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BiancaNogrady 23h
That looks amazing! Hard to tell the size when you're in it.
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Michael Slezak 23h
. and it's not even half of it!
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BiancaNogrady 23h
That makes me very happy.
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Michael Slezak 23h
. Organisers say 5000 people. But unusually, that seems like an underestimate to me.
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Ben Cubby 23h
and they're walking so quickly
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Michael Slezak 23h
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Rachel Baker 19h
It was a great day with an inspirational atmosphere.
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Arden_Forester 16h
I hazard a guess alternative views may be seized upon with degree of venom. Intolerant masquerade more than march for tolerance
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kym 15h
this is great
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Recite News 9h
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Michael Slezak 8h
This is what I was doing when you said "hi"! Sorry I didn't stop and chat! x
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Jazz Katz 6h
Unalloyed hypocrisy
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Jazz Katz 6h
This is better. The left is full of whiners and Marxists who can't see in front of their faces. Not one march against rapefugees in Europe🤔
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Maddie 6h
What are they protesting? Muslims stoning women to death? Burqas? Im confused.
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Fergal Gallagher 6h
Hi I'm with ABC News Did you shoot this video? If so can we use it on all ABC platforms/partners with credit to you/Guardian?
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Jazz Katz 6h
Exactly. Hypocrites should be protesting the only president at war every day of his term. How many innocents did he drone?
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Jazz Katz 6h
Guess the Dems don't need exaggerating BLM for votes anymore? And the fake news attacks on DJT? Since he won they're not needed too? 🤔
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Maddie 6h
Lol. Just like terror alerts before Bush Kerry election. 2 sides of same coin.
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kym 5h
because that's a racist myth - so get lost
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