BP 2.8.1

2.8.1 is now available https://buddypress.org/2017/02/buddypress-2-8-1-maintenance-release/

BuddyPress 2.8.0 – “San Matteo”

Final release BuddyPress 2.8.0 is now available to anyone:


BP Codex Summary for 2016

Status Update

There were three BP major releases (2.5.0, 2.6.0, and 2.7.0) and 18 minor releases by the all-volunteer BuddyPress contributors in 2016. These activities have generated the following stats for the codex to date:

  • 13 New Articles
  • 21 Release Change Logs
  • 43 Articles Updated

Props to Codex Contributors, 2016

Many thanks to everyone who contributed new articles or updated published posts from January 1 – December 31, 2016!

BP 2.8.0 RC1

2.8.0 RC1 is now available: https://buddypress.org/2017/02/buddypress-2-8-0-release-candidate-1/

#2-8, #rc

General Summary as of February 6, 2017

Apologies for not posting updates here lately. This is a compilation of all the dev chats for January 4, 11, 18, 25, and February 1 plus relevant activities.

BuddyPress 2.8

BP 2.8 Trac

BP Email: Allow end user to specify which PHPMailer should be used (#7286). @djpaul has committed patch to trunk.

Alphabetical sorting in the group widget (#7313). @dcavins has committed patch to trunk.

Make group search more flexible (#7418). @dcavins has committed patch to trunk.

Use BP_Groups_Group::get() where possible (#7419). @dcavins has committed patch to trunk.

get_group_extras function doesn’t “respects” the user_id variable from groups_get_groups() function (#6431). Ticket punted to Future Release.

BP 2.8 – Prevent loading if PHP < 5.3 (#7277). @boonebgorges has commited patch to trunk.

Add View link for users on BP Signups page (#7261). @slaFFik has committed patch to trunk.

Group Types Default Pagination Broken (#7423). @r-a-y has committed patch to trunk.

When user is not logged , in he/she clicks email link to view new messages gets 404 page when should get login page (#7349). Ticket punted to BP 2.9.

XProfile: use filterable field input name in radio/checkbox field type (#7425). @offereins has committed patch to trunk.

Group and member template functions should check current group/member as well (#3842). Ticket punted to Future Release.

Notice: Trying to get property of non-object (#7329). @r-a-y has committed patch to trunk.

Welcome Screen for 2.8.0 (#7426). Under construction.

Hook for custom email type schema (#7431). @DJPaul has committed patch to trunk.

Update and fix all the NPM things (#7429). Ticket punted to BP 2.9.

XProfile: a group’s first field becomes last after save (#7428). @offereins has committed patch to trunk.

BuddyCamp Miami, March 24, 2017

WordCamp Miami hosts BuddyCamp for the 6th time and this year, expect a REST API workshop along with interesting BuddyPress topics in this single full-day event.

As of Feb. 6, topics for the “BuddyCamp + REST API” track on Friday, March 24th, include:

  • “BuddyPress 101: What You Need To Know” by David Laietta
  • “Taming BuddyPress” by Tanner Moushey
  • “A BuddyPress Case Study” by Tara Claeys
  • “How To Build A WordPress/BuddyPress Mobile App” by Brian Messenlehner
  • “The State of BuddyPress” by John James Jacoby
  • “Working With The WordPress REST API” by Joseph Van
  • …more speakers and surprises to come!

WordCamp Miami 2017 will be held over the course of three days, March 24-26, at Florida International University.

Initial list of speakers for the BuddyCamp + REST API Track on March 24. Top row, L – R: David Laietta, John James Jacoby, Tanner Moushey. Bottom row, L – R: Joseph Van, Brian Messenlehner, Tara Claeys. (Image from WordCamp Miami 2017 site)

Release Leads: Call for Volunteers

BuddyPress 2.8 will be released in a couple of weeks, and it’s time for our community to start considering release leads for BuddyPress 2.9 and 3.0.

Our experiments with the release lead role over the last year have worked out well, and for BuddyPress 2.9 and onwards, we’re opening up the nomination process publicly for improved transparency.

The release lead works with all contributors to ensure the success of the release. The role blends aspects of being a product manager, project manager, engineering manager, release manager, and community manager. Release leads do not need to be developers, but having experience contributing to open source projects is required.

Release leads are supported by the lead developers, the project team, and deputies of their choosing. Volunteering as a release deputy is a great way to give it a try and learn about the process, but with a smaller time commitment.

For the sake of clarity, BuddyPress release leads and their deputies, between them, can expect to:

  • Run our weekly project meeting, and write and publish meeting notes on our development blog.
  • Coordinate blog posts and announcements on social media.
  • Make final decisions about whether a proposed feature is able to be put into the release.
  • Help new contributors make their contributions seen and heard in project meetings.

While BuddyPress is built by people volunteering their own time, contributing whatever they want, however they want, the release lead should take advantage of their position and use it to shape BuddyPress. For example, if the release lead feels that the next release should have a focus on specific aspects, we expect them to declare this, and try to encourage regular contributors to make that a reality.

Are you interested?

If you are interested in volunteering to be a release lead, please comment here or contact either myself (@djpaul), Boone (@boone), or John (@jjj) on Slack.


BuddyPress 2.8.0 Beta 1 is now available!

It’s shipped and ready for testing! Details in a blog post:
