Welcome to the Lynn Williams Activist Toolkit, an exciting new project of rabble.ca currently in Beta. The Toolkit is a wiki-style section of the rabble site devoted to content collaboration. It contains a growing number of encyclopedic resources that you can write. The Toolkit is named after activist, organizer, and labour leader, Lynn Williams, whose commitment to social justice has inpired generations of United Steeworker activists. Read more about Lynn Williams here. Participate in the Toolkit! See our User Guide, and please check out the toolkit blog and podcast.
Many Canadians joined women's marches and protests in cities across North America this weekend. Organizers will be planning local actions to maintain the movement however the Women's March DC organizers put together this list to keep us going. Take action, keep organizing because this is not a one time action.
Constructing Change Podcast
An interview with Maisie Lo, Director of Immigration Services at WoodGreen Community Services in Toronto.
Toolkit Blog
Here are five types of broad perspectives that we noticed on social media over the weekend. Each had something valuable to add to the ongoing discussion on the nature of solidarity and resistance.
Saturday November 26, Noah Rabbani is a 15 year old Canadian-Pakistani teenager was brutally attacked by two white men who stole his backpack and beat him severely with a baseball bat. The attack occured in Hamilton, Ontario. This article has an account of what he said, how he wanted to spare his parents alarm, how he says one man just kept hitting him with the bat.
Noah was released from hospital on December 3rd, after initial treatment for extensive injuries to his brain, jaw, limbs and spine. His skull was cracked.
His recovery will be a long process, and he will require extensive dental...
ReportsDatabase of instances of U.S. and Russian interference in foreign elections since the Second World War.
3 Minute ActionSupport the Indigenous Environmental Network
ReportsFinal report is a useful tool for those of us fighting against fracking
GuideA how-to guide for dealing appropriately and supportively with survivors of sexual assault.