that I think your writing is equal to the classics that I have enjoyed over the years.

  197. John,

    For the first time, I read TGB last night and OMW the night before. Yes it’s the Knievel approach, but it’s been so long since I’ve read good SF, much less this great stuff! You are the lord of dominance! I tried to take a breather tonight to be functional tomorrow. I avoided the bookstore. But found myself here at your blog after midnight. Sigh. Looking forward to the rest of your work. Maybe now I won’t have to lower myself into that endless fantasy series. One question. Other than the SF classics, do you have favorite fiction to recommend? Thanks for the ride!

  198. from John Perantoni (age 64)

    Read Androids dream in October this year. Great!

    Bought Old Man’s War and The Ghost’s Brigade to read during my flight to China last month. Both just as Great!

    I will read all your novels. I used to read a fair amount of science fiction, but not much in the last decade. Got into world history a lot.

    If you visit any of the Columbus libraries again please let me know. By the way, how did you end up in Bradford, Ohio?

  199. Man, I’ve just finished Old Man’s War. Best book I’ve read since The Road. Just bought The Ghost Brigades and Zoe’s Tale. Tomorrow I’m going to look for The Last Colony in other places because they ran out of copies.Can’t stop reading! I’m addicted!

  200. My dad recommended ‘Old Man’s War’ a couple years ago, and I follow his advice almost always. He certainly didn’t fail me here!

    Your books have made the rounds in our large family, and I keep passing my copies on to friends. I’ve re-bought ‘Old Man’s War’ 3 times because I keep loaning it out and it keeps getting passed farther and farther afield.
    On Christmas Eve, I again purchased ‘Old Man’s War’ and ‘The Ghost Brigades’, this time for my own high school- and university-aged kids (who finally believe that I have decent taste in books) from Kinokuniya, the first decent bookstore in Dubai.
    I commandeered them Christmas morning. Again, I can’t put them down. The kids are grumbly about it, but I’m trying to reinforce the principle of delayed gratification.
    Well done, you.

  201. Hi John ; I just finished reading old mans war which I tripped over in the used bookstore I frequent and had to look you up. I was convinced that 1) you were at least my own age (62) and 2) you were a former Marine like myself, or at least in the armed forces.
    You hit the nail on the head both in the way older folks think and feel and theattitude of jarheads the world over. Congratulations on your amazing insight. Now Im gonna have to go to barnes and noble and spend full price to read the rest of your stuff. Keep up the good work.

  202. 1. Many thanks for the Old Man’s War trilogy. They are very good books, and different.

    2. In the acknowledgments at the end of _The Last Colony_, you thank your copy editor for making it look as though you actually know grammar and spelling.

    There is a grammatical error on page 292; I do not know if it is your error or your character’s error.

    “Beata keeping time with Jane and I.”

  203. John,
    Thanks for the great trilogy! I’ve been reading SF for 40 years, and have been a bit jaded lately. But I sorta picked up Old Man’s War on a whim, and was promptly hooked. Got the other two for Christmas, and have just completed them. FWIW here’s what I most appreciate:
    – Lack of fluff. Some authors would have easily turned each book into 700 page monstrosities– most being needless “explanations”. Bless you for not trying to “explain” every single nuance, technology, etc.,and taking a leap of faith that the reader just MIGHT not be a moron!
    – That wonderful dry sense of humor!
    – You absolutely pegged the behavior and interactions of bureacracies, all levels of the military (I’ve spent considerable time in both), and human nature in general (I’m also generally human).
    Thanks again!

  204. I’ve been an avid reader of sci-fi for(ever)
    and have been so blessed to discover you
    thru old mans war et al; finally got to read
    AttStars.Wonderful..such a rare gift for
    humor combined with hard hitting analysis
    of human nature. You go Scalzis!!!!!

  205. I thought I recognized your name. Used to read your articles in the Fresno Bee and then you up and disappeared. Enjoyed reading through your blog.

  206. Long time reader, first time commenter. On the recommendation of multiple friends, I picked up a copy of “Old Man’s War.” Fantastic read. It’s sitting in my work bag right now, and were it not for the fact that employers tend to frown on such behavior, I would pick it up and read it in the relative privacy of my cubicle.

    I now wish I’d picked up one of your books sooner. On the bright side, though, I now have a number of novels to add to my reading list.

    I hope the issues between your publisher and Amazon are resolved quickly.

  207. Hi from a newcomer — first visit to the blog, and only discovered your books recently (via Amazon, probably recommendations based on “I own it” tick-boxes). Finished OMW a short while ago, loved it, and naturally got them to ship GB and LC immediately. I was a little put off by the reviews there of ZT, since a great deal of it apparently retells LC, but based on comments here I should definitely give it a try after all.

    Like many others here, I grew up on the “old masters” (I’m in my mid-60’s now) … Heinlein and Asimov and Clarke, and later Niven and his various collaborators (best co-written ones were those teamed with Pournelle) … and there seems to be widespread agreement, both here and elsewhere, that OMW (and its sequels) and Starship Troopers (my personal Heinlein favorite) are must-have companions for any collection. I also love Harry Turtledove’s alternate-history stuff, especially the World War/Colonization sets, and just about anything from Spider Robinson especially the Callahan (and related) books.

    I’m totally disabled (in the context of employability, anyway), due to brain injury from a bad fall nearly 15 years ago. So these days the internet, books, and DVDs are pretty much my life. I’ve been told that, to an expert, rambling and having trouble staying on topic are dead-giveaways to my specific injury (right-frontal), so my apologies if I’ve too much of either or both.

    Best, and keep up the great work,
    Mike B.

  208. Oops, forgot (what else is new?) about finding this blog … that was thanks to Amazon also. Based on my purchases, a new recommendation was for “Decade of Whatever”, which I got and am now going through with interest (about 1/4 of the way by now). So naturally I had to come see for myself.

    If anyone happens not to have heard of that one, it’s a reprint of the first 10 years of the blog, very interesting reading. Too bad it doesn’t include, with the occasional exception of a reference to them, the comments from others which are obviously the bulk of the blog, essentially just a number of John’s articles … if comments and responses were included, it’d probably be bigger than the Britannica.

  209. John
    Nice blog
    Great that you reply to comments
    that is the only reason I wanted to comment
    your desk is messier then mine
    thank you
    what are the furry faced things to the right of your monitor and what do they mean to you
    question two
    there is a silver pole of a sort just to the right the the fuzzy faced things that has what looks like a hat – what is the hat – the pole
    comment two
    your write wonderfully
    thank you and your welcome

  210. Old Man’s War arrived in the mail yesterday morning. Luckily, I had a 45min train commute – one way, and I actually went to and from work twice, yesterday. So, I read the book for 180mins my first day before getting home…and then another 2 hours before going to bed. I bought it because I am a fan of Heinlein’s work. Now I’m halfway through (almost), and I’ll likely finish it this weekend.

    I just can’t help thinking that many of the ideas for the movie AVATAR came from the pages of this book…all except for the tail.

    So far, so good…keep it up!

  211. Seriously, you got to stop writing! Your books keep me from getting my work done and sleeping.

    I recently read Old Man’s War and the ghost brigades, in less than 48 hours, and i looked that way, thanks god i didn’t buy the last colony, or i would have looked even worse (i bought it in the mean time :P)

    Seriously, keep up writing, i can’t wait to read more of you. You and Alastair Reynolds are the only two authors that wrote books that kept me up all night lately.

    Best wishes from Austria

  212. John,
    Just happened upon your blog via Adam West’s Catholic Liturgy blog.
    I just want you to know this old geezer thought you were the best writer/critic the Fresno Bee’s ever had punch their clock.
    Keep busy and married, my man. Good on ye.

  213. Howdy!
    Just read your bio notes. Born in Fairfield, Ca, and left. Good choice! most corrupt county government in California. More info if interested.
    I fully intend at some point to write you a more detailed comment, uninvited of course, but want to take time with it. Suffice it to say…I’m 65 and just finished The Last Colony and Zoe’s Tale … and I almost hate you for making tears pop into these aging eyeballers. Well done, on both books, and well-done on the first two. Have the rest of the non-Old Man War books on order. You have found a new fan.
    Napa, CA (next to Fairfield, alas.)

  214. Any chance that they might make Old Man’s War into a movie? With the great job they did on Avatar I think it would be possible to do justice to this story. It’s one of my favorites.

  215. I have just finished Old Man’s War in less time then I think I’ve ever finished any book. Well done.

    I would just like to say that your alien races are, well, very refreshing, not mindless hordes and not demi-gods but simply realistic and varied both in anatomy and culture. I for one would like to see more of this, in your writing and hopefully others that take you as inspiration; like myself.

    Thank you.

  216. Just worked myself through old mans war and ghost brigades. Since i’m a non-native reader from germany but living in ohio it is usually hard for me to judge about the linguistic or literal quality of what I read. Mostly I’m glad when the story catches me and I find myself confined by the plot.

    But I read a lot of english language science fiction in the last two years since I’m here (heinlein, simmons, card, resnick, asimov, steele etc) and back then did of course a lot in my native tongue (wich would exceed the frame of this comment box to recite the names of them, but name the most famous western ones plus a huge amount of russian, polish and east german specialists).

    Do I bragg? No.

    I just wanted to paint the background picture that grounds my level to speak off. Your books are not the only capturing reads out there. But they are of the most profounded and intelligent ones.That makes me feel adult when I’m reading them and it makes me happy that there’s is the total lack of feeling guilty that I just indulge myself when I am reading them instead of rescuing the world, feeding my kid or do other important stuff (wich of course’s still on my schedule – I’m not a procrastinator).

