The 2017 Awards Consideration Post

Do I have work for you to consider for this year’s awards? I do! Here they are:

Best Novella:

The Dispatcher (10/16, Audible)

Best Collection:

Miniatures: The Very Short Fiction of John Scalzi (12/16, Subterranean Press)

Aaaaaand that’s it, I think. There are individual short stories I’ve written that are eligible, including in Miniatures, but I think it hangs together best as a collection, so that’s what I’m asking people to consider it for.

Note with The Dispatcher its eligibility will be dependent on whether the awarding group considers audiobook publication the same as print publication for the purposes of their awards (I know it is for the Hugos; I have a query in about it for the Nebulas). If it’s not eligible as an audiobook, well, the print version comes out in May, so I might end up listing it next year, too. Awards! They’re wacky. Also note that in the places where it might matter, I consider The Dispatcher to be fantasy, rather than science fiction.


7 thoughts on “The 2017 Awards Consideration Post

  1. I know you’ve heard this a million times and that I was very poky about listening to “The Dispatcher” – but I have to tell you that I adored both the story and the telling of it. Thanks so much really a lot and happy New Year to you and yours!

  2. Oooo – I’m curious about why you consider “Dispatcher” to be Fantasy? I have no strong reason for asking, but I do think that the defining the difference between Science Fiction and Fantasy is difficult and fascinating….

  3. Are youtube channels eligible in any category? Bets semiprozine? There is a really unique genre channel I would like to nominate. He has an undergrad degree in Physics and discusses physics in relation to SF topics. Whenever, I mention this, I always get back ‘oh its like ‘PBS Spacetime’. No that is a hard science channel. This is definitely genre related and its completely unique. His material is very detailed.

    I don’t see any other channels or blogs like it. Its specifically SF. No fantasy. Many of the topics come directly out of SF books and he expands on them and uses science to discuss them. Its VERY good. His videos are long for Youtube. 15-40 minutes each. He releases weekly.

    Could this be best Fanzine or Semi-prozine? Fan Writer since he has to write what he says.
    Its great for anyone who really likes SF. Even if you don’t like hard SF. Its really good.

    — Black Hole powered space ships
    — Space Colonies
    — Asteroid Mining
    — Starlifting (taking material from a star to build megastructures)
    — Variety of Megastructures

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