  1. 1月23日

    Total redundancies in the QR training area during Newman Govt era.

  2. 1月20日

    If you wish to take action against New Acland mine, boycott Soul Pattinson chemists, parent company of New Hope.

  3. 1月21日

    What a cruel hoax on the community to call this abominable open cut coal mine 😷☠️ "New Hope". No hope would be more accurate

  4. 1月20日

    The moment James Ashby leans in to try to make Muslims responsible for Bourke St

  5. 1月20日

    With thanks to & : For people blocked, David Leyonhjelm & Malcolm Roberts on Melb CBD.

  6. 8 小時前
  7. 18 小時前

    candidate for Mulgrave Peter Rogers dumped by Pauline Hanson over Port Arthur & Syrian boy

  8. Who is surprised? "Man charged with police assault in 'invasion day' march is organiser"

  9. 1月27日

    I'm having thoughts about a petition to rename April 1st "Sen Malcolm Roberts Day".

  10. 1月26日

    Labour Day is historically significant in Qld because of the 1891 Shearers' Strike

  11. 1月26日

    Would prefer a compensatory Fascist Day to offset Labour Day? Perhaps Hitler's birthday?

  12. In light of today's protests I propose we move Labour Day to April 1st. I will bring on a motion first week of parliament

  13. Happy . From Buderim Tavern. Sunshine Coast. Come along and have a beer with us.

  14. 1月25日

    Michaelia Cash dismisses as "human error" donor Sarina Russo over private data street dump

  15. 1月25日

    Qld cabbies to donate $2.3m to One Nation for next Qld election. Prob not #1 on my list of 'ways to win people back from Uber'...

  16. 1月24日
  17. 1月24日

    Huge story This company asks us to trust them with our aquifers. Please RT

  18. 1350+ Peer-Reviewed Scientific Papers Supporting Sceptic Arguments Against ACC/AGW Alarmism

  19. 1月24日

    Pauline Hanson's Australian take on a catchphrase. Steve Dickson announced as PHON Qld leader.

  20. 1月23日

    Turning point: solar power now cheaper than wind energy : Renew Economy


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