deray mckessonПодлинная учетная запись


I will never betray my heart. Futurist. Activist. Organizer. Educator. Bowdoin. TFA. Baltimore. IG: iamderay snapchat: derayderay (

Дата регистрации: апрель 2009 г.
Дата рождения: 09 июля

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  1. Закрепленный твит
    17 янв.

    Today we launch The Resistance Manual, an open-source platform to compile information/resources to resist.

  2. 11 часов назад

    Or the unemployment rate, the number of homeless, the list could go on

  3. 3 минуты назад

    Kellyanne Conway lies with such ease, she doesn't even break a sweat. Alternative facts, eh?

  4. 8 минут назад

    Very much here for the book Kellyanne Conway publishes in 6 yrs that paints herself as the victim in all this. Pre-pre-order.

  5. 9 минут назад
  6. 20 янв.
  7. 22 часа назад

    The Trump admin fast at work dismantling LGBT equality at DOL where I proudly led an inclusive team. A slap in the face of progress.

  8. 26 минут назад

    Which of the democratic senators have not yet noted that they will be voting against Jeff Sessions? And any Republicans voting against him?

  9. 13 дек. 2016 г.
  10. 29 дек. 2016 г.
  11. 39 минут назад

    S/O to for answering the $1.7 billion question. "Even back in 2009, we knew they were going to do the Okey-Doke on us."

  12. 38 минут назад

    I kinda want to eat breakfast/brunch in DC but I also lowkey just want to head home and nap.

  13. 44 минуты назад

    I love Rihanna's protest IG posts and her support and engagement in the protests in general.

  14. 10 часов назад

    There are white Mizzou alumni all down my timeline at marches across the country who stayed silent about racism on their own campus.

  15. 59 минут назад

    Add me on Snapchat! Username: derayderay

  16. 11 часов назад

    Re Spicer's lies, this is from someone who worked in a past administration. Important read.

  17. 3 часа назад

    After 22 years in power, former Gambian president Yahya Jammeh has left the country. Many Gambians are celebrating.

    Video: Gambia crisis ends as Yahya Jammeh leaves for exile
    More on
  18. 2 часа назад
  19. 3 часа назад

    Attention this is why you shouldn't be education secretary: you don't know jack.

  20. 2 часа назад

    this sign is hilarious.

  21. 8 часов назад

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