The Long Run

Laura Hill

The goal of one day completing an ultra-marathon inspires running fanatic Laura Hill to clock up the kilometres each week. With a day job in the corporate world, Laura loves nothing more than lacing up her runners and hitting the pavement to clear her mind and challenge her body.

Walking  Exercising  Sport  Trainer  Running  Human Leg  Outdoors  Women  Jogging  People  Motivation  Effort  ...

The long run

Partner politics

Finding the right person to train with isn't just about running at the same speed.

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Sports drink, nutrient water.

The Long Run

Thirsty work

The weather is warming up, which means, for runners, it's time to get serious about replacing the fluids you lose while on the move.

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You'll never regret going for a run if you can just get yourself started!

The Long Run

Get up and go

Putting on your shoes and getting out the door is often the biggest mental challenge. Here are ten tips to get you out.

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The Long Run

Why dickheads don't run

Hang out with enough runners and you'll notice one curious thing ... they're all nice people.

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The Long Run

Just suck it up

We're told to 'listen' to our bodies but sometimes you have to turn a deaf ear and just get on with it.

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Liam Adams: first over the line at this year's City2Surf.

The Long Run

Time to go harder

If you want a faster time at next year's City2Surf, you'll need to get a bit more scientific with your training.

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The Long Run

Agony and ecstasy

Why some training runs are pure gold and others feel like you have lead in your shoes.

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The Long Run

Digging the dirt

Back to nature... a growing breed of runners is heading 'off piste' to enjoy the pleasures of the trail.

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The Long Run

Mind games

Marathoners know it as “hitting that wall"... what tactics do you use to make it all the way to the end?

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The Long Run

Words to move you

Born to run... It’s their inner journey that makes a long-distance runner's story so compelling.

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The Long Run

Competing interests

Do you live to race or do you prefer to go your own way?

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