    It makes me feel that your books substract something of my sci fi universe. Speaking of: the dumb stuff. Not all of it, but quite some of it, literally speaking, yeah.

    Thank you for that.

  217. John,

    I myself am a teenage writer and I agree with all you have said about it. I am currently in the middle of my first real attempt at a novel that is kind of a science fiction/fantasy type genre. My main character has found out that she is a witch and has talents for all four elements, something that has never happened before. She later finds out she must look back to her family history and face a dark sorceress while still balancing average teenage problems and a very cocky antagonist. I was wondering if you had any suggestions or comments about writing in this genre or the story itself. Also, I was wondering when a moment in a story comes that is supposed to be long, detailed, and full of suspense (the climax of a chapter or the book in general), how do you keep it going? I always have difficulties pushing it along and end up not being happy with the length and detail. Any suggestions would be helpful and much appreciated.


  218. I got a new Kindle a year and a half ago and one of my first downloads was Old Man’s War. It was free and I thought it was a great way to attract readers to new authors, especially since your second novel was listed for sale at a normal price right next to it. It was a marketing ploy that certainly worked in my case. I loved OMW and have since bought everything you have listed on Amazon. Like many of your other responders here, I was looking for a new SF author and the first-book-free method has now gotten me hooked on several outstanding authors. Recommend it to your new authors at SFWA.

    I’m also getting hooked on your blog “Whatever”. (Better late than never.)

    Thanks for many hours of reading enjoyment!

  219. I have greatly enjoyed reading your “Old Man’s War” series of books. Please keep the good books flowing. I think you are a great author. I have been reading for a long time and I personally rank among my favorites.

  220. having just savored my daughters copy of “Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded”, I just have to say to you, Touche!! Bravo!! Well done. You have some very interesting opinions about alot of stuff. “Being Poor” really touched me. I was unaware of just how poor we really were. And damn how I wish the rest of the world would forget. Anyways, I will be getting the rest of your writings and am looking forward to reading them. Thank You for sharing. A new fan.

  221. Mr.Scalzi, in the ’90s I was deployed to Bosnia and I was given a copy of Starship troopers and I thought it was the best sci-fi book I have ever read. I then took it upon myself to make it mandatory reading for any troop in my platoon.

    This year I deployed to Afghanistan with old man’s war, Ghost brigade and the last colony. All of which will now be added to the required reading for my troops. After all I need to have someone to talk to about these stories with. I am looking forward to reading more of your work.


  222. Just read Android’s Dream. A fine, fun read. Like how you left the appearence of the aliens up to our imagination. The concepts were refreshing: single person nation, use of sheep (sheep???), large, green ogre (sorry, wrong story). All the loose ends came together and the feeling was of a well-crafted plot. Thanks for the enjoyment.

  223. John,
    Like your novels. BTW, I had several friends who went to Webb. I went to Thacher. Nice to hear about a fellow preppie doing something other than investment banking.
    Keep up the great writing.

  224. Hi, I just reread “Agent to the stars” as I was trying to entice my son to read it — it is so nicely funny. Thank you very much for it! Maybe it could also make a nice movie with Adam Sandler playing Thomas Stein ;-) Regards.

  225. i have read all of your books and not one of them didn’t leave me beating myself up as i waited for a book to get here. i’m currently rereading your hate mail will be graded. i usually have a laughing fit randomly when i’m reading it and it bugs the crap out of my family

  226. Well, good to see you’re doing well. You and I went to Webb together back in 85. I pal’d around with Howard Graham, Craig Polk and a few other “Ninja’s”….

    Was doing a search on Webb and found your blog and read up on your writing. Nice to see a Webbie doing well.

    Take care,


  227. I suspect this was answered somewhere in some blog or another, but what compelled you to move to middle of nothing Ohio as opposed to staying in wonderful CA?

  228. LeftField:

    Answer here.

    Steve Parsons:

    If memory serves, you and I were part of the group that won the Webb “air band” competition my sophomore year with our rousing rendition of “Round and Round” by Ratt. Ah, those were the days.

    Everyone Else:

    Thanks much for your comments, etc. I don’t actually do too much answering of comments in this thread, but your good thoughts are appreciated.

  229. Read the OMW series last year. Just finished Zoe’sTale.
    I’m 66 years old and have been a sci-fi fan for about 60 of those years.

    OMW, IMNSHO, puts you in the same league with Asimov and Heinlein.

    Please write 10-15 more boks in that series!

    Ron Williams

  230. I need to drop this idea on someone who can write; I’ve been a report writer for so long I can’t write crap:

    Tomorrow, all medical drugs, with very few exceptions (ethanol, ancient heavy metal drugs [often poisonous themselves]) cease to work. No pain relievers, no anesthetics, no antibiotics, no inject-able insulin, no birth control, no EDs, no nothing. Seventeenth century medicine in the 21st century. Now what?

  231. Dude. You wrote for the Bee? I wish I had paid more attention, so I could have that “Hey…I remember this guy!”

    Nice site you got. Good to see that you’ve made Cali proud.

  232. John,

    Just finished Zoe’s Tale. Have not been able to put any of the Old Man’s War books down. Just ordered The Sagan Diary since I can’t get that on my IPhone Kindle App. Keep up the good work. Any chance of anymore Old Man’s War books?

    From a fellow Buckeye-Thanks!


  233. Having just finished your “practice” novel, Agent to the Stars, I want to add my kudos to your large pile of same. I enjoyed your earlier published science fiction works and Agent was quite a tangent! It was so enjoyable I read it in the book store BEFORE I paid.

    Also, I’d like to express my appreciation for your kind mention of Pomona Valley Hospital, a small but hard-working hospital where, coincidentally, I did some emergency work and my surgery rotation.

    GySgt, USMC retired

  234. Hello there.

    I stumbled on all of this while just lazily surfing the web about writing. I then began reading everything you wrote. I will admit I skimmed at some points but I am only 19 years old and do get bored easily. Still I enjoyed what I read fully. I wanted to comment on a few things but the commenting was taking down.
    I Just wanted to thank you a million times for writing that little article where you tell teenagers about their sucky writing. I am not here to stake you in the heart for writing that like a few of the other did. I really want to thank you, and I agree fully. I believe it was truly kind of you to take the time out your busy life to write that.
    I am writer as well. I know I am decent but nowhere as good as I could be.
    You’re a tad inspiring, well I believe anyone who become a published author and won awards like you did are inspiring. Now when I am at Borders next time I might feel compelled to pick a book of yours and read it.
    You’re pretty freakin’ amazing.


  235. Just finished The Ghost Brigades after storming through Old Man’s War and I can confidentely say it has been a pleasure reading your work. Keep it up, you have strengthened my Passion for science fiction.

  236. I downloaded “Old Man’s War” nefariously. Upon finishing OMW I felt that I should contact you and offer some sort of payment for the joy that your book provided. I would be more than happy to send enough for a good hamburger and beer as I understand that praise cannot purchase a delicious hamburger. Please let me know if you find this offer acceptable. Thanks again

  237. Hi John,
    I’ve just completed “Agent To The Stars”. What an excellent read! Loved all of the characters, the unique and hilarious take on all things alien, the insight into Hollywood, the unique narrative structure. I’ll be recommending it to others.

    In your foreward, you comment on “the book being on its own, barring it being made into a film”. So, has anyone optioned it yet? I’d be very surprised if you haven’t at least been approached. Would love to see this one the big screen.

    Looking forward to reading your other works.

  238. Dear John,

    I normally dont do that…writing comments on websites or stuff like this. But i really want to thank you for a great time you enabled me to spent…within the last two weeks i read in total 5 books written by you, which are all available books translated into German.

    I really enjoyed all of them and i hope to get more stuff asap…i guess i would go for english version too.

    Thanks John, keep going.


  239. Dear Mr. Scalzi:

    Being an old fan of science fiction, (I’m 66 years young and perhaps ready for a “mind transfer” in a few years) I have been enjoying your books very much. It struck me that the film Avatar used a lot of the ideas you developed in Old Man’s war series. I realize than no literature is ever truly original, but this certainly was a big lift from your brain (pals?).

    Plan to spend a few more hours in your universe this afternoon here in CT, as the ice storm glazes the world around me. Thanks for the great stories, kudos to your refreshing, humorous, and immaginative writing!

  240. Mr. Scalzi,

    After hearing from you concerning the matter of the nefariously obtained copy of OMW, I headed to my local bookstore and purchased a copy for a friend of mine. The fact that you addressed me by name prompted an outpouring of both joy and guilt, the combination of which led to said purchase. Any writer that has the power to elicit such a Smiths-style reaction in me with but a few words is worthy of my dollar Sir.

  241. Yo John

    Nice move with “Agent to the Stars” – good breakout piece – my GF even liked it, and she is *not* into SciFi. Got me to re-reading “Old Man’s War” and am remembering why I’d want to have a beer with you.

    If you’re ever up in Monrovia at London’s or one of those places, I’ll buy. You write like a mensch – Keep it up.


  242. Mr Scalzi,

    I always used to tell people that there was one perfect pair of Military SF books: Heinlein’s ‘Starship Troopers’ and Haldeman’s ‘Forever War’.

    The highest compliment I can offer an SF writer is to add them to that perfect pair. Your Old Man’s War is *the* perfect addition to that elite group.

