검색 결과
  1. 계정 모두 보기

  2. During the chaos caused by 1 man, I only want to remember all of the world of 1 thing, the first of the

  3. Raise You Voice For Defender Narges Mohammadi, 16 Yrs Sentence is a Complete Travesty of Justice. RT Please

  4. Julian detained without charge/ questioning for 6yrs! NO fresh air, exercise or life sustaining sunshine for 4yrs!

  5. Today is a great day to stand up for , against sexism, racism, homophobia and hate:

  6. As eyewitness2 I urge all orgs &freedom-loving ppl 2legally deal w/ responsible 4this massacre 4Dsake ofDexecuted

  7. Congratulations USA President Do not forget to defend and prisoners of conscience against radicalization.

  8. More soon. It is going to be harsh for the , , and others soon, As 's promises go against ...

  9. Q: Could Trump build a wall between USA and Mexico? A: Not if it would restrict immigration.

  10. . presents 's , the national follow-up system at intersessional panel

  11. Authority and media, break them. I want to save the SMAP! Please listen to the people's voice.

  12. Illegal custody of 2 months. 12th press club 4pm. Support defender

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