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  2. Retwitteado 50 veces

    . plays down reports of a backbench revolt over the coalition's super changes

    .@A_Sinodinos says coalition backbenchers were aware of the party's...
  3. Vote Compass? Confirmation bias much?

  4. Bronwyn Bishop says is 'throwing money' at problems

    Bronwyn Bishop says @billshortenmp is 'throwing money' at problems
  5. Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop tells 'it's not all about me'

    Frm speaker Bronwyn Bishop tells @David_Speers 'it's not all about...
  6. When it comes to acting on climate change, trust Labor. I lead my party, Mr Turnbull's party leads him.

    Only Labor Will Grow Renewables
    Labor’s positive policies on renewable energy will reverse the three years of destruction wrought by the Abbott-Turnbull Government on this growth industry which employs 20,000 Australians.
  7. Este Tweet no está disponible.
  8. super duper liberal party

  9. Former Labor Defence Materiel minister and Eden-Monaro candidate

  10. vote climate vote labor

  11. Socialist policies ruined Venezuela !

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