    Starship Troopers, Forever War and Old Man’s War.

    Thank you for the delight, tears, wonder and exhilaration.

    Ghost Brigades, Last Colony and Zoe’s Tale were honourable additions to your work, though for me OMW still reigns supreme in your body of work to date. Didn’t like Androids though. So it goes.

    With deepest respect,

    >> Dave Sattar <<

  243. I saw “Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded” on a table in Barnes and Noble last year and the cover amused me so much, I bought it. After finishing it, I looked into your other work, your books, Whatever, etc. I love your writing, you’re hilarious, intelligent and insightful. Plus I really enjoy that your bio pick has Athena in it. It’s really cool for me as your fan to read about her personality while she was a toddler, and to see what she grew to be. I’m not an aspiring writer asking for help or advice. I’m not a vile spewing cud chewer here to say what an awful sinner you are. Simply put, I enjoy reading your work, thank you for being a writer.

  244. I have read most of your fictional books, and I definitely feel a scent of Heinlein when I read them. A real pleasure to read, and with a human perspective in a story. Science Fiction is about the unexpected and testing ideas. Sometimes a book is just a story, other times you feel that you are with the characters living the experience. With your books I feel that I live the experience.

    I look forward to more books from you, and I really hope that there will be more. But I realize – either the ideas are too few – or too many. As I’m not an US citizen I do look at the US from a different perspective, but I also have made military service, which means that I had a good sense of what OMW was about.

    As for your entry “Being Poor” – I have had some experience there too. Growing up in a home with no bath tub, and doing business on the outhouse with the cold air streaming up between the legs combined with the smell of feces. The kitchen sink was the washing place, warm water from the stove, no TV and during some years no car. Fortunately I was living in the countryside on a farm in Sweden during the 70’s (I’m 45 now), so at least I could waste some time in the nature or read books. Spending quite a few evenings listening to music on the radio from primarily Radio Luxembourg. Local Swedish radio channels were quite boring during the evenings. And clothes were re-used and swapped with my cousins by postal packages. Following fashion wasn’t even on the map. But being poor is also about being loved or not. It doesn’t matter if you have money if you still are alone.

  245. I just read your comment about Paramount producing a film based on Old Man’s War. My friends and I are very excited about this news. I hope that the film adaptation of this most excellent book will do it justice. Please continue to write about the Old Man’s War universe. I believe myself and many of your readers would enjoy a back-story describing mankind’s early CDF adventures.

  246. Hey i got your MATATROPOLIS book for free off Audible (i’m tight!) and wow that was bargain and “Bargain”. Can you get them to make your other stuff free so i can have it?

  247. John,
    I have read two of your novels #3 “The Last Colony” and #4 “Zoe’s Tale” and really enjoyed them and will continue to read others as the come out. I have a question though, I see you have a new book coming out “Fuzzy Nation” and from the description it is the same novel that was written by H. Beam Piper-“Little Fuzzy”. Are you continuing or augmenting Piper’s story?

  248. Congrats on the movie deal! I hope that you don’t let butcher the novel like they did with “Postman” by David Brin.

  249. John,
    Are you writing any more books in the Old Man war series? I really enjoyed them and hoped more were coming out.


  250. Mr. Scalzi,

    I’m not much for fanboy outbursts, but as I have just finished “The Android’s Dream” after reading all your other books, I felt compelled to pop in and let you know how much I have enjoyed all your work. I was led to your books from the kindle reviews of “Old Man’s War”, and, after reading the sample first chapter, I immediately knew I was in the presence of a talented writer. I may be a big, hairy crybaby, but it’s not all *that* easy to make me tear up. Thank you.

  251. Hi John Scalzi.

    I just noticed that you have a new novel, Fuzzy Nation, about to be released by Amazon. Is that taken from the old H. Beam Piper universe? It’s been so long since I read one of those I barely remember it, so the blurb didn’t help me much. It sounded right, though.

  252. Adrienne Foster, et al:

    Regarding Fuzzy Nation: Please see here.

    Everyone else:

    Thanks for much for your kind words and thoughts — I don’t typically respond to each post here but I do read them all and appreciate your leaving them.

  253. Just finished “Zoe’s Tale” which was given to my wife, Destiny by Scuzi, and I confiscated on sight, due to the fact that I also have read “The God Engine” and love your story’s. I grew up with such writers as; E.E. (Doc) Smith, Azimov, Robert Heinlein, & Frank Herbert, and many others and must say that your story’s grab my attention from the first page. I plan to read all of your SF works and so do the rest of my household.
    Keep up the fantastic work. You have many fans here in Vallejo, Calif. :-)

  254. Hi John,

    I came across ‘Agent to the stars’ on an online free books site. Now that is a book I’d pay to read! I don’t make a habit of writing to authors but as you can tell I liked the book enough to want to find out more about you and your other works and wanted to compliment you on what you termed your practice novel. It was both numerous and moving and full of fully rounded characters that engage the reader, I actually read it twice on the bounce. Anyway it has served it’s purpose as I am now going to buy your other books. Thank you.

    Kind regards,


  255. John,
    I found a copy of Old Man’s War available through the Kindle website and liked it so much I read a couple of others and found Whatever. Keep up the good work.
    And take it easy on the Clog Dancers.

  256. Your book was selected by my book club. I was a little hesitant about reading it. After reading the book I was wandering if you meant for the book to have a religious undertone? Any religious connections. I understand that it is science fiction and not to be taken for more than that… but just curious of what you wanted the reader to leave with.

  257. Mr Scalzi I love most of your books but would like to know if you are going try a write a Bolo story?????

  258. Hi John,

    So a friend of mine gave me his copy of Agent to the Stars to read. Loved it, thank you. When I last saw my friend, he told me he had recently gone to your book signing in San Francisco. I was overcome with guilt for not returning his book right away because I know he would have loved for you to sign it. What are the chances of getting a signed copy for him? Please?

  259. John,

    What was your inspiration for the scent-based communications of the aliens in “Agent to the Stars”?

  260. Pounds but could, $ car cheap?To this you, they could attach.A garage at, minds What good.The article as stock manipulation fl, and can save defense this might.Designed to engage, attempt to gain.,

  261. Dear John,

    I’m currently reading “The Last Colony” (in french – I’m from Belgium) after having read the two first books and I’m enjoying it so much I wanted to thank you for this incredible “Old man and war” series. I’m looking forward to read your other novels and wish you the best for the future!


  262. I have been introduced to your writing by audible.com website and now have purchased 2 of your books narrated by Wil Wheaton. Some the best stories I have heard and Will does an amazing job narrating your books. I look forward reading the rest of your work and hope Will will continue to make narrations of your other books.

    Keep up the great work, I look forward to everything else you will be writing in the future.

    – James

  263. Hello, Neat post. There’s an issue together with your site in internet explorer, might check this? IE still is the market chief and a good portion of other people will leave out your fantastic writing because of this problem.

  264. While introduced to the Scalzi Way by OMW, wife and I are steadily retracing your other writings. Android’s Dream is a way funner book than I expected; starting off at the bottom, as it were, it could only ameliorate. I did notice that disparate characters used the same slang term (“clusterfuck”), possibly seen as a flaw. The ending, while playing loosely with what King might call “readers’ rights”, was a bang-up surprise. Keep up the good work, we’re happy to buy the books at retail prices, a good value. And you don’t get good value much these days.

    Thanks, also, for the reference to P.K. Dick, his “ubik” deserved revisiting.

  265. PS, while I’m clogging up your comments (feel free to delete): the basic idea behind OMW is important to me because of the real economics of warfare. While it takes an investment of at least $100K to raise a child to fighting age (say, 18), we expect that investment to be paid back, by and large, over the decades of working life. Society doesn’t work, otherwise: a society of pirates, for example, is a priori unsustainable. Now if we lose 1 million soldiers, as Britain did in the Great War, in addition to the suffering and tragedy, it’s an enormous economic hit. That investment of perhaps $100B was never recouped, all those dreams dying in mud, dooming the Empire.
    The solution would be simple, if logic had its sway: send the old guys off to war, and let the young guys repay the investment by working until they get old enough to be unproductive. The additional advantage to the fiscal health of the old-age system is obvious; moreover, old guys (unaugmented, that is) would be less adept at destroying things, so it would be sort of comic, too, and could be broadcast live as a sort of comic reality show.
    The Justice Aspect would be, also, that those in power who started wars would have to fight the wars that they start, instead of the (more or less innocent) next generation.

  266. Just finished Joe H’s “Forever War”, including your clever foreword. Yes, there are parallels to OMW, but they’re of the sort that Vonnegut demanded: the sky can be cloudy with flying saucers, the world may be about to end, but if the guy and girl get together, it’s a happy ending. Both books end with the improbable reuniting of the protagonists so in that sense they are similar. Things such as the mind-meld of the clones in FW might seem a forerunner to the more general mind-meld of the BrainPal &tm; but really, it’s an idea whose time has come, from many directions. From a reader’s standpoint, the grinding anguish of FW is happily absent (or reduced the pains of old age) in OMW, possibly due to factors you allude to. I’d say any synchronicity of the books might be ascribed to the similar abilities of the authors, but my recommendation is, don’t miss reading both, in any order.

  267. Mr. Scalzi,

    I just wanted to write a brief thank-you note for the Old Man’s War books. I read the namesake volume a few months ago, and started (and absolutely devoured) The Ghost Brigades today. The first book was good science fiction; this second transcends its genre to stand out as one of the few books I would call literature. Not only did you draw exceptionally human characters, you also fleshed out the concept of communal identity which BrainPal hinted at in the first book but never exploded. The simple but multifaceted conflict drives a moving, thoughtful study of what it means to be human, for all its strengths and all its weaknesses.

