

Photo: Gage Skidmore/flickr
The trouble with 'populist' billionaires is they serve the same old corporate interests | Jan 20 2017 | Linda McQuaig | Trump's surprise election has alerted us to the depth of dissatisfaction with the status quo. But will Trump and his crowd get to define and shape that anti-status quo sentiment?
Photo: Ben Husmann/flickr
The robots are coming... for our jobs | Jan 18 2017 | Wayne MacPhail | When we think about robots, we worry that, like Transformers, they will be hulking, dangerous machines. But what if they are more subtle? What if they just steal our jobs?
Photo: JeanneMenjoulet&Cie/flickr
Rosa Luxemburg: A revolutionary for our times | Jan 17 2017 | Duncan Cameron | Her scholarly work identified the links between capitalism, imperialism and militarism, but she expected more than recognition as a thinker. Rosa Luxemburg wanted to change the course of history.
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Pete Souza
The Canadian government should replace NAFTA, or scrap it | Jan 17 2017 | Common Frontiers | Revision to NAFTA's terms must have at its core the objective establishment of fair trade, not free trade, and economic relations based on social justice, sovereignty and sustainable development.
B.C. saw 73,000 new jobs created in 2016, but this is not a good news story | Jan 12 2017 | Iglika Ivanova, Seth Klein | The headline-making job creation numbers mask large regional disparities across the province. Outside Metro Vancouver and Greater Victoria, B.C.'s jobs story is nothing to brag about.
Photo: Billie Greenwood/flickr
Trump's proven that free trade deals can be rewritten. So let's write better ones. | Jan 12 2017 | Jim Stanford | If Trump can rewrite international economic treaties on the strength of a few tweets, then we can do the same thing -- but only if we build a political movement with the same confidence and power.
PMO Photo by Adam Scotti
As U.S. protectionism surges, Canada implores Washington: But we're friends! | Jan 10 2017 | Duncan Cameron | Higher American interest rates will push the U.S. dollar up and lower the already weak Canadian dollar further. Expect the Trump administration to target Canada for currency manipulation.
Oneil Carlier
Even some farm leaders admit the Alberta NDP's notorious Bill 6 is an improvement | Jan 9 2017 | David J. Climenhaga | It's time for the NDP to get over their rude welcome to governing and get back to implementing the progressive agenda they were elected to enact.
Precarity in higher learning: Neoliberalism and contract faculty contract negotiations at WLU | Jan 9 2017 | Dan Kellar | As contract faculty at Wilfrid Laurier University negotiate a new contract, many in the union have recognized their struggle as a moment in the widescale resistance to neoliberal ideologies.
Prison in Sherbrooke
Push for prison reform growing across Canada | Jan 9 2017 | The recent death of Soleiman Faqiri is one of many incidents.
Image: Flickr/Eric Norris
Preventing chronic pain in the workplace would go long way in solving prescription opioid crisis | Jan 6 2017 | Penney Kome | The U.S. and to some extent Canada still don't have workplace regulations to protect workers from chronic pain.
Photo: Patrick/flickr
How to really help Manitoba families: Build a universal child-care system | Jan 5 2017 | Susan Prentice | Manitoba's child-care system is staggering to meet the needs of parents and children, and recent signs give little confidence the new provincial government will respond effectively.

on babble

Liberals brought Nazi vets to Canada: Glorifying Ukrainian-Canadian Veterans of OUN/UPA Terrorism Richard Sanders said... The main organization in Canada of the fascist Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists -- OUN(M) --...
Canadian arms exports to Saudi Arabia ignore the Elephant in the Room NDPP said... Canada Defends Record $11B Arms Sale To Saudi Arabia in Court
Letter to Michel Chartrand, from his daughter Suzanne sherpa-finn said... Thanks, l. Michel Chartrand spoke at the very first demo I ever attended - outside the US Consulate...
Waffen-SS Galician Division still Revered by Canada’s Ukrainian Right MegB said... Richard, I've had a complaint against your thread. I think I need to remind you that the purpose of...
A Century of Struggle between Left-Right Camps in the Ukrainian Canadian Community Timebandit said... Richard, you shouldn't be posting whole articles. Give a brief quote and a link, and those who are...
Unions in Canada: StatsCan data SeekingAPoliticalHome said...   The future looks poorly...
Unifor Jerry Dias Donated Money To Kellie Leitch Leadership Campaign Mighty Middle said... Unifor director of communications Denise Hammond confirmed in an email that Dias and Leitch are...
Fight for $15 march in Montréal on 15th of October lagatta said... No surprise that fake progressive and fake feminist Justin Trudeau also opposes this very modest...
Lib government pay system mess affects 80,000 workers mark_alfred said... The government instituted a...
Canada's WWI Internment of Leon Trotsky, and the Captivating Mass Psychoses of antiSemitism and antiCommunism NDPP said... Fascinating read and much that was new to me. Many thanks for posting this Richard! in

in cahoots

United Food and Commercial Workers
Activists build momentum to close the gender wage gap
UFCW Canada activists recently met with allies in the Ontario Equal Pay Coalition to strategize for the year ahead to end the gender wage gap that is so prevalent in non-union workplaces.

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