
Podcasting is a convenient way of automatically downloading audio or video files to your computer. You can then play this audio or video on your computer or transfer the files to a portable MP3 or video player.

'Podcast' generally refers to audio. 'Video Podcast' (or 'Vodcast') refers to the distribution of video files in the same manner.

Use the navigation to the left to browse all ABC podcasts, or check out the highlights below. For technical assistance and further information, visit the FAQs section.

Featured Podcasts

Confession Booth

Confession Booth, ABC Radio

(Duration: 12 mins, Updated weekly)

Confession Booth is a night of brutal honesty, catharsis and absolution. Everybody has a deep, dark secret - until they tell an entire roomful of people eager to hear about the most embarrassing, appalling or surprisingly touching moment of their lives. Hear live recorded stories from Tracey Spicer, Brendan Cowell, Lewis Hobba, Michael Hing and more. Be awed, horrified and enthralled by the things that they’ve done and feel relieved that you’re not the only one with a shameful little secret.

Rum, Rebels & Ratbags

Rum, Rebels & Ratbags, ABC Radio

(Duration: 12 mins, Updated weekly)

Rum, Rebels & Ratbags is history not for the faint-hearted. Historian and author of 'Girt' David Hunt and ABC 702 Sydney's Dom Knight uncover the characters and events left out of your high school history class. Sir Joseph Banks wasn't just 'that plant guy', but a celebrity playboy botanist who decided Australia was just the place for a penal colony. The lady on the $20 note, Mary Reibey, was deported to Australia for horse theft and cross-dressing, but what she did next will surprise you. A French monkey and a South African cat circumnavigated Australia.

Science Vs

Science Vs, ABC Radio

(Duration: 30 mins, Updated weekly)

Science journalist Wendy Zukerman dissects the latest fad framing itself as scientific fact. Each week, Wendy wades through the mass of (dis)information so you don't have to and tackles the tough questions: Do women and men have different brains? Is porn changing the way we have sex? Does race exist? Is sugar really that bad for you?

Beyond the Lab

Beyond the Lab, ABC Local

(Duration: 26 min, filesize: 50 MB, Updated monthly)

Beyond the Lab is more than a program just for science nerds. Each month David Murray tells amazing stories about real people and the sometimes surprising ways that science affects us all.

Popular Podcasts

Conversations with Richard Fidler

Conversations with Richard Fidler, ABC Local

(Duration: 45 min, filesize: 15 MB, Updated daily)

Spend an hour in someone else's life each weekday. 'Conversations with Richard Fidler' draws you deeper into the life story of someone you may have heard about, but never met.


Nerdzilla, Local Radio

(Duration: 40 mins, filesize: 20 MB, Updated fortnightly)

Nerdzilla is made for comic readers, sci-fi lovers, IT geeks, fantasists, gamers, technophiles and Mensa members. We look at the latest in nerd culture, meet famous geeks, debate silly topics, and review everything from famous films to obscure board games. Find out more on our website, Facebook page and Twitter feed.


StarStuff, Science

(Duration: 30 min, filesize: 15 MB, Updated weekly)

Hosted by Stuart Gary, StarStuff takes us on a weekly journey across the universe to see the death of stars and the birth of new worlds. StarStuff's tour of the cosmos examines those ultimate questions: where do we come from?; and are we alone? From Einstein's relativity theory to quantum mechanics, StarStuff reports on the latest news and discoveries in science, with a special focus on astronomy, space sciences and cosmology.


AM, News & Current Affairs

(Duration: 30 min, filesize: 13 MB, Updated daily)

AM is Australia's most informative morning current affairs. It covers the stories each morning that the other current affairs teams follow for the rest of the day.

Late Night Live

Late Night Live, ABC RN

(Duration: 60 min, filesize: 25 MB, Updated daily)

Long Nights LNL podcast gives you the whole of Late Night Live from start to finish in a continuous mp3 file, as Phillip Adams invites you to eavesdrop on his conversations with the world's brilliant and controversial thinkers.


PM, News & Current Affairs

(Duration: 50 min, filesize: 22 MB, Updated daily)

ABC radio news and current affairs afternoon program reporting on Australia and the world.

The Science Show

The Science Show, ABC RN

(Duration: 60 min, filesize: 22 MB, Updated weekly)

RN's science flagship: your essential source of what's making news in the complex world of scientific research, scandal and discovery. The Science Show with Robyn Williams is one of the longest running programs on Australian radio.

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