    From the bottom of a tired Ph.D student’s heart, let me say thank you once more for this phenomenal work. I’m looking forward to reading The Last Colony tomorrow.


  268. Hi john my name is alex and I love the old mans war trilogy estrenge but I started whith the last colony and was wonderful so I buy the trilogy I’m mexican and my question is do you know if your books has traslate to spanish becouse I want to buy it in spanish to my wife she does not read in english do you know if you do tell me how to get it please thank you very much and I wiil keep an eye on your books my eye is on the gods engine I hope is goint to be amazing like the trilogy bye and thanks again

  269. John –

    Just a brief and inadaquate note to thank you for your incredible efforts with OMW 1-3 and Zoe’s Tale. Your ability to create such an intricate Sci-Fi universe as well as fill it with diverse characters and memorable personalities is greatly appreciated. I did have a question about two personalities in particular (while acknowledging that John Perry strikes me as the father, colleague, best friend that we all wish we had): 1) General Gau, and 2) the Consu.

    1) When you imagined Gen. Gau and his motivations, while also giving him the capacity of conscientiousness and his own sense of honor; what real world individuals did you base various parts of his personality upon (if any)?

    2) The Consu. I found the Consu’s brief discussions with John Perry, and later Zoe Boutin-Perry, to be one of the many highlights of your writing. Their conversation with John in OMW still brings a smile to my face when I think about it. The dying Consu’s conversation with Zoe is also memorable but mainly due to how effectively you convey both the Consu’s vastly superior power/ego and also how utterly devoid of empathy they are as an individual/race.

    When first acquainting yourself with them, and later when conceiving their motivations; whether real or fictional, who did you visualize or gain inspiration from?

    Finally, thank you for giving Hickory and Dickory more face time in Zoe’s tale. Their presence was enjoyable in OMW: TLC, but your further development of their personalities, the tragic history of their race, and their race’s willingness to bear any cost in order to gain answers for the basic questions of their existence turned them characters as indispensable as John, Jane, and Zoe.

    Okay; maybe this note isn’t as brief as I had promised. But I still feel comfortable alleging that it is inadequate to convey my thanks and appreciation for your work.

    Best Regards,

  270. Hey read all your CDF books and really enjoyed them. Have you ever thought what would happen if two twins signed up and one of them died before enlistment. What would happen when the one who lived ran into his special forces brother? Would they still have some kind of special twin bond? How would each of them react. Just a thought. K eep writing looking forward to your next book thanks.

  271. I recently discovered you had a blog, long after I read your Old Man’s War series. I’m trying to get published myself. I have an agent, but am still in platform-building mode, so marketing my proposal to the big six won’t start until another year or two. This, of course, is a bit of a chicken and egg problem, as I am sure you are aware.

    Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing your books on the big screen!

  272. Hi John! I’m a huge fan of Little Fuzzy and am also a doll maker. You can check my art out on Facebook if you like. If there is ever a movie of Fuzzy Nation, I would love to make a 3D fuzzy to scan from all angles for animation. Good on you for approaching the Piper Estate successfully! I also love the video “Fuzzy Man” that you posted to YouTube. I liked it at first, but it stayed with me all week getting better every time I heard it. I think it would make a great theme song for a movie!

  273. Mr. Scalzi,

    My name is Brandon Hall. I came across your “Old Man’s War” series thanks to my incredibly nerdy (and fantastic) father. He has spent his entire reading life bouncing between Sci-Fi and fantasy and has somehow talked me into following in his footsteps. I have not read very much Sci-Fi, but your books have changed my mind in a powerful way. I read Starship Troopers about a decade ago and thought it was fun, but I just couldn’t get over Heinlein’s social structure. I was introduced to your series five days ago and I just finished “The Last Colony” a few minutes ago (yes, I am reading them in order). I have a habit of finding a specific author and then reading everything that they have written that I can find (Vonnegut, Hesse, Brautigan, Camus, Hemingway, Kerouac, Ambrose, Dan SImmons, etc.). I was made aware of Dan SImmons’ Hyperion series because he and I both attended Wabash College in Indiana. As I was reading “The Last Colony” I noticed that one of the colonies attacked by the Conclave was named ‘Wabash.’ I immediately thought that you had either gone to school there or somehow knew about it. I read your bullet-point bibliography above and discovered that you had not attended Wabash College. However, I still would like to ask you about the use of the name Wabash. I am aware that there is a Wabash, Indiana (northeast indiana), that there is a Wabash river, and the college itself, which is located on the Indiana Illinois border about an hour northwest of Indianapolis. My question is how you came to choose that name, and which Wabash you were referencing?

    (Sorry for the length)

    p.s. Fantastic series! Incredibly fun to read and ridiculously hard to put down. I will now be looking for all of your other work and will continue to talk up the “Old Man” series to any and all who will listen…that is after I finish Zoe’s Tale of course.

  274. I read a lot of SF and I just wanted to say your work is incredible. I discovered you with Old Man’s War and have since read or listened to all your published work, including the Tor short stories. The Ghost Brigades is my favorite thus far because I love military SF, but Agent to the Stars was hands-down the most fun and entertaining. I love the humor and originality in your work. You, Ted Chiang and Iain M. Banks are my SF Dream Team.

    If you keep writing, I’ll keep buying.

    P.S. – Although I generally dislike hearing of great novels being bastardized into movies, I hope the film version of Old Man’s War is such a blockbuster you’ll need an agent like Thomas Stein.

  275. Great, great!!! I have all of your works, you make me laugh, your stories are awesome and you have been in Munich and I didn´t know it, damn, damn….Also, a small critics: Which race of dog is Carlo (I “see” him as Golden Retriever) and Joe DeLise should be punished. A lot.
    Ma lei parla Italiano?
    Saluti da
    Nikola Lainovic,

  276. I just read ‘Fuzzy Nation’ and can only say: Good job, it’s really a pageturner. Do you plan to write further books in this world/universe?
    What are you actually writing (I mean SF of course)?

  277. Mr. Scalzi,

    Somehow I stumbled upon NPR’s list of the top 100 Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels ever in a flow chart format (http://www.sfsignal.com/archives/2011/09/flowchart-for-navigating-nprs-top-100-sff-books/). I was enjoying following the branches when I came to a branch containing Heinlein’s Starship Troopers and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, Card’s Enders Game, Herbert’s Dune, Haldeman’s The Forever War, and your Old Man’s War. I had read every other novel on this branch and in the case of Heinlein, Card and Herbert, read them all several times over, except for Old Man’s War. I thought since I liked all of the other ones so much I’ll have to give this Scalzi guy a try. I’m so glad I did. As prior military I find the military setting and some of the problems faced by these soldiers to be comforting and familiar. The action is always intense and the flow is wonderful. I’ve now read Old Man’s War, Ghost Brigade, The God Engines, and Agent to the Stars and I’m currently reading Zoe’s Tale. These are all fantastic books. Thank you so much and I look forward to reading Fuzzy Nation and the Sagan Diaries. I also can’t wait to hear more on the film version of Old Man’s War. Thank you and keep up the good work, Mr. Scalzi.

    Very Respectfully,
    Rob Edwards

  278. Just discovered Old Man’s War. Amazing — Looks like there are more. Will read them all. I’m also a SW Ohio author and am thrilled to find you. Hope the movie is beyond all expectations.

    Cathy Pearson

  279. Thanks for the good read John. I have not gotten The Last Colony (correct title?) yet, but I certainly plan on it.
    I do hope you throw in a little more physics depth (on the Newtonian side) into your next tale, as I am pretty sure you can do it well, and it is always nice when something “real” gets elegantly woven into the story. I also hope to see you lead off on non-military tangents in your setting. I think you are one hell of a writer, and I now greedily demand more. You apparently wanted the job of being a great and loved author, and now you have it. Get to work and stop reading idiot blog comments like this one.
    Thank you for your stories, thank you for your local activism, and thanks for being goofy.

  280. Just read your blog about V for Vengence, O for Occupy Wall Street. A voice in the dark–why don’t people in the U.S. give any credit to the Moviemiento 15-M (los Indignados) in Spain, who started THEIR protest movement on the 15th of May and are currently occupying all the major cities in Spain in their central squares? (In the city I’m in, Jerez de la Frontera, that means about 5 tents and an evening open forum plus joining in with others for a daily protest march.) I’m finishing up a dramatic narrative about a man in Spain caught up in the economic crisis. At one point, we shot footage of that big, big protest in October behind our star…behind him because in the final analysis, it’s not that relevant to his plight. The protest is not going to get him a job, is not going to give him a loan, is not going to help him pay his bills or avoid being evicted from his home.

    I would have posted this on your blog, but it required me to give too much permission for a total corporate stranger to access my information. I don’t like that.

  281. Xopher: She’s using “blog” as a noun for the specific entry on the FilmCritic.com site, I suspect.

    Eve A. Ma: “Giving credit” implies that people in the US are generally more than dimly aware of any protests going on in Spain, which I feel pretty safe saying they are not.

    Also: This comment thread is not a good place to ask specific questions (especially not ones related to the actual post), because I look at only occasionally. If you have specific questions, it’s best to e-mail me. My contact information is in the sidebar.

