

Below you can see ideas members of the WordPress community (like you!) have proposed, and rate them. The highest rated ideas will be included in a future version, so if you have an idea let us know here.

4,611 ideas, 73,089 votes, and counting

Latest Ideas

Drupal like menus in WordPress
0 Votes
Quick Note
1 Vote
standardised css and js delivery
0 Votes
Multiple Theme Customization on Active Site
0 Votes
Add a "Remove All Menu" button
12 Votes
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Accessibility – Suggestions for making WordPress more accessible and ADA-compliant 149
Comments – Suggestions about how to handle comment features 69
Editing – Suggestions around creation of content 298
Email – Suggestions around any of the built-in email features 30
Functions and Hooks – Suggestions for improved functions, new actions or filters 342
i18n – Suggestions around translation 27
Media – Images, Video, Music, ... 265
Performance – Suggestions on making WordPress better/faster/stronger 117
Taxonomy – Suggestions around categories, tags, custom taxonomies 66
UI and Design – Making WordPress usable and pretty 306
User Roles – Suggestions about user roles and permissions 42
Widgets – Suggestions for the way widgets work 103
General – When your idea doesn't fit anywhere else 2,797

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