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Three dead after car crashed into pedestrians in Melbourne

Three dead after car crashed into pedestrians in Melbourne

Melbourne is in mourning tonight after three people were killed, and at least 20 injured, when a car drove into pedestrians. Victoria Police Chief Commissioner Graham Ashton joins 7.30 to discuss the tragic incident.
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Australia in firing line if US and China go to war, experts say

Australia in firing line if US and China go to war, experts say

If a major conflict erupted between the US and China many observers believe it will happen right here in Australia's backyard.
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Michael Fullilove on what to expect from a Donald Trump presidency

Michael Fullilove on what to expect from a Donald Trump presidency

Michael Fullilove, executive director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy, on what to expect from a Donald Trump presidency.
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Donald Trump declares open season on the media

Donald Trump declares open season on the media

Donald Trump has declared open season on some journalists and the world's most powerful news organisations.
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Granny and her band raising money for Washington protest

Granny and her band raising money for Washington protest

Alice Donahue, 84, and her band Granny and the Boys are raising money for the Women's March on Washington.
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