  282. John,
    I’m new to this party, despite being a 55-year sci-fi fan. My eldest son turned me on to “Old Man’s War.” It cost me a night’s sleep.
    Am now in the final third of “Zoe’s Tale.”
    Through your books you’ve made me laugh, made me cry, which Heinlein (God love and succor his soul) never, ever did. Yet he grabbed my being.
    You, sir, on page 248 of “Zoe’s Tale” so perfectly described human love, regardless of its object, that you left me a tear-streaked gibbering idiot. Thank you so much.
    Best to you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving.
    Mike McN
    Bakersfield, CA

  283. Hello John,

    Pretty impressive resume. I can relate to your comment about your wife allowing you five minutes of glory before you have to clean the catbox. I got the same recently from my wife Fay when a couple of my company’s books when it was nominated for a Stoker. Love wives. Anyway, see you around the web. Look me up on Linked if you want. Take care man, I’ll be looking up your books. I always look for good reading.



  284. Dear John I’m writig to you because I have finished the Old Man’s War universe and I’m thrilled by it. Now I’am reading the next book (The Android’s Dream) and I’m sure that it will be great. Especially Sagan Diary surprised me because it’s very philosophical, also my philosophy teacher found it great. So now the reason why I’m writig to you, your books are phenomenal and I want to let you know that.
    I read your books in german(because I’m from Austria) and hope you will translate more of your books and short fictions. By the way gratulations for your planed film version of Old Man’s War. A tipp be careful with the design of the aliens especially with the Consu. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Yours sincerely Bernhard Heiss
    P.S.: forgive my bad english

  285. I am 68 and have been reading sci-fi from my teens until today. I noticed Old Man’s War at my local library, checked it out, and was so pleased at how good it was AND that there were several more in the series awaiting me. Solid, hard- core sci-fi with new twists. PLEASE keep up your good work as I am a fast reader!

  286. In the middle of reading ‘Agent to the Stars’, after having finished OMW, GB, TLC, and Zoë’s Tale
    in a matter of days. Enjoyed them all greatly.
    Although you said you were done with John and Jane’s story at the end of TLC, you made Zoë such an interesting character, what about more of *her* story? General Gau offered her a job… I can see her becoming the leader of the Conclave after Gau! I’m also intrigued by the thought of her little brother or sister… who would probably be the first human *born* with some or all of the genetic modifications done to Jane… (would they be dominant? would they breed true? would he or she have an integrated organic BrainPal, growing along with the brain in the womb?)

  287. Excellent books all around, finally someone who can effectively use sarcasm! Looking forward to all future works.

  288. John, i just read agent to the stars for my grade 11 English project. i was supposed to read it over a month but i ended up finishing it in 2 days. i love your books.

  289. John,
    Thanks for a fresh perspective. I might be a little older than your average reader (I was serving in the military before you went to kindergarten) and started reading sci fi before you were born. I was a huge fan of the “old” Masters (Heinlein, Herbert, Burroughs, Smith, and Clarke, especially Heinlein) and have kept up with the Drake’s, Weber’s and Ringo’s. While browsing the bookstore, I got into a discussion with another customer about authors and he told me if I liked Heinlein, I would also like your books. I bought Old Man’s War to check it out. A week later, I bought Ghost Brigades, The Last Colony, Zoe’s Tale, and Android Dreams. That was all they had in stock. Thanks and keep up the good work (although I know all good things must end, I was sorry to see the end of the trilogy)

  290. John,

    I found your blog looking for some of Joseph Campbell’s work. Very interesting that you would move to Ohio from California you’re just a stone’s throw away from me. I think I’ll buy a book and support your work. Have a great day.

  291. I´ve read Old Man´s war, followed by the Ghost Brigades and now finally The Last Colony.

    Wow, wow, wow. What a great series of books. I´ve been unable to put them down. They really got to me, felt like I was right there in the story, taking part in it.

    In TGB you mentioned some old school Sci-Fi, so now I´ve also been introduced to “The Forever war” and will read some of the other books you mentioned. Thanks :)

    My first real Scifi book experience was Peter Hamilton and his trilogies. Loves them and just kept on reading Scifi.The only bad thing is that your books are too short and it feels like there is sooo much I want to know about the universe you´ve made up :)

    Keep up the good work

    Greetings from Sweden

  292. John,

    I just completed a thirty-nine year career in the Army (It’s a long road from Private to Colonel). I returned from Afghanistan a few months ago and received my retirement papers. Now it’s time to enjoy all the things that I’ve had to set aside for years.

    So, I bought a Harley, got a tattoo and my best friend (who knows I own everything Robert A. Heinlein ever published) gave me a copy of “Old Man’s War”. Probably as a joke, but I was hooked by page nine and have only just completed Part-I. Upon sending this email, I am linking to Amazon.com to purchase the remainder of your books.

    Practically everyone likes to compare you to Heinlein. However, I detect the probability of influences from Harry Harrison and Keith Laumer as well. Not to mention your book title acknowledgement to Phillip K. Dick’s “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep”.

    I was glad to read that Paramount wishes to make a film of “Old Man’s War”. However, please, please, please maintain creative control! Don’t let Hollywood twist and pervert the intent of your message the they did with “Starship Troopers”. The world doesn’t need another “Doogie Howser Waffen SS” movie which promulgates the philosophy that being a member of a professional, capable and dedicated military organization makes one a Fascist.

    However, what I’d like to know is how you mastered getting into the head and relating the experiences of a common soldier without the benefit of any personal military experience? At least, none which you reference in your Bio.

    Looking forward to reading your work.


  293. John,
    Fuzzy Nation ebook – when, when, when ….please!!!
    You might sense a little desperation there – I grew up on Piper’s series and have been a fan since Old Man’s War first came out so the whole deal is a double whammy for me. Hope the ebook is soon.

  294. So, my friend Jeff Roche and I were discussing the book that I wrote and how I might get lost in the writer’s wilderness out there. Jeff brought up a name, John Scalzi and he was excited to talk about you. Based on his recommendation I’m going to buy some of your books from Amazon.

    So two questions:
    1). Which of your many books would you recommend to a first time reader?
    2). I joined your fanpage on Facebook: Can I message you to get an email to gift a copy of my ebook to?

    Whether you pick it up or not, choose to write about it or not, ignore it, ridicule it, or praise it… that I’ll leave in your hands.

  295. Okay, just started (and finished) Fuzzy Nation, which I loved. Never heard of Piper Beam, and that’s weird, because I’ve been reading Sci-Fi for a lot of years… And have read Old Man’s War, and The Ghost Brigades, which I also loved, so now I’ve gone to Amazon and bought all of them. Love your work. Can’t believe you never served in the military, since you seem to have it down pat. Waiting for Redshirts to come out. Hope your talent is making you a good living. If you do a book signing in Korea, let me know. You can crash at my place south of Seoul, as long as you do it in the next 14 months. Drinks on me, but you gotta figure out how to play along with “Margaritaville” and “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” after we down a couple of drinks. After that, you gotta visit in southern Arizona, bomb around the desert on motorcycles, trade war stories, sign my John Scalzi collection, and drink homebrew…

  296. Just discovering your work after several years overseas. Love the humor, and odd takes on things. Interesting. Thanks for the hard work.

  297. Otherwise marriages would, amount over a?Wrong ideas and, splits with the.EquipmentEver have a, subliminal learning process.Will choose the Fireline Series 1, the city have area Perhaps the.Identification therefore begins, on this Now.,

  298. Hi John, You went to a nearly $50k-a-year boarding school and then to UChicago, which has always been an enormously expensive, private college. How does this enormous privilege relate to your previous article about Being Poor and your current article about “difficulty setting”? Is there some circumstance that is not included in your bio? If so, it would help people understand where you come from, if not, you are ignoring an enormous “difficult setting” issue that make life so much easier than anything that results from the factors you listed.

  299. A Friend:

    “Is there some circumstance that is not included in your bio?”


    For more details, read through the blog. If you like, use the word “poverty” in the site’s search engine to focus your reading.

  300. Hi, I just read your posts on “difficulty setting.” Loved them. Then I read in your bio that you are a fellow U of C alum. Although the connection is entirely coincidental, I loved that, too. Thanks for great posts. Kim.

  301. heh, been reading your blog for a couple months before I read the bio, and thought . . . hm, 1969, U of C . . . wonder if he knows the Mr. . . . so I asked him when he got home from work. And, yes, he knows you. Gave me a couple extra reasons to chuckle when I see your blog in my wp reader . . .

  302. Mr. Scalzi,

    I just finished Redshirts. My nerdy friend suggested it to me because you are currently his favorite author. This is the first time ever that I have ever written an author and I just wanted to take the time to say thank you. I have always pondered what would happen if the characters in a television show or a book some how got out of their constructed universe into ours and met their maker. And I am so happy that you made my ponderings come to life in your book. The fact that you parodied Stark Trek was the icing on the cake; what a great choice! I will definitely recommend this amazingly fabulous book to all my geek friends because I LOVED it! Oh, and I also loved your ukelele cover of Jonathan Coulton’s “Redshirt”.


  303. My first laugh out loud Scalzi moment. “Each quiet thock left a tiny imprint on the glass. It looked like a litter of poodles and levitated six feet off the ground and schmooged their noses against the window.” AGENT TO THE STARS

    Thanks John for many enjoyable reads (and multiple re-reads).

  304. John!
    Old Man’s War is easily in my top 3 series, with the Pern series, and Ender’s Game series. I wanted to thank you for writting a great series and for your imagionation! Also Thank you for your work with Startgate SGU also in my top series on TV!
    Just wondering if you have an update on the movie process? Whwhat phase of production are you in?
    Thank you again!

