Performance Matters

Andrew May

Workplace performance expert Andrew May is a Partner at KPMG Performance Clinic, a best-selling author and keynote speaker. He has spent the past 20 years helping business leaders and their teams improve performance, productivity and wellbeing.


Performance Matters

Let the good ideas flow

How can you reach that elusive state where solutions and decisions just come easier?

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Performance Matters

Turn that frown upside down

Is your first instinct to expect the worst? It's not too late to look on the bright side.

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Performance Matters

Take back your lunch break

Stopping work to have a quick lunch break is the key to having a productive afternoon.

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Many companies are installing "nap pods" to encourage staff to recharge via a quick snooze.

Performance Matters

Why you need a nana nap

A quick siesta daily can make you mentally sharper, and likely to live longer.

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Time spent practising breathing will repay dividends in lowered stress levels.

Performance Matters

Just stop and breathe

The most natural physiological function can also be one of the hardest to master.

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