  305. just read “old man’s war” the fourths or fives time (lost track:-).. make me still smile and sad in one moment. There is nothing else one can expect from a book. Thanks for that! Wish you lot of further inspiration and keep going…. (Arg.. “redshirts” not available at the moment in Amazon Germany…;-)

  306. Hi John,

    My father got me started on science fiction as a kid and I’ve never looked back. I listened to Agent to the Stars first and was hooked. I hated to get out of the car and would sit in the driveway for 15 minutes to hear more. And OMG…Wil Wheaton is the bomb!

  307. John, this is Tara Taghizadeh, editor and publisher of Highbrow Magazine (ww.highbrowmagazine.com). Christopher Lampton (an accomplished writer and author) is interested in interviewing you for the magazine. Please let me know when you are available and I’ll ask Chris to get in touch with you. Regards, Tara.

  308. Thank you for your books – I’m enjoying your refreshing ideas and characters. I’m not looking forward to running out! Wil Wheaton does a wonderful job in his audiobook narrations too.

    I’ve just watched all of SGU and am so wishing there was more… Might there ever be? I spotted the army private reading a copy of Old Man’s War – it made this sci fi fan smile :-)

    Thanks again,

  309. Reading adventure books (especially some from Jules Verne) would always let me think “If i could be that young again!”. I have started with “Old Man’s War” today, and after finishing the first six chapters i thought “If I could be that old as soon as now!”.

    That’s the way sci-fi works. Congratulations!

    — Gerald (36), Germany

  310. I think for the first time in my life I have read an entire novel in one sitting. Picked up ‘Agent to the Stars’ for some light holiday reading at lunchtime today and turned the last page at 3am, still sitting in the same place on my balcony (I must admit a few pauses to pick up supplies along the way). What an entirely enjoyable and fun story! I am very much looking forward to discovering your other novels. Thank you, Kate

  311. Hey John,

    Huge fan of the Old Man’s War series, keep it up!

    I actually bought the paperbacks years ago however have since parted ways with them. (My old man has them now).

    Having recently acquired a Kindle I’ve started to enjoy them all over again. HOWEVER! The second book, “The Ghost Brigades” cannot be purchased in Australia. What the?! Is it personal?

    (I’m sure it’s a clerical error on Amazon however the conspiracy theory is certainly more interesting)

  312. I’d like to say that you are a huge inspiration to me… Though I should just get it out of the way that I’m a teenager. Thirteen in fact, and I thoroughly hate it. Aspiring to write at a young age can be really difficult, most people don’t take young writers seriously, and those who do just sugar-coat our work to make us feel better. You however offered a genuine, honest, and well though out list of tips for teenage writers such as myself. As I began to read it, I grew beyond furious. Though after looking at the points you made, I understood your reasoning. There’s a fine line between being a serious writer and thinking your a serious writer. You showed me both, and for that I owe you my gratitude. I’ve started taking my writing more seriously, and I’m starting my Freshman year in English Honors. If it wasn’t for you, I don’t know where I’d be right now… So, thank you.

  313. I discover “Redshirts” 2 weeks ago. I loved it and immediately moved on to “Fuzzy Nation” and “Agent to the Stars”. Will be moving on to others shortly.

    In the meantime, I have reread REDSHIRTS (2 more times). I want to thank you for presenting such a tender, accurate, and insightful image of what it is to be widowed.

  314. John Scalzi, are you a Junior to John Scalzi with whom I attended 6th grade camp ? This would have been 1957 ish…. lemme know! thanks

  315. Dear Sir,
    I just finished reading your newest book, “Redshirts” and had a heyday with it. As I was reading it, I kept thinking back to the days of Star Trek: TOS and ST:TNG, and never once made the connection to SG:U. I’ve watched many episodes and read many books in the sci-fi genre, but this was one of the most delightfully engaging fresh books I’ve read in a while. The humor and whit behind the books was very well done. Thank you for such a great book.

    This book was recommended to me by my supervisor at the local library. She knew I enjoyed these books and genre and recommended it as one of our newest books in our collection. I will definitely be recommending this book to some of our patrons and friends as well.

    John R.
    Ashland Public Library,
    Ashland, OH

  316. Dear Sir,

    I love your writing, specially The Android’s Dream and Old Man’s War. I really love and follow your writing style. Oh! Let me tell you a secret, I often try to write, My dream is to be a writer[ not professionally] Please share some tips.

  317. John: I went to college with you. And though you reentered my thoughts when a friend of mine linked an essay on Facebook. You are even better than I remember. Between this lavish compliment, your admirable success and that one time we did that thing in college, I hope you will feel free to send me some cash or a nice gift. Rick

  318. I am currently reading “Krieg der Klone”, the German translation of Old Man’s War, and I have to say that I didn’t enjoy any novel as much since I read Card’s “Ender’s Game” and Haldeman’s “The Forever War” back to back a couple of years ago – I am looking forward to reading more of your work, probably in the original English though.

  319. John,
    Are you ever going to continue the Old Man War saga, or is that it for that series? I really enjoyed it.


  320. loved old mans war, as a vet it really was dead on, we fight for are people and they fight for me. also i loved the love story aspect, and the book ending with hope. very refreshing.thanks..ken

  321. I tried to order “Old Man’s War” on amazon.co.uk back in July. Revised delivery date after revised delivery date I finally got a message from them today that it is no longer available. :-( Sure, I can get the electronic version but, call me old fashioned, I still prefer something I can look at on my bookshelf and that I can burn after the zombie apocalypse. WHSmith says they can deliver it in 2-4 weeks. Somehow, I have my doubts . . .

  322. [Deleted because this fellow picked the wrong place to go on at tiresome length about how awful I am – JS]

  323. After I found and read “Old mans war” to entertain me while slumming in some airport I bought all of the SF books you’ve written. Your imagination and style of writing is refreshing, keep it coming!

  324. John
    I am curious what, if any, science background you have? Read somewhere your non-fiction science expertise is astronomy.

  325. Before Glenn Reynold’s recently recommended “Old Man’s War,” I had not read a science fiction book of any kind since Bradbury in high school about 32 years ago. I have now read OMW and The Ghost Brigades, purchased through the Instapundit/Amazon link to my Kindle. I have also made mass recommendations of both of these -and anything by you to my entire email list. “Word of mouth.” I wish you every success to continue doing what you are doing.

    Lee Child’s writing is great because I feel like I am in the story as it is told and I find I usually learn something relatable to actual life every few pages. In both of your first two books, I have the exact same experience -only I get the impression you get a blast out of what you are doing. Your twist of perspective as Jane Sagan appears in Ghost Brigades was a great, great device. You have such a good and positive grasp on the humanity and necessary interaction between people, from wherever they come in your universe.

    I have looked around your acknowledgements and whatever.com, and am interested if you would recommend a book to start as a beginner on other science fiction -that has a solid grasp on what makes people tick. Aside from Child, I usually read biographies (there is a new one coming out soon on Calvin Coolidge) and police procedurals. I cannot believe how believable your writing is. You mention Cory Doctorow; would you recommend to just start at the beginning? Is there another author or book you would recommend? (I realize you have other things going on, but this has opened an entire new opportunity, and I would greatly appreciate/respect your opinion.)

    As a life-long frustrated writer who never had the ability to follow a storyline without going off on tangents that lost even me as their author (but have long since accepted this and appreciate the work product made available by true writers such as yourself), I want to thank you for what you are able to do and how well you do it. I had been reading both “Destiny of the Republic” and “Confederacy of Dunces” when you came along. You have a gift. Thanks for expanding my horizons, and the horizons of my two boys and my wife.

    Great, great stuff. Indeed.

  326. Howdy John,
    The craziest thing just happened. I write silly articles for Cracked.com as much as I can and I was poking around the writers lounge area they have set up. In one of the threads someone wrote that something “sounded like it was paraphrased by John Scalzi”. I had never heard of a writer named John Scalzi (no offense, I’m ignorant), but damned if that didn’t sound just like the name of someone I went to high school with. 10 seconds of Google checking later it’s confirmed. Well howzabout that? Glad to see you’re doing well at this thing. I promise I’m going out and grabbing some if your stuff now.

    Kudos señor,

    Ezra Ross (Cracked.com name: E. Reid Ross)

  327. just ran into Old Man’s War. i bow to you for your wonderful writing skills and homage to Robert Heinlein (my all time favorite!). I will be buying books of yours …Go John!

  328. Dude. Reading Redshirts now. What ever you where smoking when you wrote this, I want some, I want a lot. Love it! Oh. Old Man’s War was good too. :)

  329. Several years back read OLD MANS War (sorry if I dropped an apostrophe there, if I did. They’re mysteries to me, alas), Last month or so I’ve finally gotten to GHOST BRIGADES and THE LAST COLOBY. Eagerly moved on to ZOES TALE (apostrophe again, I imagine).

    I cat imagine how many people hve said something to you about “Hey, you;’re just telling the SAME story!”, and yeah, I bitched and moaned about that..

    Yeah, yeah, I bknow!

    I am halfway through ZOES TAL/

    It”s the “same” story.It’s not the” same” novel.

    Would that more writers would try this idea on for size.

    A bug’s view of Starship Troopers?

    CHILDHOODS END from the viewpoint of the aliens?

    ZOO! as told by The Monolith?

    Well, maybe that one WOULD be boring.

    Then agian.

    All to say,”Scalzu, you’re a top tier writer.”

    I said.


  330. Sorry for the typos above. I am partially blind, for what it is worth.

    Finished ZOES TALE. WOnderful novel,

    Hope you have mor to write in this story cycle, WIth the Obin you havea unique race among all the SF alien races to date. I suspect they will be increasingly important to the CU, abd more so for the Earth, in any future tales.

    Keep writing, Mr. Scalzi!

  331. John, I just wanted to write to say how brilliant you are as a writer. I discovered your work thru Audible and have really enjoyed all of them — particularly those narrated by Wil Wheaton. He does an incredible job of bringing your characters to life and, after reading your bio and your blog, Wheaton really captures your writer’s voice better than anyone.

    Keep up the great work and I look forward to even more great stuff in the future.

  332. John
    Redshirts was the hook for me, the title resonated & the synopsis drew me in. Loved it for many reasons, characters that lived, interestingly complex story & a very healthy sense of humour – a kind of ‘Dilberti n Space’ feel but underpinned with good, solid storytelling. So what next I thought & Old Man’s War suggested itself – I thought I may have returned to Robert Heinlein but it was so much more. I really enjoyed reading it and look forward to the sequels as well as catching up with your other work. It has been a while since I read any science fiction other than Iain Bank, Peter F Hamilton & Alastair Reynolds – thanks for restoring my faith.

  333. John – I just finished Ghost Brigades (excellent), and wondered how you came to use Metairie as a location on Phoenix. What’s the deal?

  334. :D :D :D


  335. “But if the cost of a paperback book is roughly the same as the coffee and pastries you buy at Starbucks, I really don’t have much sympathy for the argument that books are too expensive. If you’re shelling out that much for something that you’re going to consume in 30 minutes, chances are pretty good that it’s a fair exchange for a year’s worth of effort on my part.”

    Unfortunately, not all readers are as fortunate as yours, as evidenced by these Amazon prices for mathematical textbooks:

    Digital List Price: $218.67 What’s this?
    Rent From: $58.55 or Buy Price: $116.69
    Save up to: $160.12 (73%) You Save: $101.98 (47%)

    Print List Price: $192.00
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    Print List Price: $209.95
    Kindle Price: $156.49 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
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    Sold by: Cengage Learning
    This price was set by the publisher

    Digital List Price: $329.00 What’s this?
    Print List Price: $329.00
    Kindle Price: $263.20 includes free wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet
    You Save: $65.80 (20%)

  336. Rodney Moder:

    However, math textbooks are not the same thing as your average paperback book, so let’s not drag them in to make a rebuttal that’s not point, please.

  337. thoroughly enjoying the human division but trying to decided if you love the cubs or are just having a great time at our, cubs fans, expense. either way it’s funny and painful all at the same time. keep it coming mr. scalzi

  338. I have read all 4 of the colonial union books. I would love to see one where ZOE is about 30 yrs old and forced back into the problems between the Colonial Union and the Conclave.

    Is it possible?

  339. Hi John,

    Just happened on your blog from a random link and enjoyed, then noticed the name. I’m not sure we ever met in person at U of C (maybe at a meeting?) but we both worked on Breakdown, I think. Nice to see what you’re up to!

  340. I just finished listening to all of your books. I really liked the Old Man’s War series. I loved the bits of humor intertwined in the story (“Hey Asshole…”). Agent to the Stars really cracked me up though. I’m sure that the other drivers on the freeway thought I was losing my mind. My family was from Pomona and my grandmother worked at Pomona Valley Hospital for years. But now I have a HUGE problem. I’ve read (alright, listened to) all of your books. Who has a similar writing style to yours? I need another fix of scifi with a sarcastic/self depreciating humor.


  341. Dear Mr. S.

    I have reached the age of 57 and three quarters and I’m ashamed to say that I haven’t yet read any of your books. I aim to put that right in the next few days with ‘Old Man’s War’. From the reviews I have read, both here and elsewhere, I’m hoping I’ll enjoy it.

    I cannot find a new paper copy on sale and I don’t have a Kindle or electronic book so unfortunately I can’t pass on any financial benefit to you. I’m hoping to put that right at some time in the future too…


  342. Reading the Last Colony, couldn’t help noticing “Des Moines” and “Arrisians”, so you read E.E .Doc Smith too. I’ll let you off the Commodore Perry.

  343. Hi. To be honest, I don’t recall why I started following you and never really knew who you were till today. (Finally had some downtime to check into people I follow). Now I’ll have to get me a copy of your Old Man’s War series….or maybe not. I usually am quite disappointed in movies adaptations so maybe I’ll wait and read after? Who knows. In either case, when I saw the cover of your book the FIRST thing that came to mind was “Han Solo, Princess Leia and Chewbacca”. Thought that was amusing enough to share :)

  344. I’m addicted to the storyline of “Old Man’s War”, please write more, but only if you want to.

  345. You are a time twin of my son. Really, you are. For that matter, I’m a time twin of Mitt Romney. Shit. I think this conclusively disproves astrology.

  346. Following a link-trail, Mr. Scalzi, I’ve come across (and appreciated) your site. Several thumbs up! (How many thumbs? Answer varies, ranging from 1 on up.)

    Someday, I’m going to set up something bloggish, complete with commenting ability enabled. When/if I get that far, I’d like to adapt your rules & comments as detailed in several spots here. (I may well not want to change much, in such adaptation, because I like what I see already.) May I quote/adapt/mangle the material, with of course proper attribution? (Pretty-please?)

  347. Mr. Scalzi,
    I have now been in two different settings (classrooms) where I have heard lines from your “Being Poor” essay used. Both times the leader said that these were actual statements made by people in poverty. After the first time I did a search and found your essay. The second time I spoke up and gave you credit. But I need to ask, are these actual statements that you have heard?
    Tim Streett

  348. Thank you. I am glad I did the search because I can now properly attribute the material to you. But also happy that it led me to your blog. I have sent links to your writing to many of my friends. Your reader response on Advise to those in Poverty is great. And I love the subtle dig to my Reformed friends. God Bless. Tim Streett

  349. Hello John,
    I’ve just finished reading “Old Man’s War” and I must thank you for writing it. It has everything I love in a good sci-fi novel and now I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of that series! Keep up the great work!

  350. Mr. Scalzi,
    Because of my OCD, I did finish Old Mans war plus the 3 sequals in a week or so, and sure, it’s technically written well.
    But since I am European, the overall philosophy seems too rightwing, conservative and militaristic to me.

    I just hope you don’t pull a Scott Card and turn out to be a homophobic fascist in real life.

  351. I hope john Scalzi doesn’t have to read all these ESSAY LENGTH comments. I mean, seriously, commments are only spposed to be a few sentances at most!!!!

  352. Woah! I’m really loving the template/theme of this website.

    It’s simple, yet effective. A lot of times it’s hard to get that “perfect balance” between superb usability and visual appeal.
    I must say that you’ve done a excellent job with this.
    Also, the blog loads extremely quick for me on Chrome.

    Excellent Blog!

  353. When I read “Old Man’s War” I had to stop after the first few pages and check the cover for the author. I thought I was reading a Heinlein book (which is very high praise). Excellent book! I had a very hard time setting it down for such necessities as eating and sleeping. I usually don’t recommend books, but I did yours! “Red Shirts” was excellent as well. Looking forward to obtaining more of your work.

  354. Hi John
    Got to your blog via a rather circuitous route: Looked up info about China Mieville and found a reference to Locus Online News which posted a link to LoneStarCon 3 Online registration, which interested me because I am here in the Lone Star State. And I am in San Antonio so I was disappointed to have missed a chance to have you sign my copy of Fuzzy Nation.

    That was the first Kindle book I bought when I first got my Kindle way back when. (I later got the paperback too since I liked the story so much). Since then I also read the Ghost Brigades and Old Man’s War. Really love your writing.

  355. John, Well…I surprised myself a bit and finished your book “Red Shirts” in less than a day. It was definitely a great read. I wasn’t sure what to expect…but it was funny and imaginative and touching all at the same time. I read the “Old Man’s War” quite a while a go…and forgot how much I enjoyed your writing. Thanks for reminding me. Keep up the great work.

  356. Dear John,
    I love your work. I have listened to several of your books (Agent to the Stars, Redshirts, The Android’s Dream) and I’m enjoying Fuzzy Nation now. Wil Wheaton is fantasic as well, by the way – I hate to say that my prior knowledge about him consisted solely of The Big Bang Theory episodes he starred in.
    My Dad was the one who sparked my interest in reading sci-fi and I hate the fact that I cannot share the enjoyment I find in your style with him – we live in Ukraine and he doesn’t speak English well enough to read for leisure, while only three of your books are translated to Russian: Old Man’s War, The Ghost Brigades, The Last Colony.
    At the same time, Russian speaking world has a huge population of sci-fi fans – please look into having more of your work translated for this sizable audience :)
    Best regards,

  357. John:
    Leafing through the used book sale at the Westerville (OH) library last week, I found & bought “The Last Colony”, a wonderful book! Now, I have to find the others in this series and start at the beginning.

    In checking out your bio above, I see that you are my neighbor, about 45 miles to the West of my Urbana home.

    Very glad to have discovered your writings!

  358. John,

    You said earlier in this thread that every thing a person writes is protected by copy write laws. How does that work? I don’t have to do anything to have it protected?

    My girl friend and my self are both new writers and we were thinking about posting short stories online however we were both worried about this issue.

  359. [Deleted because this poor dear doesn’t realize that telling me that he’s not going to buy my books doesn’t have the effect he think it has — JS]

  360. I first read Old mans War when I was 16. I absolutely hate reading, despite my three degrees and a Masters in Sociology. When I was in the bookstore one day I saw Androids Dream, and thought “Sweet Jesus this is different”. When I saw Old Mans War and opened up to the first page, you had me at the first line. Ten years later, I find the first two books in a box packed away in the attic. I’ve been reading them, again, for the past several days and it has reminded me how much I love the series. Purely epic. These are the kind of stories that let my imagination run wild. Also, I didn’t read Zoe’s Tale back then, so needless to say I am ridiculously excited to finish the first two books (again).

    I just wanted to say thank you.

    Out of pure curiosity, are you a Latter-day Saint? I notice you mentioned the Book of Mormon in the Ghost Brigades (though the exact reference and location is eluding me).

    Anyway, I plan on purchasing everything you have ever written. You have have somehow given me a desire to sit down for hours and read, both as a 16 year old and a 26 year old, and for that, sir, you deserve a medal. Cheers.

  361. Hi ya, John!

    I’m Bill Dufris, an audiobook narrator/producer. I have had the great fortune to narrate a number of your titles, including Old Man’s War, The Ghost Brigades & The Human Division. I LOVED THEM!!! (I have also listened to Redshirts, narrated by Will Wheaton – could hardly stop laughing!).

    My eternal gratitude for being such a fantastic writer, and for granting me the opportunity of producing such high quality work.


  362. Read all your OMW books over the past few months and I am checking imdb weekly to see if there is any real progress on a screenplay for a movie. That’s been disappointing. Human Division kinda sorta left on a cliffhanger. So, any way of letting folks know when the newest OMW book will be out or are you going George R R Martin on us? Keep up the brilliant writing.

  363. Just got around to getting a copy of OMW; yes I know a bit late but when you live in a country where paperbacks are $14 a pop you tend to be a bit careful on authors you don’t know, but this was well worth it, and then some!
    The meeting their DI scene was the best ever, even surpassing Full Metal Jacket.
    Look forward to reading more of your work.

  364. Hi John,
    I just read Agent to the Stars and my wife kept asking me “What are you laughing about?” as she also did when I read many of Pratchett’s works. And then you make me stop and think.

    I have read and enjoyed a lot of your work. Just about to re-read the Old Man series.

    Do you have a Paypal account for the $1. Sending a cheque from Australia – your bank would charge more for converting it than the $1.

    Thanks for your very enjoyable work


    Earle Orenstein

  365. Dear John,

    “Lock In” hit me on a very emotional level. My mother got multiple sclerosis when I was a child and would tell me, as I prepared dinner according to her instructions, that I was her hands. Reading your book, I realized that I was raised as an “Integrator” with all the attendant problems and rewards. Giving me a chance to explore those issues in a science fiction setting was a gift. Thank you!

  366. I got this web page from my pal who shared with me regarding this site and at the moment this time
    I am browsing this site and reading very informative posts at this place.

  367. Hello Mr. Scalzi!

    I am from Russia, and I have two hobbies. One is listening English Audiobooks and second is to make the Audiobooks on Russian by myself. I have quite big expirence at this kind of work, a few of my Audiobooks officialy offered by web by some legal traders.
    A not long time ago I`ve listen all your novels and found them real amasing. And I have just complete to read new Audiobook, it is from yours best novel from “old man`s war” universe (IMHO) – “The Ghost Brigades”, in Russion language of course.
    If you are interested in this performing, if you want to listen it of if you want to use it somehow in your proposals – please give me the sign, I`ll be very glad to send it to you. Also, of course, I will not use this Audiobook in any commercial interests here in Russia, I will not even put it in the open web without your possible permission.

    P.S. sorry for my possible mistakes in this english text.

    Best regards, Mikhail Nazarenko, MD

  368. Yes, yes – PLEASE more Fuzzies! They made me smile in a time when the past few months’ newspapers had made that seem almost impossible. We need a bright spot of escape once in a while, where lovableness is possible and right triumphs.
    Have read a few of your books – started with the Old Man’s War series, read part of the serialised one but it was too difficult to keep the parts straight when I get it from the library. I’m on Redshirts now. Your are the first sci-fi author I’ve read more than one book from since the days of Clarke/Asimov. Just couldn’t seem to find stuff I liked for so long that I pretty much gave up trying.
    And to find out that you were a trash-80 fan too. I loved mine – more than any computer since I think. It was such a miracle! And I had my little tape recorder that I could save programs onto. What cutting edge technology, eh?
    So basically just wanted to say thanks for the good, thoughtful reads . . .

  369. John – I read your rant about the Confederacy at (http://www.scalzi.com/whatever/003117.html)and I must say that I agree with every point you made. Given the fact that my great, great grandfather fought in the 57th Alabama Infantry, I feel more qualified than most to express an opinion. He was a dirt poor white farmer who was drafted at age 43 and forced to fight in the Battle of Atlanta. He then was wounded and captured at Nashville and died as a POW in Chicago in January of 1865. I don’t know what his views on slavery were – but he clearly wasn’t a volunteer soldier. His failure to return from the war was disastrous for his family. His wife could not maintain the small farm and their children were subsequently distributed to whatever neighbors and relatives would take them. The war to perpetuate slavery is a shameful part of our history that we need to acknowledge, but I see no reason to celebrate.

  370. I just read your novel “Old Man’s War” and it’s amazing. It’s now one of my favorite novels of all time. I intend to go through the rest of the series and sample a few others along the way. Thank you for writing such an awesome book.

  371. Hey John, A guy in my 30+ year old book group picked Old Man’s War. We’re not a snooty bunch, but some of us were a bit skeptical. Here I am doing a 180. It’s a terrific read. The Willie Wheelie conversation between John and Ruiz was hilarious! Keep writing, I’ll keep reading. Rich

  372. I love your books, Redshirts and Android’s Dream! They’re wonderful books. What is your favorite book that you’ve written? And I happen to be doing a report on you and I was wondering if you would say your books fall into a specific genre?

  373. Just reading “The Human Division” which reminds me of Keith Laumers writing about Reteif. Nice job!

  374. Mr. Scalzi,
    I just wanted to thank you for the hours of entertainment you have provided over the years. Growing up I hated reading. As a young adult I used to say that I was pissed at the that fact I had to read road signs to determine where I was going (not a hyperbole, actual feelings on the subject). I pretty much felt that way until my buddy Bucky introduced me to “Old Man’s War”. I binge read the series followed by “Fuzzy Nation”, “Red Shirts”, and “Android’s Dream” (my favorite of your books). I am currently reading “Lock In” and “Muse of Fire”.

    No worries I do read other books, John Ringo’s “Under a Graveyard Sky” series was awesome; but your novels are what sparked this late life passion. I see classical SCI-FI works have influenced your own, do you have any recommendations? I have read “StarShip Troopers” “Ender’s Game” (as well as the rest of the books in the series)…and sadly that is it for classic SCI-FI.

    Last praise and then I’ll let you be. As a Veteran with a degree psychology who is pursuing a computer science degree, I was surprised to see that you have do not have a degree in either. Kudos to you on your research for your novels. Please keep up the excellent work.

    P.S. If you haven’t read “Ready Player One” add it to your must read list.

  375. Mr. Scalzi,

    How how does it feel to have been born the year we first landed on the moon? As a lover of all things off-worldly as well, Heinlein and Card had always been my favorites until I found Old Man’s War. What books/experiences got you interested in space/sci-fi? Thank you!

  376. Apologies for not being original, and hopefully you are not sick of praise for your work yet, but I just have to say it: just finished The Dispatcher on Audible, and it was brilliant. Seriously. Narration by Zachary Quinto? Yes please! Am almost finished Lock-in (Will Wheaton: oh YES!), and am transported with enchantment. You know that feeling when you are in love and just want to tell everyone about it and shout from the rooftops? that’s how I feel about these books. I have Old Man’s War and Red Shirts queued up. How do you think up this stuff????? amazing. Thank you so much for your stories, they make the world a better place.

  377. Hi.couldnt find suitable place to write what I wanted to say so I will write it here.first of all:you are great!I have just finished reading ‘The ghost brigades’ and it was wonderful.you’re the best! looking forward to read your next books(especially Zoe’s Tale,The Human Division and The End of All Things.I’m Iranian and i’m not a native speaker of english so…(in iran we have Old Man’s War, The Ghost Brigades and The Last Colony translated in persian and the other parts are waiting to be translated.))and you are amazing.thank you for sharing the world of old mans war with us.I know you are busy but it would be really nice for me to know that you read my comment.best wishes to you.💐💐💐

  378. Sorry again but one question: I know its probably impossible but can you write an episode for doctor who?I mean for new season it would be great to see you as writer in their team😇

  379. Was looking for books in a used bookstore to tide me through long nights in upcoming 3 month Mexican surf trip and came upon Scalzi section. A fan since Android’s Dream and OMW series and offshoots, I saw Fuzzy Nation and grabbed it. Oldster (younger than me, though) noted “Is this a sequel to “Little Fuzzy”? Me: “i don’t think so” (noting cover notes and not familiar with LF), “probably a pastiche. I like Scalzi, though, so…”. Anyway, finished FN and am now excited to go back to store to trade FN for LF and to turn a fellow reader on to a new guy (you). We all win in this, I think. Thanks for a ton of good reads.

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